Perimenopause or not ?
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Hi Ladies,
just wondered if if anyone else has symtoms of Doom and Gloom along with feelings of being on edge all the time ? I wondered if this is common ? I feel an overwhelming feeling of not being able to cope with most things, also feeling very agitated π’
Many thanks
Debbie x
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annieschaefer debbie12340
Not sure if this is all related to peri/meno but I will say, I have noticed a real pattern where my moods flucuate (similar to the old reliable PMS/PMDD pattern) and depending whether I do actually have a cycle is whether I'll lift back up. Hate it. So unpredictable now, where before, I could tell a week or two prior that ok, here comes the crummy feelings, but I knew once I have gotten my period I was better. I must be back in the not getting my period mode (hope to God it stays away for good this time-lol!) as I'm feeling a bit off, where there is really nothing else wrong in my life to account for the gloom and doom and being on edge business.
I do take supplements and vitamins, but right now, it's not helping like it used to. I may take a good long walk or something, not sure how to kick this crummy feeling, but my guess is it has a lot to do with the flucuating hormones and ugggh.......trying my best to ride through it!
Sorry you feel so awful, hope this passes quickly for you!
debbie12340 annieschaefer
Thank you for lovely kind reply π yes I used to just feel low a week before my period now it's most days π’
I have no hot flushes just terrible low mood and worry/anxious feelings most of the time.
Sorry you feel awful too π’ I wish you a relaxing evening. Take care debbie x
annieschaefer debbie12340
Thank you too. I think it helps knowing that we are not alone nor are we really losing our minds. Reading yours and others posts helps remind me that this shall pass. Just getting there without coming completely unhinged is key.
My husband and I just returned from celebrating a holiday with relatives a few states away. Nothing in the world was wrong other than my hormones apparently are really dipping again. And it makes me so mad that I felt so lousy on the inside (no one around me knew anything aside from husband really) but I hate the weepiness and the inability to "rise" above this.
debbie12340 annieschaefer
It's just so hard isn't it putting on a brave face all the time π’
I hope you were able to enjoy it as much as possible !
Take care of yourself and relax as much as you can sweetheart x
sharcerv52408 debbie12340
karen007 debbie12340
The 'Ladycare magnet' is supposed to help relieve menopause symptoms. I live in the UK & it is available from Boots (around Β£28). But I see you can also get them cheaper on Amazon & ebay.
I see on the 'Daily Mail' website Belinda Carlisle is singing their praises! As I said in earlier post I have been taking herbal tablets as well as magnet, & my symptoms have definitely lessened & become less frequent. To be honest I was so desperate I would have painted my left arm purple if it helped! Lol
Good luck & big hugs back! You are not alone x x
debbie12340 karen007
Thank you for this information ππ yes I'm in the UK too so I will give it a go ! I know exactly what you mean I think I would be prepared to cut mine off !! π’ I wake up every morning barely able to get out of bed ! My arms and legs ache so much and I have zero energy !! Not sure if this us common / normal ???
Hugs back to you xx
karen007 debbie12340
There is nothing nice about getting older at all! Should be flippin law against it lol
deirdre01438 debbie12340