Perimenopause/menopause symptoms
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What I have noticed about these symptoms is that they tend to mimick symptoms to a lot of other conditions so that is why we become alarmed when we are going through all of these changes. I too was running back and forth to the doctor only to find out that there was nothing wrong with me.
As nerve wracking as all of this is, we just have to accept that this is what the change does. It will mimick a lot of other symptoms so we end up driving ourselves mad (not to mention our loved ones) with worrying and going to the doctor (not that you shouldn't go to the doctor) but I find that sometimes I can become obessesed with worrying about how I am feeling. I had to realize that no I am not having a heart attack, no I am not having a stroke, no I do not have some crazy illness, etc., but that this is all due to hormonal shifts. We will get through this.
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HotDot7 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 HotDot7
wearykitty sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 wearykitty
jayneejay wearykitty
do you go to work fueled, Ie: with some breakfast in you..
i find if i am hungry its much much worse..
i make myself eat little and often, never been one for breakfast, not a big appetite, but i make myself eat wholemeal brown bread toast and then i feel okay, i never want it but i know if i dont i will get the shaky wobbles, then another little snack every 3 hours, normally healthy, ie, Melon, Fruits, small tuna salad, even a bowl of cereal and milk ..
eat little and often, Jay xx
anxiousface wearykitty
Sandy07 anxiousface
Sandy07 anxiousface
marlene21102 anxiousface
anxiousface Sandy07
anxiousface marlene21102
marlene21102 anxiousface
Sandy07 anxiousface
Sandy07 anxiousface
Sandy07 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Sandy07
jayneejay Sandy07
say it as it is..
' He doesnt know his arse from his elbow..
jay xx
Sandy07 jayneejay
jayneejay Sandy07
oh my.... I could sort him out with something... Rough end if my tongue..
see what i mean, its anti depressants or HRT.. And be on your way ..
not saying either are wrong, all personal choice, but they don't explain that anxiety in peri is most likely hormonal not depression ... It passes, and HRT will pump your natural peri up with hormones it naturally wants to reduce ... Then you ladies can have peri again when we take you off it when your aged 60... Plus...
crazy... Only half the info as ever... I despair ..
i off to see a gyno on monday evening ... Not been before ... Want the lot checking, its very thorough...
i was thinking other day, I use to have ovarian cysts and endometriosis and it all sorted itself etc had the laser surgery etc etc..
but... Was thinking ... How do i know if all okay in there now... Then the peri dread thoughts got me, see they still come ... So i thought oh i am making an appointment i want the lot checking,,,
then i will know, and if all good, can forget it for a while until next year 😉
imget alot of back pain due to back problem and tilted uterus so thought i would get checked ...
Jay xx
Sandy07 jayneejay
HotDot7 jayneejay
As my mom says: He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, whether it's punch board, countersunk or pegged out by the magpies! It's memorized as I seem to use it often lol
jayneejay HotDot7
hahahahaha 😃😃😃😃
Snatchpiece jayneejay
How are you Hun?? Our very own peri menopause agony aunt!
Do you know that I really look forward to reading these experiences on this forum It's so comforting to read each of us are sharing all their times!
Well I am sure you will be proud of me as I have made the decision to slowly come off the HRT - started last night and with the help of Laura who does my accupuncure and all my lovely lot of VITS I am going to get through this the natural way.
i was reading a book over the weekend about progesterone and being low and the more I read I realised this is where all of my symptoms started! So I am back using my serenity progesterone cream from wellsprings as last year I did really well with is but didn't take the VITS back then that I do now and of course I am feeling a lot more confident with reading everyone's stories that all of this is to do with my hormones and with a few stressful times which I know I have to address! I am waiting to have my B12 and iron levels checked but for now will be be taking my jarrows B12 which you told me about along a new one Zinc which I have read this mineral helps with absorption of iron and other vits and the balancing of your hormones!
So fingers crossed this will bring me back in line again and like you say it's better to deal with this once rather than to start with this all over again in the future!
The HRT certainly didn't help with my anxiety so in my eyes was what's the point of taking something with all of its risk to still feel the same!
Today is the first time in a while that I have loads of energy and even done some baking before I went into the office!
I now know I am sure that I have a while to go (hopefully not) but I still feel better prepared to deal with all with the help of you lovely ladies!
Massive hugs,
Joy xxx
jayneejay Snatchpiece
Can you come and bake me some cakes 😀 too hot in the kitchen 😀
Glad your energy up,,
Word though... If you are thinking of having B12 serum blood test, dont take jarrows as you will get a false result.. With any blood tests you should stop supplements for approx 7 - 10 days before ... Or your not in your natural state.. Same with ferritin (iron) blood test, stop any iron supps..
Vit C should be taken for iron supps for absortion ...
Good luck with HRT reduction..
