Perimenopause Blah

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Here I am again feeling like I cant take much more sad Why does every morning have to feel like I am either loosing it or having a breakdown? Are mornings rough for anyone else?

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41 Replies

  • Posted

    it's the opposite way round for me Becky.  I wake up feeling quite ok and thinking that it whole thing is over, ha, and then as the day goes on the whole lot starts to creep up.  Evenings are the worst, feel so hot and dizzy and aches and pains start. Can't take much more myself.  just cannot plan my day because of it all.sad

    • Posted

      Im hoping one day we can all wake up and feel normal again. Its sad because when I feel the slight bit better I panic because Im not used to feeling ok sad Hope your gets better. Praying for you!

    • Posted

      Oh Becky, I do that, too!  If things seem much better, I worry about when I'll stop feeling better... how long will it last, etc.  So hard not to do that.

  • Posted

    Do you suffer with a bad stomach and lack of appetite , as well as general aches and pains and just like you're never 100% well ? I also often get a weird taste in my mouth , catarrh and I've heard that you can have problems with a strange ache in your mouth . It's almost like toothache , but around the tooth and gum . Am I going mad with all these symptoms ? Hugs Jane X

    • Posted

      Yes, I have lack of appetite at the moment also weird taste in mouth etc. When is it going to end☹️
    • Posted

      I have the bad taste and the toothache feeling too. Also have the burning mouth on my left side. Some days it is hard to cope.
    • Posted

      Hi Jane, I have lost weight because I couldnt eat. I had to force myself. After I ate I felt like my stomach was digesting minutes later. It has let up off and on. Is that what you are talking about with stomach issues? I will be praying for you today.
  • Posted

    Oh fact the last few days have felt like this for me......hugs Becky x
    • Posted

      Awwww Im sorry that you feel this way too. Its miserable! It scares me because Im afraid that I will give up sad I hope that you start feeling better soon. Praying for you!

    • Posted sorry! What did you do to stop the raging feeling? Im always praying for you!
  • Posted

    I went through a stretch of many months waking up every morning sad and often in tears.  It happens less often now, but generally anything going wrong now leads immediately to feeling hopeless at any time.  As Jane says below, I never feel 100% well anymore.  I'm sorry you are having a rough time... I almost cried at the grocery store just trying to shop.  No rhyme or reason to it.  Keeping you in my prayers.

    • Posted

      Thank you Elizabeth, you give me hope that things will change. I also cry different times throughout the day because I cant believe this is really happening to all of us. I am praying for you daily....thank you for your prayers.
    • Posted

      It is a lot to take in... I have reminded myself many times today that God loves us all and that things will get better again... had a really bad time of it earlier but a little better now.
  • Posted

    Mornings are definitely the worst for me also. Sometimes it will get some easier as the day goes on, but then some days it doesn't. I have been going through this since 2009. I look forward to bedtime so it will be quiet, but I always know what awaits me in the morning. I so hate not ever knowing how I am going to feel. I no longer make plans for anything. Makes it even harder when no one can understand what you are dealing with, but then again I don't understand it myself. I'm a totally different person from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I pray one morning I will wake up and be me again. Until then I will continue to pray. 

    • Posted

      Hi Cass, Im so sorry that you are struggling as well. I am thankful that we have each other to get through this though. My days consist of crying and hopeless in the morning, ok during the afternoon and then back to fear and crying for the evening sad I pray that we all will wake up one morning and feel well again. I hope that you have a good day and I will be praying for you.

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