Perimenopause at 41??
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I'm just wondering whether I have started perimenopause, as I'm only 41, or just going through hormonal imbalance.
After a bad reaction to Mirena coil 4 months ago (I had it removed after 2 weeks) I've been suffering from brain fog and tiredness. Also I've had a few hot flashes/flushes, a few night sweats, headaches suddenly feeling emotional or overwhelmed, dizzy feelings, lack of energy and just generally feeling really weird/not myself. My last 2 periods have been much closer together than what is 'normal' for me.
All my bloods and hormone levels are within the normal my oestrogen levels which were low, but that was at day 3 of my cycle.
Any help or advice on how to manage 'brain fog' and tiredness would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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vicky77852 al37045
al37045 vicky77852
Thanks for the advice. How did you know that you were peri?
tina00239 al37045
al37045 tina00239
tina00239 al37045
al37045 tina00239
vicky77852 al37045
tina00239 vicky77852
kelle34850 vicky77852
Hello! I am 41 also and having similar symptoms. I actually have a few more too. My periods are regular but have moved closer together and are lighter.
What was your estradiol level? I feel that mine were lower than optimal for my age cycle day 3 it was 44 and mid cycle was 78. I have started going to a Dr that specializes in BHRT and she doesn't want to put me on estrogen yet. Instead she wants to add a low dose of testosterone in the am and progesterone in the pm. I am nervous the progesterone will cause me to be depressed but I guess I have to give it a try.
I was just curious at your age what your levels Are?
vicky77852 kelle34850
kelle34850 vicky77852
Thanks for such a quick reply! I go back at the end of March so we'll see what she says. I haven't started the progesterone yet. It's pill form but bioidentical.
vicky77852 kelle34850
I spend my time on line trying to get more information about early meno and it’s consequences. Glad you find my answers helpful! 😊
al37045 kelle34850
I don't have the exact number, but it was less than 55.
I hope the test/proges works out for you.
kelle34850 al37045
Hey, I am 41 and experiencing some of the same symptoms but also more. What are your hormone levels? My estrogen at cycle day 3 was 44 and mid cycle was 78. I feel that is somewhat low for someone my age and would explain the change in my cycles. My Dr is hesitant to start me estrogen yet. She said if you don't really need it, then it will make you feel horrible but I feel horrible right before ovulating and for about a week and a half before my cycle so I might push to start estrogen. She wants me to start testosterone (bioidentical) and progesterone but I am little nervous about those two. You are not alone! I feel like my hormones have changed and therefore have caused these symptoms.
tina00239 kelle34850
kelle34850 tina00239
Yeah, I don't want to go on anything too early. I feel pretty great for about a week and a half to two weeks until ovulation then it all goes down hill. I have 5 young children at home with me that I still have to raise. I homeschool them so they are with me 24/7. I hate that I have changed over night. My energy just isn't what it was a year ago. My sleep isn't either. Ugh! I wasn't prepared for this at this young age with so many young children!!
tina00239 kelle34850
kelle34850 tina00239
Thank you for your kind words! I definitely don't feel like I am any more incredible than any other mum!!
I am actually not that bad. I am able to enjoy most days and it seems some months are be than others. But there are some days that I just can just make it through. I never expected my health to change so much almost over night at such a young age! I was so looking forward to when my baby got a little older (she is 3 now) and I could enjoy the freedom of having kids a little older but now all this!!! Ugh! I want to feel like I did a year ago! Anyways, thanks for your reply.
tina00239 kelle34850