Perimenopause - Insomnia

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Hi, i have suffered chronic insomnia over the last 3 years, to the point at times, have felt suicidal. Been prescribed zoplicone and anti depressants, although no longer taking the anti d's as i know im not "depressed" just chronically tired. I have kept a diary for the past year or so and i seem to suffer the non sleeping phase leading upto my period. I am 46. My doctor has suggested i could be entering my peri-menopausal stage and has suggested HRT! Has anyone in this group experienced chronic insomnia linked to menopause, and can anyone advise if hrt has helped. Last resort as hrt is a big deal. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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    I've just found this discussion, and i find it really interesting as i too am having a thoroughly crappy time with peri related insomnia...Like you, jayneejay, i've found some relief for other symptoms (namely hellish PMS and anxiety) from taking a good all round vit B supplement and i also take a high dose of evening primrose oil. I've had some pretty vile symptoms over the last 4 or 5 years since peri really started to kick in (i'm 48 now, HRT not an option) including some horrendously debilitating digestive issues, which have waned now after 2 years of suffering, only for me to be whacked over the head with this chronic insomnia which settled in about 4 months ago. I am at my wits end, and my GP has had me on a 3 week course of melatonin (did absolutely nothing for me), but i am gearing myself up to go back and see him as i don't think i can face the prospect of (possibly) years of this with no help at all. It's profoundly affecting my life, like you, Jackie. I do hope you are seeing some relief from the amitriptyline, and i'd be interested to know, if you feel able, if you are seeing any improvements from taking it. I've started to take a magnesium supplement in the hope that might help but have only been on it a few days and no change yet, so it may be too early to tell. I'm giving it another week or so to see, then i am going to admit defeat and return to the GP. I don't know why, but i feel a real sense of shame that i am not (or i think i'm not) dealing with peri at all well, and as much as i do try to be positive and remind myself that it's 'self limiting' the insomnia in particular has really floored it's been reassuring to find some other people who have experienced the same thing.
    • Posted

      Hi Red 

      oh yeah the insomnia no fun, i have been like it for 12 years or so, being a light sleeper in first place doesnt help.

      i am age 50 now, post meno, had 10 year peri, no HRT.. Found the right Vits and supps that suit me, must say the insomnia is a pain, Melatonin 10mg i use to take but it gave me vivid dreams, so dont bother now, had zopliclone sometimes as and when but have to be careful with it.. 

      also my gyno gave me 2.5mg diazepam for 30mins before bed, but i dont take that either, as its addictive.. 

      i wont take antidepressants as not depressed, just a meno issue for me. 

      I just take chelated magnesium in morning and again before bed ( as doesnt upset stomach like magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide) 

      good luck hun



    • Posted

      Hi jay, thanks for the reply. I was a great sleeper (could 'sleep for Britain' according to my OH!) so this is pretty hard for me - even when i have felt at my most awful over the last few years, i've gritted my teeth and consoled myself with a 'chin up, get a good nights sleep and you'll be able to battle on tomorrow' attitude, well that's gone out of the window now! Like you, i'm trying the chelated mag supplement morning and evening (again, to avoid upsetting my tum as i've had 2 years of that already, thanks) only a few days in so we'll see...I really don't like the idea of taking sleeping pills (even less, HRT), but i don't think i can tolerate this situation long term, so i'm being pragmatic. Could i just ask you please, do the sleeping pills tend to make you feel groggy the next day? How often did you feel you needed to use them? With the magnesium, how long have you been taking it and if it's had any effect, how long did it take? Thanks.
    • Posted

      Hi red 

      well with zopliclone theres two stengths.. 7.5 and

      i actually have 7.5mg but i split them in half then in quarters if i need any.

      so i take the lowest of the low .. ( i have a pill cutter) 

      no.. They dont make me feel groggy when i have taken them, but everyone is different ..

      magnesium i have taken for a long while.. Seems to help ..

      also use the magnesium oil spray sometimes, that is transdermal, you rub it in skin, but i manily use that for lower back pain .. ( it is used for pains etc and thats what athletes and sports people get rubbed on them after sprains and injuries) 

      jay x


    • Posted

      Thanks so much jay - really very helpful. I will certainly stick with the Mag supplement, and yes, i've been using a spray too, so i hope i might see some improvement sooner rather than later, but one thing i've learnt so far with peri, as you've also pointed out, for some of us it's a long road...i fear i may still have some way to go! red x
    • Posted

