perimenopause aneamia. IM so exhausted! !!
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Please help ladies
Ive been diagnosed aneamic due to heavy perimenopause periods.
Been on ferrous gluconate one a day but still feeling very bad. I also started another period yesterday so im probably going to lose the little iron ive stored. My anxiety is kicking in telling me something drastic is wrong with me.. I cant even go up the stairs without getting breathless. How long does it take for iron to make me feel better. I thought I should be by now. Im getting myself in such a state because my mind is telling me aneamia cant make you feel that bad?
Any ideas ladies x
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Trish123 michelle50768
Keep taking on your period. Also high in iron are the following foods:
spinach, Mexican pinto beans (Mexicans eat them at every meal), red meat (although this is hard to digest and may tire you.)
please let let us know how your doing....anemia runs in our family. I know how you feel. Get lots of rest and slow down. Take care.
michelle50768 Trish123
As im not able to tale on an empty stomach im wondering I might not be absorbing as much?
I keep trying to push myself to do things but end up so frustrated because my body just wont cooperate right now.
I come home from my morning calls as a carer and im done.
Thanks again x
You know how it is with perimenopause anxiety. I mihht be just panicking as well. I dont know.
Chris1230 michelle50768
michelle50768 Chris1230
Peri anxiety is awful right now.
Thank you so much for replying xx
Chris1230 michelle50768
Yes the breathlessness is normal for anemia. It's really not a good sign though because that means your iron is very low. 300mg is a LOT of iron (are you sure that's not "mcg"?) I would think that your body cannot handle that much at one time and you'd be better off on a dose that can be taken in smaller amounts throughout the day. The normal dose prescribed here in the US is 65MG. I know gluconate is easier on the stomach so maybe that comes in different dosages. I found an easy iron that is highly absorbable which is 25 mg and you can take it throughout the day. I (as well as my friend) have done much better on that one than the traditional tablets.
Also, anxiety is a HUGE part of anemia so it may not be perimenopause doing that to you. I had a lot of anxiety when my iron was low. It was horrible. As soon as I corrected that, I had a wonderful feeling of calm come over me. Now my friend is in peri and is anemic and has no anxiety it all.
Emis Moderator comment: I have removed product/company names as we do not allow repeated posting of these in the forums. If users wish to exchange these details please use the Private Message service.
Trish123 michelle50768
michelle50768 Trish123
toffeecushion michelle50768
michelle50768 toffeecushion
Chris1230 michelle50768
The vitamin C with iron is a good idea. Some tablets here, combine the two (the brand Vitron C comes to mind).
I used to always buy these sachet packets of natural liquid iron (came from an iron rich spring in Wales) and I would dump it in a glass of orange juice. This was very gentle, a low dose, but because it was naturally occurring and not packed in a tablet, it was highly absorbable. This got my iron up quickly too, but I did have a hard time in the US getting my hands on this stuff. You might have better luck wherever you are.
michelle50768 Chris1230
Chris1230 michelle50768
michelle50768 Chris1230