Perimenopause Blah
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Here I am again feeling like I cant take much more Why does every morning have to feel like I am either loosing it or having a breakdown? Are mornings rough for anyone else?
4 likes, 41 replies
julesmsw becky53379
becky53379 julesmsw
jaimie44465 becky53379
Mornings are the worst for me. It's when I get shaky and nausea.
becky53379 jaimie44465
jaimie44465 becky53379
Cool! I can eat peppermint candy. I'll give it a try. Thank you Becky!
becky53379 jaimie44465
Your welcome! I hope it helps
ruth24048 jaimie44465
I get nausea often in the mornings and I suck on an extra strong mint, they're mints you can buy here in England, I find it does help.
debra06803 becky53379
becky53379 debra06803
debra06803 becky53379
Me too Becky wish it would all wash off in the shower and we would come out feeling like our ole self again! I do wish I hadn't had my surgery never dreamed it would be so bad! I get a sick feeling after I eat then I wished I hadn't eatin ! Got to eat to have energy to move forward! The things us women have to deal with is crazy wishing all of you better days ahead stay positive all you can I keep telling myself that in hopes it works....
metamorphed debra06803
well, I got into the shower and when I came out, all symptoms were gone... !!?
debra that made me laugh.
wishful thinking
debra06803 metamorphed
metamorphed debra06803
i'll think of your words every time I take a shower, and sing that old song - 'i'm going wash that Meno right out of my hair' ,
should be
'I'm goin' to wash that Meno right out of my hair'
debra06803 metamorphed
Blahaha to funny !! Atleast its better to laugh than cry like I've done several days in a row over this mess we have all been dealt !! Was a great idea if it would just work !!