Perimenopause and turning 50/anxiety and depressed
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Hello ladies, I need some help again...I am turning 50 in two days and for the first time in my life I feel old. I know I should be grateful for being healthy and alive and having a wonderful husband and two great kids, 8 and 15. However, my emotional state a week or two before my period is hell. I am actually feeling hypersensative to everything. Now I am five days in to my period, which is getting lighter and shorter at least. But, i am weepy and sad and feeling nervous. One minute I want to go out the next I want to crawl into bed. I just joined a gym for yoga classes and light aerobics. I see a Psychiatrist and i am on Paxil and Nortriptyline for generalized anxiety disorder. Of course the Peri is making it worse. Just need to know how you ladies are coping and feeling. I feel isolated and very alone, I take Xanax when the anxiety gets really bad. I could use some support and I know I can find it here. Thank you
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monique_93857 jennifer85396
I know how you feel I will be 51 in sept I have been through this the anxious feeling does come with menopause I play with a rubber band in my wrist when it gets really bad I keep telling my it's just hormone levels getting out of control it helps me not sure if it helps others but I've not taken anything for it I pray pray pray it calms me down also I've been told when we take things for menopause yea they do help but when we come off anything the symptoms come back so I've been doing this all natural no meds except my blood pressure meds nothing else I'm praying for all of us to get through this with this menopause crap
michelle50768 monique_93857
Awful isn't it. I'm also doing it natural. Nine years now. Only two periods the last eight months but the nausea this whole week is bringing me to tears. I'm also suffering anxiety. With the nausea I have to keep reminding myself it's just hormones. I have a hard time believing that at the moment. Hang in there ladies x
2chr2015 michelle50768
michelle50768 jennifer85396
All I can do is pray for you my love. I've got no advice to give as I'm in the same boat. I'm 49 by the way. The ladies here are amazing. I'm sure you will find the help you need here xx
joie973 jennifer85396
Jennifer I understand how you feel , it's not a fun thing to deal with the sadness emotionaltimes are so hard to deal with I did everything you did as well . I hope you have a better day today!
jodie52910 jennifer85396
hi jennifer,
just saw your post - i only found this forum today - and i know how you feel..
Im 52 and struggling a bit too- i'm still getting periods and odd symptoms - I'm doing it natural with no HRT or meds and its been a roller coaster for sure - i've forgotten how normal feels - i think i had a flash of it one day last yeah lol! But, one thing that may help is, i have to say, i think it does get a bit easier each year: like when i started going through peri at 48/49 the emotional ups and downs were really bad; but as time has gone on it does settle a bit and now i'm 52 its more level and ur emotions do start to even out again.. even tho i still get morning anxiety, but even that did go for about 3 months at a time last year when i was 51 with no meds so it can get ease up and your's will.. I use magnesium citrate tablets for the anxiety and they can take the edge off it and i use flower essences and relaxing herbal tea (tho not too herbal stuff as herbs can be unpredicatble with hormone balance etc).
The other thing i do is relaxation or beautiful peaceful guided meditations off the internet and watch lots of reality tv etc! i feel much better in the evenings than mornings... i'm hoping to move house soon too an area where i can join a women's spiritual group etc as its so quiet where i live so i know what u mean about being isolated.. keep posting and we'll all stick together x
nuss999 jennifer85396
Hi, I,ve probably gone through the worst 6 months of my life. I used to get dreadful pmt , but this has been so much worse. I do take HRT but have some side effects. I think that the benefits win and I'll persevere though. I don't know how my husband has put up with me ??. The anxiety and agitation pre HRT was awful. I take sunflower capsules , vit B6 and B12 too and this enables me to live a relatively normal life. I throw in some boxing exercise and walk the dogs and when I feel the need to be alone , I do just that and listen to my favourite music. Symptoms are so subjective and I hope you find a solution that suits you. I think that as mothers/wives etc we spend so m8ch time thinking about everyone else , now is the time to look after you...??
joie973 nuss999
Kris1012 jennifer85396
I have same up and downs with emotional issues!! Just going crazy !! Been trying to find support group in my small town nothing found!! This group is ok but would prefer talk to someone one on one!!
joie973 Kris1012
maisie05 Kris1012
There are no groups near me either, seems to be a taboo subject. I just rely on my sister and close friend for moaning to. But they have had hysterectomy and on hrt.
This forum has saved me from thinking I'm going mad. Any time, any day, any trivial matter, always someone there to listen.
2chr2015 jennifer85396
tina01904 jennifer85396
tina01904 jennifer85396
Isn't it horrible! Recently turned 50 and have felt really anxious a lot of the time. Been put on hrt to see if it helps, has reduced anxiety slightly.
It's nice to speak to women sharing similar as it feels really isolating and scary at times. I met a lady through work yesterday in a similar position and we actually took the mickey out of our selves which in a way really helped!
I would love to start a group in my area just to share experiences and even have a giggle!
maisie05 tina01904
tina01904 maisie05
The more I start reading about it, I realise how common it is. I always thought going through and leading up to the change I may get hot flushes, which incidently I'm not getting, just anxiety, depression, tiredness and brain fog! Had a good day today though so feeling quite content at the moment. Thanks for welcoming me
lin20417 tina01904
tina01904 lin20417