Perimenopause symptom ? scared !!
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Hello, new to this forum, need some advice.
I think I have been going through peri for nearly 2 yrs now as I have almost ALL the usual symptoms, the thing is last night I had this strange feeling in my stomach / chest and then felt really faint like I was gonna pass out. I have had dizzy spells before but this was different, it stayed with me on and off all night and I still don't feel right this morning. Extra info, yesterday was day 2 of my monthly and I have unstable bp although I am on bp meds its not settling yet. Anyone have anything similar?
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Tazchurch jayne80635
jayneejay jayne80635
I can relate to the faint feelings, i had 3 faints my peri and one in 2012.
You say your on your period.
Are you eating regularly, even little and often helps..
If you say this feels different to what you normally feel then go speak to the doctor get properly checked and routine blood tests,
Jay x
Jan999 jayne80635
chica jayne80635
it sounds as though you havent been taking the bp meds for long.
i have a friend with blood pressure up and down and is taking meds.
she experiences dizzy spells.
now the thing is, she sometimes doesnt eat or sometimes has a few drinks.
what i'm saying is, if you change your routine, the meds arent gonna work the same.
my friend is past any hormonal influence.
keep a diary .
eat and drink something when this happens., cant do any harm and will dilute the effect of the meds if you catch my drift.
your gp should be told so he can adjust your meds.
best wishes.
Jan999 jayne80635
jayne80635 Jan999
jayne80635 Jan999
Jan999 jayne80635
jayne80635 Jan999
sharcerv52408 jayne80635
jayne80635 sharcerv52408
jennifer85396 jayne80635
jayneejay jennifer85396
Vit B 6 good for symptoms 100mg
As is Maca 5.1
Also B12 for energy
Jay x
Jay x
jayne80635 jennifer85396
Tiger8 jennifer85396
I am also 48 and boy have I been through a few trials. About
5 years ago, I was diagnosed finally with Fibromyalgia. I started
taking Effexor, which did lesson the pain. I then was able to take
other pain medications, which have also helped. BUT, really I beleive
most of this was Perimenopause. I had bood pressure issues, mainly High and was put onto blood pressure tablets. Not long after I was diagnosed with a very large fibroid (small rockmelon size) near my
uterus. Had this removed with Hysterectomhy, but able to keep overies. Whilst in hospital they decided I had low blood pressure and terminated my BP pills.
Since then I have been on a rolacoaster course, but of recent found
my face going bright red and feel hot as hell any time of day, not just night. Had a nasty turn a while back. Have invested in a BP machine since and am seeing my Gp this week. Am requesting to have a trial with the HRT patches first. I wish you all the best it is a hard road. Tiger8