Perimenopause/menopause symptoms

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What I have noticed about these symptoms is that they tend to mimick symptoms to a lot of other conditions so that is why we become alarmed when we are going through all of these changes. I too was running back and forth to the doctor only to find out that there was nothing wrong with me.

As nerve wracking as all of this is, we just have to accept that this is what the change does. It will mimick a lot of other symptoms so we end up driving ourselves mad (not to mention our loved ones) with worrying and going to the doctor (not that you shouldn't go to the doctor) but I find that sometimes I can become obessesed with worrying about how I am feeling. I had to realize that no I am not having a heart attack, no I am not having a stroke, no I do not have some crazy illness, etc., but that this is all due to hormonal shifts. We will get through this.

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37 Replies

  • Posted


    yes it has to happen and we have to accept it and we have to carry on, 

    but... We can support each other cant we, and be kinder on ourselves and try learn to enjoy life and be postive 

    Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hey Jay I spoke with my sister tonight and her doctor told her she doesn't need vitamins....just eat right he said.  She has terrible night sweats and hot flashes.  Another male doc that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground! redface  this is sooo frustrating.
    • Posted

      Hi Dottie

      Oh ... Not another Doctor Dipstick..

      Not possible to eat all we need just like that daily is it .. Unless you live to eat, i eat to live 😉

      Be interested to see what sort of Gyno Doc mine turns out to be on Monday ,,,

      The mind boggles ... Jay x

    • Posted

      Hiya Jay my sister has terrible night sweats.  She just started

      Promensil she got from the drug store.  It's only been a couple doses and already her night sweats are minimizing.  She goes to a different doctor from mine.  hah Scary stuff.  No wonder we are all suffering.  Even the name Pro men sil .... makes you wonder.  cheesygrin

    • Posted

      Hi Dottie

      thanks for info, mine are day hot flushes, not night sweats, havent had a night sweat for years..

      think mines as i am nearly full meno reached... ( natural route)  plus a hot day flush is how we cool our peri bodies down, i am in height of spanish summer and its hot hot  hot 38 degrees and more, so think its that ....  😕

      they are alot better than they were, now i am drinking the effervescant magnesium ... thanks Dottie 😃 Jay xx


  • Posted

    Can I just say how glad I am to have found this forum. I'm so glad I'm not alone with my irrational fears. Dealing with them is a different matter but at least I know I'm not alone xxx

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