Perimenopause anxiety horrible
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I have always suffered from some anxiety. I have been in perimenopause since I was 47. I am now 52 this month and haven't had a period in 5 months. My problem is that right before I am suppose to have a period my anxiety sky rockets. Last about 10 days. I think the worst of all my symptoms which only makes it worse. I take meds for my anxiety but it doesn't help during this period of time. I hate this! Can anyone relate?
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MoodyNoire celeste_95146
I think that right before it's time to start your period is when your estrogen levels hit their lowest levels and for me that's when my anxiety gets really intense.
Yellow88 celeste_95146
Its rotten, hang on in there!!
celeste_95146 Yellow88
How much Magnesium. My doctor has me on a woman's multi vitamin. Should I take additional magnesium and b vitamins. I am also on Effexor for the anxiety. When its time right before I am suppose to get a period my anxiety is off the charts. No period in the las 4 months. I felt better when I was actually having one.
ImagineOneDay celeste_95146
sarahonadowner celeste_95146
Hi Celeste I can definitely relate i was in MacDonalds with my children a couple of weeks ago when I had a massive panic attack. It scared me so much I just had to get out of there and go home. This was followed by a week of intense anxiety along with all the symptoms which then set my mind racing and before I knew it I had my own funeral planned.
It subsided after my period ( never know when to expect it anymore), but it never totally goes away. I take Estroven and have cut caffeine which helps a little but I just have to soldier on, privately miserable and wondering if theres an end to this craziness. I believe these symptoms started jyst as I turned 40. I will be 46 this year. Hang on in there and much love xx
lisa97672 celeste_95146
celeste_95146 lisa97672
Yes I am on Effexor for my anxiety. When I feel my hormones going up and down the medicine doesn't control it. I have xanax for the tough times but I don't like using them. When I am in a rational state I know it's hormones but when the anxiety is bad my mind races.
alice1209 lisa97672
Hi all....
So my saga continues. After having streaky blood in my discharge for about two weeks I decided to go to the doctor.... my usual doctor wasn't available so I se a different GP.
As I've said previously I've been on citalopram for 8 years now for my health anxiety that came after the birth of my second child. Anyway, I explained the problem to the GP and she immediately said we better take a Pap test, I said I'd had one 5 months ago and though it may be menopause related, she stated that as my periods have been regular to date, it can't be that, and she was more concerned about cervical of course that sent my health anxiety in to total overdrive!!!
I then explained to her about my increased anxiety and mild panic attacks... and the feeling of being detached, unable to sleep, she then said my anxiety was worsening and I had to see a psychologist...
So, my periods started yesterday ( 5 days early), not quite normal, they seem to be
starting and stopping... but I have the usual cramps and sore back etc.., however I'm now in a state of constant anxiety as I'm convincing myself I have cervical cancer ( even although I have a pap every year and they have always been clear) and its not the menopause .... !!
Any advice please ladies!
lisa97672 celeste_95146
That is exactly how I am!! I am on 5 mg of lexapro. Doesn't a really do anything. I use to take celexa. Worked like a charm for all the past 13 years. The. Slowly anxiety started. To now where it's outta control some days. But some days I am completely fine Like you I realize it's just hormones whe. I am not feeling oit. When I am anxiety oit now. I just tell myself it will pass and I WILL feel good again ! It calms me down. Also I take xanax for the really tough days. Mostly just at night to sleep Sometimes I can go weeks without none. The. Boom. Hormones act up. Can't wait to this stabilizes Have a great day !
celeste_95146 lisa97672
Makes me feel better to know I am not alone in this craziness and it's real.
alice1209 lisa97672
It's just awful isn't it.... my doctor has now given me dimazepan for night time to help me sleep... I just feel every week I'm taking more and more drugs....
I also can't bear my periods being so erratic, they are coming and going, I don't know what I'm doing!
lisa97672 celeste_95146
alice1209 lisa97672
lisa97672 alice1209
alice1209 lisa97672
I'm thinking of trying meditation . We will get through this!🤞🏻😊
lisa97672 alice1209
I will research some meditation. I was doing so well for a few weeks then outta no where's I get this horrible anxiety My mind won't stop racing, it's like I am on adrenaline ! Ugh. I hope we get through sooner then later. Thanks for your support today 😌