      Hi Red

      well remember to be kind to yourself 😃 during peri stage 

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Red. I know what your going through re the insomnia. I was prescribed 3.75mg of zoplicone and found the best time to take it was around 9pm. That way i got a decent nights sleep. I got into trouble when i would toss and turn in bed, getting anxious about not falling asleep then would give in at about 12-1am then take a tablet, get up at 6.45 and feel ghastly for rest of the day. They also give you a horrible bitter taste in your mouth for the whole day! Avoid if you can, but when your desperate you will try anything. I have now stopped them altogether. The amyltripyline, touch wood- seems to be agreeing with me, with no horrible side affects. I take 10mg approx 1hr before bed, and i have had no trouble drifting off, and waking up feeling refreshed. Also, they are not addictive like sleeping tablets. I feel like a normal person! Also, but defo no alcohol with these. Speak to your GP about these. I know its not ideal taking these drugs to help us sleep, but in the end, it comes down to having a decent quality of life. Let me know how you get on. X
    • Posted

      Hi jackie 

      thats good to know, amyltripyline 10mg aids sleep and no grogginess.

      i dont like anti depressants .. But if they help sleep and a low dose than normal, then its good they work ..

      sleep so important .. Wears you out if you dont sleep 😞

      jay x

    • Posted

      Thank you Jackie, it must be great to have found something that works well for you, i'm so pleased you've found relief! I'm going to bear all this in mind so that i feel a bit more prepared when i go to see my GP next week, as i feel i'm in and out of the surgery all of the damned time at the moment, which also doesn't make me feel great about myself, so thanks for the information and i'll keep you posted.  X
  • Posted

    Well folks, i have given up on the amytriptyline, it hasnt made any difference, but upped my vit b and evening primrose oil (2000mg daily) had my fsh test today, but as Jay mentioned, as im having periods, it may not show a true reading. So, no further forward at the moment, feeling deflated, will this insomnia ever end ! Feeling sad and emotional :-(
    • Posted

      Hi jackie 

      hang in there ... Stay positive..

      i know its horrid but what can we do .. 

      what other vits do you take..

      Think about Maca capsules are great add them to the mix 

      rainforest food Maca 5.1 capsules .. Get mine off amazon uk, even though i live in spain 😊 they are the best strength .

      wouldnt be with out them, i take the b6 aswell 150mg and all my others 😊

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi jay, i will look into the maca, i take magnesium, vit b12 and 6 as well as eve prim oil. Thanks for your advice x
    • Posted

      Sorry to hear you're a bit deflated jackie, i can't say that i feel too great myself BUT i did do a bit of research last week after coming on here and preparing to go back to my GP and i discovered something quite interesting. Have you heard of Dr Guy Meadows and the Sleep School? He has a rather interesting approach to treating insomnia (he has a PHD in sleep science and has a good few years of research behind him) and i'm just waiting for his book to arrive at the moment so i can have a proper read of it, but it's based on a form of mindfulness and Acceptance Behavioural Therapy (a bit like CBT). I won't say too much as if you look him up on the internet you'll find lots of info and a few interesting videos on youtube. I am eagerly waiting for the book to arrive as i think it could be a good way to look at this problem without going down the prescription drugs route. From what i've gleaned, it's certainly not a quick or easy fix and you need to be disciplined. Interestingly, i did find one interview with him and he says that the majority of his patients (he runs a private sleep clinic in London) are women and lots of them developed insomnia while going through menopause, and he's managed to help a good number of them so it's worth a look, i think. Can't afford a private consultation myself, but the book might just be £7.99 well spent, we'll see!
    • Posted

      Thanks Red, i will also look at that. I did download a book relating to insomnia, but to be honest, am finding it hard to concentrate. Theres a lot of info out there, its just finding what works for you. I did also look at the london sleeping clinic, but its costs a fortune! So not an option for me unfortunately. Been reading up on maca, conflicting reviews, i read it can make anxiety and insomnia worse! Again, what works for one, may not work for everyone.
  • Posted

    I have just had the result back from my fsh test. It reads at 29. I had a brief chat on the phone with the doctor, who advised that this confirms I am in peri. I did ask if i could be referred to a gynae, consultant for advice, but was told it could be dealt with by my GP. Does anyone understand these fsh numbers?. Just got my magnesium bath soak, and oral magnesium is on its way, still undecided on macca, read good and bad reviews.

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