Perimenopause, palpitations and the pill
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Hi all. I've never posted on this board but I've recently spent a great deal of time reading thru old posts. I'm 43 and am certain that I'm in perimenopause. I spend most of every month sick - when I ovulate and for an entire week after, the week before my period and most of the week during. My cycle is only 23-24 days now so that doesn't leave many decent days. The palpitations are awful, they really scare me. I've had 3 EKGs in the last few weeks and all were fine. Have any of you taken birth control pills as a way of lessening the symptoms of peri? Did they help the palpitations?
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Woo3353 jennifer0204
I had bad anxiety and palpitations and I ended up going on anti depressants. I still get nausea sometimes in the month but palpitations are only when I get very apprehensive or stressed instead of everyday for no reason. I would say that the birth control pill 43 years is ok but don't know if it would stop the palp's, it would regulate your periots.
jennifer0204 Woo3353
Thanks Woo. I'm going to go to a cardiologist to be safe. I've been on fluoxetine for 9 weeks and these just got bad a couple weeks ago. I don't think it's anxiety this time. I've read perimenopause can cause them from the different hormone surges? I'm not sure, this is just all very unnerving.
lynsey64857 jennifer0204
Hi Jennifer I'm. Nearly 43 and have almost the exact same symptoms 😞 the palpitations were horrendous as they made my anxiety 10 times worse , I'm now on propanolol which is a beta blocker and it's helped me enormously , I did try anti depressants but they weren't for me , I've never taken any tablets before so I felt like a bloody failure taking some but I knew deep down I had to try something. I'm also seeing a cardiologist in January just to rule out a few things with my palpitations .I hope you get sorted , try not to worry as you are definitely not alone xxx
jennifer0204 lynsey64857
Thanks so much for your reply Lynsey! It is so reassuring to know I'm not the only one. Waking up in the morning is dreadful, that's when the palpitations are the worst. I hope we can all survive this mess! Xx
sara97862 jennifer0204
Hi Jennifer, I'm 46, and your post could be describing me exactly 3 years ago.
The only thing I would add is that the week surrounding ovulation, my primary symptom that made life unbearable was migraine after migraine until a few days before my period. Then came the digestive issues and deep dark sadness interspersed with random rages. (All in addition to the palpitations multiple times per day... aggravated by any kind of stress)
Good times!
During that timeframe my Dr prescribed birth control, and it did help the migraines and mood swings after about 90 days.
That took some stress away, which helped the palpitations.
After about a year though, the Pill made my digestive issues worse, and I had to ditch them. Been off for about 8 mos. I do get a palpitation every now and then, but nothing like they were while fighting the other miseries.
On the whole, I feel much better than I did 3 years ago.
Hugs and good luck to you! Let us know how you get on un future, ok?
jennifer0204 sara97862
Thanks Sara! I never in a million years would have thought that hormones could make me feel so awful, but it is great to know I'm not alone! I'm going to a cardiologist Friday and if everything checks out ok there, I'm calling my gynecologist to see about starting birth control pills. I'm so glad you're feeling better and the palpitations have improved for you! Xxx
deirdre01438 jennifer0204
jennifer0204 deirdre01438
Hi! I just went to my gynecologist last week, so I will start birth control with my next cycle. I'm so hopeful that this will help, I'm tired of feeling so sick. Hope you're doing well!
deirdre01438 jennifer0204
HI Jennifer, I hope the birth control works for you. Can I ask what sort of dosage is it? I know you can't make mention brands etc here so just curious of the estrogen/progesterone ratio thing. Thank you. Best of luck with it.
deirdre01438 jennifer0204
HI Jennifer, I hope the birth control works for you. Can I ask what sort of dosage is it? I know you can't make mention brands etc here so just curious of the estrogen/progesterone ratio thing. Thank you. Best of luck with it.
deirdre01438 jennifer0204
HI Jennifer, I hope the birth control works for you. Can I ask what sort of dosage is it? I know you can't make mention brands etc here so just curious of the estrogen/progesterone ratio thing. Thank you. Best of luck with it.
jennifer0204 deirdre01438
Hi Deirdre. The one I've been given contains 10 micrograms of estrogen and 1 milligram of progesterone. Have you been considering taking one?
deirdre01438 jennifer0204
Hi, yes I have been. I have one that I was on 2 years ago. It was when I came off it that all my problems started and I'm only 34. I was 33 at the time. I didn't know there was one that had a dose that low. I must check online. The anxiety was the worst for me but now low mood is. I cry all the time. Doctors just offer anti depressants and I don't think that will help if it's hormones.
jennifer0204 deirdre01438
I agree. I think that's just putting a bandaid on the problem, when you could try to regulate your hormones and actually fix the issue. I hope you are able to find one that works and helps you feel better.
deirdre01438 jennifer0204
Thank you Jennifer. Fingers crossed for you.