Perimenopause panic
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I'll be 43 very soon, and I've been experiencing what I think are perimenopause symptoms since December and it's been torturous. Some symptoms have improved since starting an SSRI anti-anxiety med, but the physical symptoms remain.
Overwhelming dread, fear, panic, frustration, anger, and sadness. I had NO appetite and barely ate.
EVERYTHING overwhelmed me. Just the thought of having to make dinner sent me into a panic-y meltdown. I had bills to pay, but just couldn't leave to go pay them. Thank God for online bill pay!
*This all started right before Christmas, so obligations were more frequent and I had to hold it together as best I could.
The day after Christmas I shut down.
I could barely get out of bed and just laid there sobbing, shaking, and physically in pain. I felt adrenaline CONSTANTLY coursing through my veins and had to keep moving to "burn it off".
I lost about 7 pounds 3 weeks and it doesn't sound like much, but I'm already small and the weight loss was very noticeable and concerning. I'd fall asleep fine but wake up with heart palpitations and racing pulse, several times a night. I almost went to the ER several times.
For about a month I thought I was dying.
I was-and still am experiencing:
random muscle cramping, muscle spasms, tendon and joint pain, skin tingling, itching, blurry vision, jitters, buzzing and internal vibrations when sitting still and trying to sleep, and fibrocystic breast pain.
* I saw my doctor a few weeks after this started and it wall all chalked up to my untreated anxiety disorder, which made sense. So, I've been taking generic Lexapro and it's cleared my head and helped me focus. I haven't had any bouts of crying and despair, BUT the physical symptoms are just as prevalent and leading me to believe I'm starting perimenopause. My aunt told me that "the change" starts early on that side of the family and that she started in her late 30s. My mom had a hysterectomy at 22, so I couldn't use her as a reference.
My period last month was a week early, I'm starting to find long, fine hairs on my jawline. My breasts look like deflated balloons, and I haven't had a libido for over a year.
I also had 2 hot flashes last week.
I'm seeing my gynecologist on Thursday and hopefully she can give me some insight to this.
*Sorry this is so long. I needed to vent and find some kind of camaraderie in all this. I am just so over these muscle spasms and internal buzzing. I want my life back and to feel "normal" again.
2 likes, 49 replies
reva31742 trinity03
I didn't some of those but I have been going through perimenopause also for over 10 years. So I feel your pain. I was taking a Black Cohosh supplement that helped with hot flashes and helped me sleep. I can't get it here anymore, but maybe you can. Also there is other natural supplements that help sometimes. My gynecologist put me on a low dose birth control last year for hormones instead of hormone replacements. It has helped a bunch. I still have some trouble during my cycle, but not as bad most of the time. Kind of levels me out some. I had my tubes tied years about 8-9 years ago. I hope this help, but just know you are not alone. I still am waiting to go through the full change and I am ready!!
trinity03 reva31742
Ten years of perimenopause. Please tell me it eases up! I'll talk to my gyno about the supplements when I see her soon. I tried birth control pills once years ago after I had my daughter and they made me feel horrible. Things may be different now though.
Thanks for sharing
gailannie trinity03
Hi Trinity, you aren't crazy or dying. but I know you feel like you might be. Everything you have described are all symptoms of hormone decline. It's not fun. Perimenopause is considered the 10 year period before menopause. Mine started at almost 43, with aggressive hair loss, circular heat sensations in my feet, weight loss, a few drenching night sweats, and a host of other things.
Hopefully you will get an extensive panel of lab work done. This may or may not be able to help to indicate hormonal decline. (Mine all came back within normal ranges) In perimenopause, it is suggested you get labs drawn on day 2-3 of your cycle to see how low your estrogen is dropping at the start of your cycle.
My muscle and ligament pain started to come on as I got closer to menopause. I saw a host of doctors looking for answers, yet not one of these professionals asked about menopause status. It wasn't until the vaginal atrophy and dryness set in that I was given estrogen, and low and behold, all the muscle and ligament pain went away.
Good luck. You have every right to vent. None of this is easy.
trinity03 gailannie
Thanks for "listening" and replying
Also, thanks for the advice about when labs should be done during my cycle. I didn't know that.
All this is so weird and "seems" to have come on fast and furiously. What a reminder of my age! I never felt old until this started.
Right now I'm thankful that the horrible brain fog and constant adrenaline rushes have subsided. That made me feel like a complete alien and my body and mind were not my own.
