Perimenopause - Insomnia
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Hi, i have suffered chronic insomnia over the last 3 years, to the point at times, have felt suicidal. Been prescribed zoplicone and anti depressants, although no longer taking the anti d's as i know im not "depressed" just chronically tired. I have kept a diary for the past year or so and i seem to suffer the non sleeping phase leading upto my period. I am 46. My doctor has suggested i could be entering my peri-menopausal stage and has suggested HRT! Has anyone in this group experienced chronic insomnia linked to menopause, and can anyone advise if hrt has helped. Last resort as hrt is a big deal. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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jayneejay jackied68
yes i have had insomnia for about 12 years, couple of years before peri started and only now has it began to improve..
I am still a bad sleeper, but alot better than it was
i had a ten year peri, and i am just post meno aged 50 now
i too had help with zoplicone from time to time, but i always halves mine,, as they can be addictive ..
I didnt take HRT, as when you stop taking it you have peri all over again..
i wanted a natural peri with Vits and supplements
jay xx
Toddpodd jackied68
I understand how you feel and it will get better....
Good Luck!
debbie12340 jackied68
how is horrible for you 😢 my sleep definitely changed in the last 4 months I'm 48, not on HRT ! I was recommended to take Magnesium I can honestly tell you it's a miracle cure all mineral 🙏 the one I have is by Floradix it's completely natural and you can buy it from Boots and many other places. It's a liquid form which I prefer. I really recomend you google the benefits of taking it. Also you you take a bath in Epsom salts which is another form of Magnesium very relaxing. Let me know if it works for you 🙏😊 I'm almost sure it will.
julie10706 jackied68
I am into my third year of peri now, on HRT, anti depressants and still suffer from insomnia, which seems to be getting worse at the moment.. Avoid HRT if you can..
I really dont feel that its making much difference to me. I never suffer with the hot sweats, only mood swings (bad ones).. but really dont feel much benefit from taking HRT .
Kingliz julie10706
julie10706 Kingliz
I am 51 and am just into my 3rd year of taking it.. Im on Prempak C mg/ 0.15mg, but really dont see what the benefit is... I dont feel any better: no energy, no sex drive, constantly tired,insomnia, low mood and mood swings. I really think I might be better coming off it and taking more vitamins. I am on Prozac for low mood also, but not sure that it makes too much difference... I just think about stabbing people, rather than actually doing it !! lol ! Joking !!
But I am told that you cant just come off HRT, you have to wean yourself slowly?? I work abroad quite alot so it is difficult to see my own GP regularly, and I work mainly with men rather than women, hence my chats on here ! its good to know that its not only me that feels this way.. sometimes I feel so alone with it all !
jayneejay julie10706
did the doctor tell you what Prempak C actually was ?
It is equine .. Made from pregnant mares urine .. We are not horses..
maybe you would be better with another type of HRT .. if you wish to stay on it ... Some types don't suit everyone..
julie10706 jayneejay
Ironically I have just seen a German lady doctor here who has advised that I come off it gradually.. She wasn't impressed that my GP prescribed this along with the Pill and Prozac !!
She has advised that I take Magnesium , and no other vitamins..
she also took my blood to test my thyroid, but thenks it's unlikely that there is any problem there, and is going to test my hormone levels. She believes that I have an hormone imbalance and has suggested that I try homeopathic remedies as an alternative .
So many people , so many different ideas !
jayneejay julie10706
umm thought as much.. its cruely done too the equine HRT..
remember HRT any thats Pre .. Pre-marin, Prem-pac or Pre-mique
= pregnant.. as in pregnant mares urine..
How we are compared the same as horses urine, god only knows.
i take magnesium, but be careful what you buy..
magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide has laxative effect ..
i take Chelated Magnesium ( bisgylcinate) it is the better one and doesnt give you the runs every morning ..
jayneejay julie10706
How can she check your hormone balance while on HRT..
it will never be accurate ..
all your natural hormone levels are boosted by HRT ..
how odd to suggest that..
you would need to be completely clear off HRT out your system, which could take months after stopping ..
I do wish you all the best..
pity you couldnt see a Gyno doc as GPs havent got a clue in my opinion about Gyno issues
Wishing you luck
jay xx
jayneejay julie10706
Yes so many different ideas for sure ..
it reads your on pill, prozac and HRT .. Thats madness ..
i had a natural peri with just supplements and Vits, and been very happy to let nature takes its course.. Only my personal preference .. Each to their own , we are all different and cope with it differently.. HRT was not an option for me too high risk..
i had a ten year peri and just accepted it, it was a long old road ceryainly nkt a breeze, and now i am still only 50 and post menopause ..
Positivity and acceptance helps alot.
i take all the vits my body needs .. And feel okay..
have blips, but its expected..
HRT just postpones menopause, a women still has to go through it when she comes off .. I personally wanted it done and over, even though for me it took along time, but it was gradual and its done..
i was given anti depressants by a useless GP so ignorant to menopause, i binned those, i am not depressed, i and was just dealing with the changes and emotions of it all, hormonal changes, not depression as the GPs seem to say we are, I over came my peri and post meno anxiety with Vit B6 which is known to relieve it and we lack B6 during this phase, and its helped me no end..
i wish you luck Julie and hope you get some treatment that helps you.
jay x
jayneejay jackied68
FSH hormone level tests can be tricky .. With results..
if your still having periods, then the hormones are too erractic for a true reading as they flucuate up and down all the time.
for example could have two tests in same day and have different results ..
this happened to me, came back normal, but i had the peri symptoms and my Doc explained this years ago.
However i then tested my own, menopausal home testers and got the in menopause result, i monitored it at different times over a few months.
only when your periods have declined to say 3-4 a year does the FSH blood test come back menopausal ..
jay x
jayneejay jackied68
good luck hun,
jay x