Perimenopause symptom ? scared !!

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Hello, new to this forum, need some advice.

I think I have been going through peri for nearly 2 yrs now as I have almost ALL the usual symptoms, the thing is last night I had this strange feeling in my stomach / chest and then felt really faint like I was gonna pass out. I have had dizzy spells before but this was different, it stayed with me on and off all night and I still don't feel right this morning. Extra info, yesterday was day 2 of my monthly and I have unstable bp although I am on bp meds its not settling yet. Anyone have anything similar?

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like your BP suddenly went low, best let your GP know when see about BP.
  • Posted

    Hi Jayne

    I can relate to the faint feelings, i had 3 faints my peri and one in 2012.

    You say your on your period.

    Are you eating regularly, even little and often helps..

    If you say this feels different to what you normally feel then go speak to the doctor get properly checked and routine blood tests,

    Jay x

  • Posted

    I'm prescribed Losartan for hypertension but have had to stop it (my GP isn't aware yet) because since reducing my HRT I've been fainting or feeling faint at the drop of a hat. I take my BP at home and it's ridiculously low. I'm putting it down to now being menopausal.
  • Posted

    Thanks for the replies, Think i will try get a docs appointment
  • Posted

    yes i can see why you are scared.

    it sounds as though you havent been taking the bp meds for long.

    i have a friend with blood pressure up and down and is taking meds.

    she experiences dizzy spells.

    now the thing is, she sometimes doesnt eat or sometimes has a few drinks.

    what i'm saying is, if you change your routine, the meds arent gonna work the same.

    my friend is past any hormonal influence.

    keep a diary .

    eat and drink something when this happens., cant do any harm and will dilute the effect of the meds if you catch my drift.

    your gp should be told so he can adjust your meds.

    best wishes.


  • Posted

    You do need to see your GP jayne just to rule out any underlying causes. Sometimes it's very easy to put every ache, pain or unusual symptom down to the menopause. I put my dizzy and fainting spells down to it until I took my blood pressure. Your doctor may want you to have a blood test just to rule out anaemia. Take care and keep in touch.
    • Posted

      I have had all manner of blood tests done and also had kidney scan to rule out any damage but all come back normal, just wish I felt normal!
    • Posted

      Sorry for the late reply, have been feeling really bad. I went to my gp this morning and from what I've told him and everything else thats goin on he definitely thinks peri, sent me for more bloods this morning to check FSH so will have to wait and see, but he didnt seem unduly concerned.
    • Posted

      At least you've had blood tests jayne. Fingers crossed.
  • Posted

    Yes, I get that stomach and chest thing too during my cycle. I am also on bp meds and find that around this time of the month my bp tends to be slightly elevated even though I am on the meds but after my period is over it goes back to normal. I didn't have bp issues until peri hit. It's just a side effect to all of these fluctuating hormones.
    • Posted

      I have had a look back over the last few months in my diary and i seem to have similar things every month at the start of my period. The bp scares me to death aswell, just cos it's still not down enough, although it is coming down , juat VERY slowly .
  • Posted

    Hello my name is Jennifer, I am 48 years old and the past year has been a very troubling time for me physically and mentally.  I suffer from General Anxiety and I get very panicked about physical symptoms.  I have always had a bad PMS and uncomfortable periods, but this year has been the worst.  I looked up symptoms of Perimenopause and was shocked that I had all 35 symptoms. Headaches, hot flashes, chills, irregular periods, mood swings, terrible fatigue, depression and feeling sick and foggy and out of it.  One of the scariest symptoms is the irregular and racing heart beats.  I have had EKG's, MRI's, Colon Scopes, blood work all came back normal, however, I do have IBS and take blood pressure medication. I feel sick as if I have a disease or terrible disorder of some kind.  In speaking to my older sisters and friends, they tell me they all have experinced or now experience these aweful symptoms.  I still find it hard to believe this is hormone related.  I got my period 5 days earlier this month and have felt horrible everyday.  You are not alone, and I hope this goes by quickly for both of us.  Do you know about any natural supplements or teas that can help our symptoms, I am on Paxil and do take Xanax at times, but I would like to take something more natural..hope we can communicate soon....Take care!!!


    • Posted

      Hi jennifer

      Vit B 6 good for symptoms 100mg

      As is Maca 5.1

      Also B12 for energy

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer, I dont really take anything at the moment for the peri symptoms as my bp is uncontrolled and until it is sorted Im frightend to take anything, I too have had all manner of tests all coming back normal. Whoever said life begins at 40 was telling lies lol .
    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer,

      I am also 48 and boy have I been through a few trials. About

      5 years ago, I was diagnosed finally with Fibromyalgia. I started

      taking Effexor, which did lesson the pain. I then was able to take

      other pain medications, which have also helped. BUT, really I beleive

      most of this was Perimenopause. I had bood pressure issues, mainly High and was put onto blood pressure tablets. Not long after I was diagnosed with a very large fibroid (small rockmelon size) near my

      uterus. Had this removed with Hysterectomhy, but able to keep overies. Whilst in hospital they decided I had low blood pressure and terminated my BP pills. 

      Since then I have been on a rolacoaster course, but of recent found

      my face going bright red and feel hot as hell any time of day, not just night. Had a nasty turn a while back. Have invested in a BP machine since and am seeing my Gp this week. Am requesting to have a trial with the HRT patches first. I wish you all the best it is a hard road. Tiger8


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