Off to bed now 😀
Jay xx
Snatchpiece jayneejay
One thing I forgot to mention it was suggested by my GP to try the HRT to hopefully give a more stable cycle because it was only when my periods were either late or missed was when my anxiety kicked in! But recently when I have gone back to her saying that I didn't real any better so she put me on the latest one Femous and even though it was only early days with this one she did say to me that they often prescribe some form of anti-depressants to go a longside the HRT! Like you have said before why do they assume it's anxiety and not just another peri symptom as like most of the ladies on here I have never suffered with anxiety until Nov 12 and hopefully when I am through into menopause it will go away! Thanks for your advice and as my appointment is next Thurs will stop those tablets, will I still be ok to continue with my Busy B tablets do you think which has a small amount of B12 ie 400 uc or what ever the sign after means? Have a wonderful day xxJoy xx
jayneejay Snatchpiece
well if it was me, i wouldnt take any of the vits now until the bloods ate done..
another thing they should ask you before booking the blood test..
so slap dash arent they..
is it a fasting blood test? sometimes they forget to tell you that too,,
havea great afternoon
jayneejay Snatchpiece
heres some useful info,.. i always thought this is a fasting test ..
before a B12 serum test..
How should I get ready for the test?
Before having blood collected, tell the person drawing your blood if you are allergic to latex. Tell the healthcare worker if you have a medical condition or are using a medication or supplement that causes excessive bleeding. Also tell the healthcare worker if you have felt nauseated, lightheaded, or have fainted while having blood drawn in the past.
Fast overnight before this test[2].
Do not take ascorbic acid (vitamin C), fluoride, or heparin before this test[2].
Snatchpiece jayneejay
Thanks the info on the B12 serum and iron test. It all sounds to much like a pain in the butt as if I stop all of my vits which I have been taking since last year (not the B12) but all of the others and now that I am feeling better for taking them I don't fancy going back to feeling awful again. I think I might just canx the appointment and just carry on taking the B12 and now have bought the liquid iron to take which I have been told is good and not harming. I have also researched that taking a good amount of Zinc is good as well. I know that I am not anaemic because when I had all of my bloods done last year at the bupa hospital and even though I didn't have my B12 done she said my bloods levels good, They cover loads of different types bloods and more than what a GP checks for. I just don't fancy going back to feeling yuk again and having to start all over again by building the vits back up. Unfortunately over here you can't a B12 injection without having the test done which is a bit of a pain.
thanks once again Hun! When is D day for you regarding hitting the One year without any periods? Have a wonderful day sweets! Joy xx
jayneejay Snatchpiece
i know it is a pain isnt it... i totally understand what you say, we get on the level with taking everything, then to stop all of a sudden for a week or so for blood tests, bang... back to square one..
hahah me ... I will be one year no periods on 2 Sept... 😀
natural route all the way, peri for 10 years... and I am aged 50...
almost all done, not HRT interfering with my peri ...i just want it done.. let my body do what it wants to do.... in 2011 even natural progesterone cream messed with my system and caused awful breast tenderness and a lump.. which went again after stopping using it..
all HRT in my eyes...
Zinc... yes its suppose to be good.. but needs some thought, i had thought about it, but i feel content with what i take now, i have some probiotics again to add to my intake of vits etc...
Helps to lower estrogen (too much is as bad as too little) and increase progesterone levels. Also helps to build strong bones and improve your immune system. they say — Recommended dosage: 15 - 50 mg a day
also evening primrose too.. but... these symptoms for me have gone now, so dont need it...
Helps in relieving breast tenderness, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, headaches and water retention.
— Recommended dosage: Two weeks prior to the start of your period, take 1,000 mg a day - half in the morning, half at night - after food.
i have an appointment Monday evening at a top Gyno for a very thorough well woman check... even an ultra sound to check all okay with my ovaries etc etc I have a tilted uterus and it causes pain in the spine sometimes.. so want that checking, etc etc... I have a tilted uterus, i had endometriosis at the age of 30 and four hours laser surgery 😏 and a history of female breast cancer so i like to check it all ... you cant see what goes on inside can you...
well. i had better crack on... have a great day..
Jay xx
Snatchpiece jayneejay
Its good to get things checked when you reach this time of our life. I think they should make this an annual check like having smears etc. If you read over most of our post on here which we are writing its mostly about some type of concern which is arising that feels strange to us. I had a load of checks last year at a Bupa hospital for mamogram, test for ovarian cancer, thyroid and all of my hormones and a thorough health check, including heart, lungs, eyes, pelvic exam, hearing etc which also included loads of extra bloods ie your liver etc white and red cells level checked etc. No scans but think its a good idea and like you I agree will give you peace of mind to know all is ok. I was diagonosed with PCOS via a scan about 7 years ago (as we were trying for a baby so went in for the usual checks as I hadnt conceived) even though I didnt have any symptoms but at the same time they found out my progresterone was only 31 so this is the reason that I started to use the cream last year when I heard others say how good it was. It did give me loads of relief last year and bought my cycle back as they should have been but what also read it doesnt bring on periods but just balances your progresterone in your body if you are lacking which I know I am. Not once did I have any anxiety or lumpy breast and had felt the best I had in a long time. It was only when my Mum caused me a lot of stress late last Oct that knocked all of my hormones back out of sync. They do say its so important to keep Stress away to help keep the hormones balanced.
Like you say its finding what works for us personally and even though I eat well I am sure that our vitamins get destroyed because of what we are going through so taking them can only be a good thing.
Are you swimming today?, I have just bought myself a bike to try and get some excersise which I can use on the road aswell as on fields so will be good when walking my dogs. Canx the gym membership recently so I knew i needed to something that didnt involve getting in a car.
When you reach this one year of no periods what changes then, or is it that peri is the hardest to deal with and things will go back to normal after this time?
Have a wonderful day! Joy xx