Thanks again!
Eliaimee1970 trinity03
As I reading this I’m at the doctors again with nausea that started the day my period end for the month with pain on the lower left side down my leg like I’m going to have my period again and on my lower back going up at times and has been a week , this morning I woke up w a headache located on the back side and on top check my BP and was 110/78. I haven’t eat well due the nauseas. I’m schedule for a colonoscopy next week looking forward to that. I want to be normal again . Get better and keep us posted it had help me a lot this post
trinity03 Eliaimee1970
lisa68384 trinity03
"random muscle cramping, muscle spasms, tendon and joint pain, skin tingling, itching, blurry vision, jitters, buzzing and internal vibrations when sitting still and trying to sleep, and fibrocystic breast pain"
You sound EXACTLY like me except I am 37. Went to SO MANY Dr's and spent a ton of money before I started to see the connection with my cycle and hormones. The physical symptoms are bad, the mental symptoms are horrendous. Feels like death actually. Getting my hormones tested as well.
Hugs my friend. You are not alone. It's so hard to believe all these symptoms are from hormones
Hang in there!!
trinity03 lisa68384
It's comforting to know we're not the only ones in this, eh? 37 *seems* young, but the more I read about all this, the more I see that it's not so uncommon to start at that age.
Hormones can be our best friend or worst enemy it seems. I never really had a clue until now.
Thanks for sharing your experience!
kelle34850 trinity03
Hello! Boy!! Whatever you have, I have the SAME thing! All what you described I have had since August. The adrenaline rushes keep me from falling asleep. My GP wanted me to take sertraline but it made me so depressed and tires I couldn't take it. I'm glad you were able to find some help witb lexapro. My gyn was horrible. She didn't care about any of my symptoms and they are only willing to diagnose post menopausal which I think is still a few years off. I went to another Dr that specializes in BHRT. She definitely listened to me but was hesitant to start me on estrogen yet. BUT this last month was a better month for me. I definitely think my symptoms are related to a decline in estrogen. Good luck and please keep in touch. Btw. I am 41!
trinity03 kelle34850
I could never talk to my mom about it since she had a hysterectomy so young.
Thanks for responding and sharing!
kelle34850 trinity03
I never imagined I would be going through this at 41. My mom was finished with menopause by 50 so I always pictured 50. But all I ever heard about was hot flashes and mood swings. My mom got on prozac around the time it all started so I wonder if that prevented some of the symptoms I am experiencing. Idk. But if it wasn't for the ladies on here and on the power surge Facebook page I think I would have just lost my mind!
tina00239 trinity03
Oh poor you trinity, you are I believe most certainly going into menopause. How long you have such severe symptoms I dont know but my peri symptoms were few and far between and no one connected the dots as to what was happening to me. My hormones completely crashed last December and the symptoms at least the 66 mentioned on the perimenopause forum appeared and so severely that I couldnt function. My dr came out to see me, took one look at me and put me straight on hrt. You may need to consider that if you are really suffering which I think you are. My dr gave me diazepam for anxiety, and to boost the hrt I began taking a high strength menopause Vitamin, B complex, Vit D, evening primrose oil in high strength capsules and crushed valerian in a warm milky drink at bedtime. All of these have helped ease my symptoms though not totally so my hrt has been changed to patches with a view to changing it again to Bhrt. I really dont know what I would have done without it, or my brilliant dr and my wonderful family (all of them men) which is amazing in itself. But one of the best things was finding this forum and caring and sharing with other ladies. I know I'm not going mad and that I'm not by myself in this. There is always someone here to talk to and share things with and it makes no end of difference. The other ladies are all going through the same thing or have gone through it so we all just try to help eachother. Heres hoping you feel a bit better soon hun! XXX
trinity03 tina00239
"But one of the best things was finding this forum and caring and sharing with other ladies. I know I'm not going mad and that I'm not by myself in this. There is always someone here to talk to and share things with and it makes no end of difference. The other ladies are all going through the same thing or have gone through it so we all just try to help each other."
Yes! This! I'm so grateful to know that these things are "typical" and there are other ladies out there like you that understand
trinity03 tina00239
Also, I just started noticing the changes mentally and physically last December. It just seems like every day something else aches, hurts, twinges, tingles, is sore, or isn't "right." Cannot wait to feel normal again.
tina00239 trinity03
emmsiezac tina00239