Perimenopause - Insomnia
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Hi, i have suffered chronic insomnia over the last 3 years, to the point at times, have felt suicidal. Been prescribed zoplicone and anti depressants, although no longer taking the anti d's as i know im not "depressed" just chronically tired. I have kept a diary for the past year or so and i seem to suffer the non sleeping phase leading upto my period. I am 46. My doctor has suggested i could be entering my peri-menopausal stage and has suggested HRT! Has anyone in this group experienced chronic insomnia linked to menopause, and can anyone advise if hrt has helped. Last resort as hrt is a big deal. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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jayneejay jackied68
my concern is when you say to us your taking lots of zopliclone
and still say your not sleeping ..
i have used small amounts of zopiclone on occasion and always slept with it
and i mean small either half or a quarter of 7.5mg pill.
i never take a whole one as dependency may begin straight away..
i am surprised your doctor did not give you the 3.75mg to begin..
How much are you taking when you say lots ...
And when.. Are you taking 30 mins before bed ..
zopliclone can have side effects..
Hope you get some relief one way or the other
jay x
jackied68 jayneejay
jayneejay jackied68
oh bless you hun..
sorry i thought previously you said 7.5mg a few days ago, i must be mistaken with another lady ..
i relate to zoplicone jackie as i use it too..
for me sometimes it works and other times it just doesnt, mostly though it works, tends not to if i have other stresses of life taking over ..
i hope your blood pressure gets better, try some deep breaths in count to 6 while inhaling and count to 6 exhaling, this is quite effective to let the stress out .. Just to relax you when needed ..
Jay xx
red67 jackied68
jayneejay red67
For me too insomnia been dreadful, been like it about 15 years ..
started a while before full blown peri kicked in .. Was in peri 10 years and still like it post meno .. Not quite as bad now though..
jay xx
jackied68 red67
jackied68 jayneejay
jayneejay jackied68
still ongoing 😢 at times
jay x
red67 jackied68
anetta94863 jackied68
tracey_85255 jackied68
Hi Jackie, I note your last post was a long time ago so not sure if you are still on this forum . Well here goes . I have had problems with insomnia at different stages in my life . It's always around hormones ,monthly cycle , pregnancy , after child birth (postnatal depression) and now peri Menopause. I too have digestive problems (constipation, this happens when the insomnia kicks in at times when I sleep I think is better. I can't take HRT as had breast cancer last year . At first I thought the insomnia and low mood was because of that but I can get weeks o for wing find then it starts again .I am 52 very erratic periods , usually when I get spotting my insomnia is at its whorst. Did you find anything that helped you ? I am so limited o no what I can take but the anxiety and sleepnessness Is driving me crazy . There are so many things I can cant ask after breast cancer now this I feel like a really boring , no fun person now , it's so notme . Any advice gratefully received. Thank you . Tracey xxx