Perimenopause and Skipped Heartbeats?
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I'm perimenopausesal, and I get skipped heartbeats, especially when laying down. Are the two related? Has anyone else experienced skipped heartbeats during perimenopause?
2 likes, 31 replies
Sochima822 connie00312
Yes, it's common during the perimenopausal phase.
DearDoe connie00312
connie00312 DearDoe
Thank you. It's been driving me crazy, but's good to know that its normal.
maisie05 connie00312
Yes I was worrying about this six months ago. I had ecg and 24 hour heart monitor. It was waking me with a jolt and very scary. Heart thudding and missing beats. I was told I had an ectopic heartbeat, nothing to worry about. British heart foundation has a leaflet explaining common in menopausal women. I've cut out caffiene and drink very little alcohol and this has helped. And knowing it's nothing to worry about helps to ride with it. Controlled breathing helps.
Rhino2015 maisie05
bobbysgirl maisie05
Same here maisie!
They didn't even tell me what it was - just what it was NOT.
Still scary, and quite draining.
Michellestar87 connie00312
connie00312 Michellestar87
It's so scary. But at least now' I know it's normal.
debbie03785 connie00312
maria101 connie00312
helen64949 connie00312
connie00312 helen64949
Thanks Helen. When I'm laying in bed, I swear I'm going to die if I go to sleep. It's making me a nervous wreck. Biut it's good to know that I'm okay.
looloo43 connie00312
Hi Connie, yes i do, they only last a a few seconds but it's not a nice feeling! its a common peri symptom. it can also be present if thyroid levels unbalanced, so you get them checked at your docs to rule out xx
connie00312 looloo43
Thank you looloo. It's such a scary feeling. But it's good to know that it's normal.
jamie50513 connie00312
I get skipped heartbeats, and also the racing heart. It's scary when happening, but you will be ok. It's a peri symptom and can also be unbalanced thyroid levels.