Perimenopause - Insomnia
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Hi, i have suffered chronic insomnia over the last 3 years, to the point at times, have felt suicidal. Been prescribed zoplicone and anti depressants, although no longer taking the anti d's as i know im not "depressed" just chronically tired. I have kept a diary for the past year or so and i seem to suffer the non sleeping phase leading upto my period. I am 46. My doctor has suggested i could be entering my peri-menopausal stage and has suggested HRT! Has anyone in this group experienced chronic insomnia linked to menopause, and can anyone advise if hrt has helped. Last resort as hrt is a big deal. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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red67 jackied68
jayneejay red67
oh yeah the insomnia no fun, i have been like it for 12 years or so, being a light sleeper in first place doesnt help.
i am age 50 now, post meno, had 10 year peri, no HRT.. Found the right Vits and supps that suit me, must say the insomnia is a pain, Melatonin 10mg i use to take but it gave me vivid dreams, so dont bother now, had zopliclone sometimes as and when but have to be careful with it..
also my gyno gave me 2.5mg diazepam for 30mins before bed, but i dont take that either, as its addictive..
i wont take antidepressants as not depressed, just a meno issue for me.
I just take chelated magnesium in morning and again before bed ( as doesnt upset stomach like magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide)
good luck hun
red67 jayneejay
jayneejay red67
well with zopliclone theres two stengths.. 7.5 and
i actually have 7.5mg but i split them in half then in quarters if i need any.
so i take the lowest of the low .. ( i have a pill cutter)
no.. They dont make me feel groggy when i have taken them, but everyone is different ..
magnesium i have taken for a long while.. Seems to help ..
also use the magnesium oil spray sometimes, that is transdermal, you rub it in skin, but i manily use that for lower back pain .. ( it is used for pains etc and thats what athletes and sports people get rubbed on them after sprains and injuries)
jay x
red67 jayneejay
jayneejay red67
well remember to be kind to yourself 😃 during peri stage
jay xx
jackied68 red67
jayneejay jackied68
thats good to know, amyltripyline 10mg aids sleep and no grogginess.
i dont like anti depressants .. But if they help sleep and a low dose than normal, then its good they work ..
sleep so important .. Wears you out if you dont sleep 😞
jay x
red67 jackied68
jayneejay jackied68
hang in there ... Stay positive..
i know its horrid but what can we do ..
what other vits do you take..
Think about Maca capsules are great add them to the mix
rainforest food Maca 5.1 capsules .. Get mine off amazon uk, even though i live in spain 😊 they are the best strength .
wouldnt be with out them, i take the b6 aswell 150mg and all my others 😊
jay x
jackied68 jayneejay
red67 jackied68
jackied68 red67