perimenopause hell
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Hi I am new to this forum...I found it online while googling 'skin burning hormones'. I have had two weeks of sheer hell and was in tears reading the posts from other women who are experiencing the same skin issues, overwhelming dread, health anxiety,heart palpatations, insomnia and more. I am 45 and only now realizing that the insane health episodes (with multiple trips to emerg!) that I have had the past two years is possibly triggered by hormones. Why don't doctors know about these issues?? It's terrifying and there are never answers given... How can so many women have the same symptoms but we are all treated like we are crazy? I can't believe there are so many women out there with stories similar to mine. I am so glad I found this site...I would love to have discussions and advice.
6 likes, 68 replies
gailannie LindaJaney
Please forgive me, and try to have a sence of humor about my blunder. We all have meno brain here! LOL
LindaJaney gailannie
becky53379 gailannie
Lol Gailannie I didn't even notice that you left out "not" Lol! So funny
DaisyDaze gailannie
Guest LindaJaney
Hi Linda,
I thought I was dying and no doctors could tell me what was wrong. Why can't one just say "well you're 52 and this could possibly be hormones", instead I got prescriptions for anxiety, depression, birth control, etc.. And docs telling me that I'm not in perimeno. I finally went to a psychiatrist and she said it sounds like hormones! A psychiatrist for pity sake! Not my gp, GYN, endocrinologist, heart doctor, rheumatologist, hematologist, naturopath, acupuncturist.. need I go on?
If I get out the other side of this I'd like to write a book called something like "Beyond the Hot Flash"
Since that's all doctors seem to relate to peri.
I'm a little over a week into my bioidenticals and I think I'm starting to see a difference but don't want to speak to soon. At least I'm not feeling like death anymore and I can breathe. That's definitely an improvement.
Sorry you are going through this too. When I look back I can see lots of things throughout my 40s which were probably from declining hormones. It wasn't until last summer that I hit rock bottom though. If only I had known of all that can happen I could've saved a lot of money trying to figure out what was wrong! We shouldn't have to go through all that!
LindaJaney Guest
It's so strange that doctors don't underatnd this condition and brush it off. There needs to be better understanding of this in medical fields - we deserve support and assistance instead of being bullied into going away and dealing with it alone. I'm so glad I found this forum. It's given me a bit of hope....
mrs_susan74280 Guest
Guest mrs_susan74280
Hi Susan,
I did go private because my GYN doesn't believe in bios. She says they aren't regulated properly. I saw a hormone doctor in Tampa. He gave me creams with estrogen/progesterone/testosterone as well as oral progesterone. It was a ton of hormones. As well as the progesterone in the cream he wanted me taking 200mg at night to sleep. I tried taking everything for about three months, but my symptoms were so severe I wasn't sure what was causing what, and finally decided to go off the hormones because the anxiety of worrying about side effects just wasn't worth it.
jo64637 Guest
Guest jo64637
Hi Jo, I wouldn't recommend the guy I saw, only because I think he's too aggressive with his treatments. I was only on the bios for a few months, was too anxiety ridden back then to continue because I was constantly worried about side effects. If you still want his info please pm me.
amber29446 LindaJaney
I still feel like I'm crazy too!! Lol. I have had every test imaginable .. but I'm still finding it hard to believe all of my symptoms are from menopause??? Especially because of how many symptoms I have ( I swear a new one every other day😳
I always thought menopause was hot flashes and mood swings!!! I would welcome just those!!! This forum has helped me so much to calm my anxiety about hormones causing this.
LindaJaney amber29446
It's so hard to believe it's this bad....sometimes i feel like this is going to ruin my life. And I agree - it's so hard to believe hormones can cause all of these symptoms. That is what i am struggling with the most. The health anxiety is overwhelming
Azzumi LindaJaney
Welcome Linda. I found this site was one of the few things to keep me sane when I was at my worst. If someone had told me what Peri meno was realy like I wouldn't have believed them. The worst for me was
Insane mood swings. They truly scared me sometimes. The lack of understanding out there even by professionals is astounding.
I was recommended to a GP who only works with hormones and have been on BHRT for about 12 weeks now. Wasn't an instant fix. These things take some time and some adjusting to get them right but I can cope with life again and the crazy crap has settled down.
I hope like me you find the ladies here a huge help when things are rough.
Good luck with everything and keep posting..
LindaJaney Azzumi
Thank you <3
imptsd Azzumi
I agree completely! Shame on the medical community for not knowing about this! We are half of the population, women! What are they thinking? I guess they aren't, that's the problem! Thanks ladies for the understanding and helpful posts! I don't feel so alone and crazy now.
Azzumi imptsd
Funny thing is the doctor doing my BHRT is male in his mid sixties. His level of understanding of hormones and what we go is astounding. My boyfriend is going to him as well for man things. Went to my local gp just to get a script for migraine meds the other day and he asked why I get migraines. I said they are hormone related and I swear he looked at me as if I was a little green man from another planet with antennas coming out of my It actually wasn't funny. I really wanted to sit there and give him a lecture on hormones and ask him why he was so ignorant. I just don't get it.
imptsd Azzumi
If I had a dollar for every doctor that I have gone to that didn't have a clue, I would be driving an Italian sports car! That is just WRONG!
Azzumi imptsd
Theres been a huge push for mental health in males the last few years in Australia. You hear about it a lot on on radio and TV. When will they do it for us women and menopause. If it wasn't for my boyfriend studying women's hormones a few years ago I may not have realized exactly what was happening to me. His best mate said we can control our hormones, its just an excuse for us to be b*****s. My boyfriend told him he had non idea what he was talking about and that our hormones are so complex its a wonder any of us are sain at all. He meant it in the nicest possible
imptsd Azzumi
Men don't realize just how lucky they are! I'm glad you have such a wonderful boyfriend! Hang in there! I'm sure we'll get through this eventually! Blessings!
Azzumi imptsd
Took me 48 years to find a mans whos actually ok...good luck with your journey too😃