Perimenopause: strange symptoms?
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Hi all,
I'm 46 (47 in Oct.) and have been on the rocky road of perimenopause for several years. Although no doctor can tell me definitively that peri is what is going on. I have an appointment to get my hormones checked to see if there is anything telling there. I go through periods (no pun intended!) where I feel somewhat okay. However, the last three weeks have been awful. I ended up in urgent care after one of these "episodes" I get frequently. My heart starts racing out of the blue, I get very lightheaded, have a weird pressure in my head, throat and chest, my BP drops, and I pretty much feel like death is coming any minute. These strike me suddenly, although often in the morning it seems. I sometimes take Xanax during these episodes which can help but not totally. By the time it's over I am left feeling shaky and exhausted. I've seen a cardiologist, wore a holter monitor, had an echo and a stress test. They put me on metoprolol (beta blocker) for the occasional high heart rate and kind of sent me on my way. I've had my thyroid checked and adrenal function. All normal. One other thing to note: my periods are super erratic and can be crazy heavy when they come. I am sooooo tired of feeling like crap. I can't enjoy my family, friends or normal activities like I used to. While I am eager to get my hormones checked, I am also a little nervous that it is going to show they are within normal range and not what is causing all this other nonsense. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone?? On my worst days I feel like surely I am dying of some dread disease and they just haven't figured it out yet. lol. Thanks in advance for your response.
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dora_39625 mel65197
Hi Mel,
yes, all your symptoms and experiences are very familiar and some!
I'm 44 and been going through peri for over 2 years now.
I've had by hormone levels checked a couple of times and came back normal.
My doctor told me that these tests aren't reliable and that they go by our symptoms more than anything else.
I've seen a gynecologist who told me it was definitively peri menopause.
I have good weeks and bad weeks and after 2 years am finally coming to grips with this nuisance change.
Some months are worse than others and I've found that my periods and pre are awful now. Headaches and migraines are a big issue now also.
Just know that you're not alone and help and advice is available.
Hope this helps 😊
mel65197 dora_39625
Thanks Dora. I appreciate your input. I also get migraines which are no fun. Sorry you are dealing with those as well. All this really makes me appreciate the times when I feel well (even if they aren't very often)!
michelle51519 mel65197
I am 49 and Have Gone through all this still in Ways . . You are going through Peri . On your way to menopause . I started at 43 bit sooner than you . I had aching Breasts arm pits and Started having panic attacks . Just as you stated . Feel like you might die , mine hit when I would lay in bed trying to fall asleep so scary . I have learned to Breath and calm myself . I also get the dizzy head still do . I have sinus issues and allergies anyways . I have found taking a iron pill and magnesium complex and also take one a day multi for menopause helps with the night and day hot flashes . I started 2018-19 skipping months and this month I have had a period for 2 weeks not fun more of a spotting of red but I never have had along period . I am heavy first 2 days then pretty light for 4 more then done . you are fine just The peri ride . My Gyno Told me try yoga and walking and reading . I also lock myself in my bedroom from hubby and kids to meditate have a minute to myself . I find I can get overwhelmed with hormones and mood swings , Chaos . I also take a nap if needed put my ear plugs in so helps noisy family . Massages help me also . You need to take care of you first to be able to take care of your family . Just know your not alone . I drink more water also . I love Gardening listening to music . One Day at a Time is what I do ❤️
Beverlys1 michelle51519
AWESOME ADVISE MICHELLE,,, best of all that I have learned also one day at a time also 1 minute at a time, right???xxxx
mel65197 michelle51519
Thank you Michelle. All great advice. I am hoping to see a gyno (I see a GP now) who might have a little more knowledge of peri. I also should start taking a meno multi vitamin. Which one do you take?
michelle51519 mel65197
I Have been Reading alot over the years and have learned with my peri starting at 43 now i am 49 . I have been Taking IRON pill helps with being tired and i am not a big red meat eater . I Also take B Complex vito every other day make your pee yellow and your will only take what you need . Helps with Energy . I Also take Magnesium Complex helps with heart palps . I Have no spleen so I also take Zinc helps amunity . They work for me . I Walk also helps alot and a little yoga helps . I Have been taking one a Day MENOPAUSE Helps with Hot Flashes . Hope This Helps ❤️
kelly55079 mel65197
Yes.. some days I'm Ok and other days not.. Blood tests seem to be 'normal'.. I get heart palps as well as many other things. I too can't stand the heavy periods as they make me tired!! I take 2 iron pills during the heavy flow days. I believe it's the dip in estrogen. Keep a journal of all your symtoms-- even what tests you've had and outcome. We are our own health advocates. And if something is off by all means get it looked at. This is a difficult time so just rest when you need too. When I'm not feeling great, I do the bare minimum and that's it.
mel65197 kelly55079
It's hard to tell when is the right time to go to doc, cause I feel that I get new issues/problems all the time! When do I go in and when do I let it ride? I could be going to the doctor daily!! lol
Guest mel65197
I had hormone testing that came back normal, even though my cycles were erratic and I had horrendous symptoms. And in my 50s. You just cant go by that sorry to say. My last test showed I was in full meno and then a week later I got a normal period.
All of your symptoms, especially since you are getting wonky cycles, point to perimeno. And the fact that you've had everything else tested and normal.
One thing you could ask for is an iron and ferritin test.
mel65197 Guest
Thanks for your reply Suzanne. I am not expecting any test at this point to give me concrete answers. Maybe just evidence pointing in a direction?? If I could just have a plan of action I wouldn't feel so helpless.
grace50455 mel65197
Hi Mel, I feel the same way, today is not a good day for me. I was in ER till 4am with my grandaughter
and today I feel horrible my body is aching and I have neck pain that goes down my back and my head is pounding. Im having labwork tomorrow
and Im really nervous about what they might find.
I too feel like I cant enjoy the things I used to, I feel nervous and shaky all the time and my mind keeps wondering what if.... I am praying for peace and strength to enjoy each day . God bless you ! you are not alone!
mel65197 grace50455
Hi Grace, so sorry it is so rough on you. I totally get it. Hoping your lab work gives you some information you can use!
CarolKelso mel65197
Hi there
you are not alone as ive been there. rushed to a & e three years ago as i felt i was having a heart attack and felt like i couldnt breath. as well as low suger surges, panic. ibs. migraine and over all just feeling crap. ive been there but it does pass with time.. hang tight.keep checking in here for support. You are not alone and i know how you feel. go easy on yourself through this transition.
mel65197 CarolKelso
This all sounds familiar! Sorry you are dealing with it also. I'm very thankful for this forum.
claire38123 mel65197
Totally understand you iv also had this since jan started with just feeling anxious and down all the time i put it down to work but had a breakdown in front of my gp who put me on the sick and did bloods which shown iam in peri so i went on to have to have 2 months off work iv have several episodes were i wake in the night sweating shaking feeling sick dizziness and pounding heart iv rang the paramedics out twice and have ecgs done and my heart is fine but every time my bp has been through the roof 188/117 iv suffered with high bp for a while so so trying to get meds sorted first lot just gave me pounding head so looking at going on beta blockers as my gp said they would do 2 jobs lower my bp and stop the anxiety as he told me he has a lot of ladies in there late 40s with peri menopausal anxiety and take antidepressants which i didnt want to take iam also 46 but unlike you dont know what my periods are up to as i had an hysterectomy at 39 but kept my ovaries so i didnt hit menopause early wish i had the lot gone now, so big hugs to you and hope you feel better soon xx