Perimenopause/Menopause comedy relief

Posted , 11 users are following.

Hello everyone, I thought that maybe we could post some funny things to read. Might helped someone through the day.....we all need a laugh smile

Mid-life is when the growth of hair on our legs slows down. This gives us plenty of time to care for our newly acquired mustache.

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41 Replies

  • Posted

    OH found a 'funny' on Facebook this morning and we laughed about it together. I would post that but neither of us can remember the foggiest idea of what it was about!

    I suppose that is funny (tragic?) in itself.rolleyeslol

    • Posted

      I used to be forgetful, now I'm er, um, erm .... where was I?

    • Posted

      Lol! That is funny......if we dont laugh about these things we will end up crying. I've done that enough for all of us lol!

  • Posted

    A Facebook group would be awesome as I just wanted to hit the laughing emoji button about the earrings but there was none 😕
  • Posted

    Oooooooooo I just found the ❤ button!!!! So excited right now 😀
    • Posted

      Lol! So excited for you.......I still dont know how to do it lol! How can we do the facebook page?
    • Posted

      I'll private message you (via the envelope symbol under your profile box) Becky.

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