Perimenopause and tendon issues???
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This year I turned 45 and Peri went full blast hard and is destroying me!!!
I developed tendonitis in my elbow and now have tendonitis in my ankle. I always worked out hard, so I was assuming my ligaments tendons were strong!
My muscle and bones are great they say and I only have some minor arthritis in my big toe and ac joint.
Sometimes I’m sitting around and feel a pinched nerve feeling, my neck goes stiff, also maybe some joint pain . I have reduced my exercise down 50% and feel really paranoid Im gonna keep hurting myself.
Does anyone have this!
Do you think lack estrogen is causing my symptoms????
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sarah23407 Aberzerk72
I have tendonitis in my wrist and possibly in my thumb on the same hand which is preventing me from doing certain Pilates moves. It’s really annoying I just hope it passes when we come out the other side of the menopause. I can’t offer any advice sorry
gailannie Aberzerk72
I wanted to mention that one of my biggest symptoms when I hit menopause was severe and chronic muscle and ligament pain. It was constant and debilitating.
Finally, vaginal atrophy/dryness/painful sex set in, and I was given vagina Estrace for that problem. One unexpected outcome was that all my muscle and ligament pain went away. I couldn't believe it! I had seen 12 doctors looking for help. But for me this was an estrogen reaction. (Note: estrogen is an anti-inflammatory)
carmen_22574 gailannie
carmen_22574 gailannie
Aberzerk72 gailannie
Was ur cream estrogen only right? Is that considered bio identical hormone?? Do You have to pay a lot?
gailannie Aberzerk72
I used the brand name Estrace in a vaginal cream form. No, it's certainly not cheap. Yes it is bio identical estradiol. I couldn't believe the change. My nail grew, my hair got full and thick, I got my arm hair back, slept great. I know my dryness was bad, but for me it was going systemic.
Aberzerk72 gailannie
So I sit in Gyno appt for 1.5 hrs only to be told my blood for hormone check is to be done on 3rd day of my period. When is that showing up? Who knows!
Why is this so annoying lol
gailannie Aberzerk72
Yep I know what you're talking about. But your physician should be able to write the order, and when your period comes, go in on day three for the blood draw. At the very least, I'm glad your physician knows to do it at that time. Lab draws are expensive and won't tell you much if you go in at the wrong time. But a reading in the early part of your cycle can show how bad the decline really is. So hang in there girl, this information might be really helpful.
coansha Aberzerk72
I’ve been searching on dr google as you are my twin! Was fit, strong, now terrible shoulder pain, tendonitis both arms and aching limbs...only been on hrt patches 2 months but may need to change as was not this bad before, I feel 70.
Im hoping you got some help!
julie49892 Aberzerk72
vicky77852 Aberzerk72
Hope your all well.
My belief about my tendon issues has become somewhat multifaceted.
I believe that aging
, overuse, and a lack of estrogen all played a role in my tendon disorders.
What this means is....
Workout like your 40 and not 20! But stay active!
Keep a diet high in veggies, keep your gluten low, add turmeric and pineapple with anti inflammatory properties in your diet.
Replenish your estrogen. I can’t take hormones sadly bc I am allergic to both the cream and pill additives. I substitute using soy.
Lastly, alwaysssssssss hydrate!!! As much as I despise water. Drink 25% of your body weight. At 106 lbs I’m going to drink 25-30 oz a day. Don’t overdo it tho bc toxicity can happen.
Good luck ladies!!
julie49892 Aberzerk72
vicky77852 Aberzerk72
julie49892 vicky77852
Unfortunately my hormone levels are still within normal range. My physio thinks a lot is coming from my pelvic prolapse which I didn’t realise until it had really dropped my posture had started to change and therefore affecting the tendons and the muscle tension. Physio does seem to be helping slowly lol but I just want the tendonitis fixed now I’m not very patient