perimenopause. How long roughly do the extreme symptoms of perimenopause last?
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I am 46 and have been suffering symptoms for about 4 years. The last 3 months it has been awful. A really frightening experience. Depression,anxiety and panic attacks (about 6 panic attacks a day some days) Couldn't even drive to the shop. Palpitations and heart flutters . Severe pressure headaches every single day. Weak legs,tinnitus,not sleeping and restless legs at night,the list goes on !
How long will this last for anyone?
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MrsMerm michelle46271
I've been suffering since about 2013 myself hun
Symptoms come and go, currently the itching is back, horrendous, my arms, neck, scalp, legs, it drives me crazy, face,
Eyes get dry and sore
My right elbow has been playing up for weeks and I've just had to come and lie down as my backs in agony
It never lets up
Time some real trials and.scientific research was undertaken
Take care of yourself hun xxx
michelle46271 MrsMerm
MrsMerm michelle46271
I had a real shock
Never had any health probe all my life really
And very fit and active
I miss going out hiking and running up and down my staircase
I get out of bed in the morning as stiff as a board
Oh I don't know how long this thing lasts
Try to stay positive xxxx
metamorphed michelle46271
michelle46271 metamorphed
MrsMerm michelle46271
I mean nobody can say how long it will last
If you go back to how you were, I mean being able to go out walking cycling as before
Just recently my.lovely thick hair iand thinning
A girl could get really low...........
Fresh air helps me so much but I can't do much outside
I'm beat after work
Oh sorry for moaning BUT
jamie50513 MrsMerm
Peri can last from 4 to 10 years and for some women it can last longer. Just depends on the woman's body. Unfortunately I can't speak from a person who is post, I can only speak from my symptoms. My aunt has been post for some time and she is back to being active and enjoying life. She said every now and then she still gets a symptom but for the most part all the other symtpoms are done. You just have to take care of yourself. If you can't deal with the symptoms by all means talk with your doctor and see what you can take. It's really trial and error as everything doesn't work for everybody. There really is no positives in the symptoms, they make you feel horrible. All you can do is manage.
metamorphed michelle46271
MrsMerm michelle46271
Eat well, drink lots of water ++++
Try to avoid caffeine
And alcohol
Fruit and veg
Soya is good
Vitamin B12
And rest because you just have to........
michelle46271 MrsMerm
Zigangie michelle46271
I was worse 47 to 49 I would say and I had my last period at 51.
First started getting symptoms poor sleep sore boobs and the feeling something wasn't quite right at 41.
I could still feel horrible sick and nasty after it was all done. But I think really the two worst years I felt horrible every day, if I wasn't feeling sick I be having palpitations and feelings of doom.
I was also not eating much my digestion was so slow and queasy all the time anyway, I was only eating because you have to and every meal felt like I'd eaten too much. Food shopping was a nightmare sometimes as certain smells in the supermarket made me feel so sick like it did when I was pregnant. I also was anxious and the least clatter or noise made me want to run.
I also ended up in the mental health unit with severe depression.
If I'd known at the time HRT was an option then I would have tried it but I didn't know what peri menopause meant so I just thought I was ill with some horrible disease that the doctors were missing.
michelle46271 Zigangie
pinkcatfairy michelle46271
I can sympathise with the panic attacks this seems to be the latest symptom with me, i hope it doesnt last forever, it does help that we are not alone with these awful symptoms! I presume everyone is different with how long theyvwill affect us for xx
gentleballads michelle46271
but have read reports of old symptoms coming back with a vengeance, so one should stay alert
each day is different, some days are better, some days may be really horrid in consecutive order,--- for me, evenings are definitely better than mornings
michelle46271 gentleballads
MrsMerm michelle46271
My back has been hurting for ages but I finally really hurt it yesterday
Some days I feel like an old woman
Having to rest up today
Pity as it's lovely outside
. .....Mrs m
Itching all over
michelle46271 MrsMerm
victoria94465 michelle46271
I suddenly got heartburn about a year ago and out of the blue. Someone suggested I cut out wheat/gluten and amazingly it cleared up.Not always easy to stick with but for me worth no heartburn. You could always try for one or two weeks - you'll know pretty soon if thats it or not.
I also had tingling fingers and a little bit tingling toes. I started to use a B12 vitamin patch and also massage and after about five weeks it stopped. Very occassionaly I think I can feel it starting again and then I use a patch and it goes within two days.
Good luck
michelle46271 victoria94465
Zigangie michelle46271
I was on proton pump inhibitors but they only made me have fewer bouts.
The ginger seemed to make it go. I took capsules 2 before meals and ginger tea made with fresh ginger.
I had got rid of this problem before I started using HRT.
Zigangie MrsMerm
A good big cupful in the bath.