Perimenopause: What no one discusses. Hot Flash....ha that's funny.
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So, I'm new to this forum and thankful to have found it. I recently collapsed 7 months ago from what I thought was stress. I flew into severe anxiety and panic. Then flew to my primary doctor who diagnosed me with depression and anxiety. I had never heard of perimenopause before. Menopause yes, and my mom had it really bad but, never thought about the time leading up to Menopause. My mom also, passed away from cancer when I was in my early 20's. I'm 48 now so, we didn't discuss it much. I just knew when she hit Menopause it was rough. I've never been stricken by anxiety and panic before so, I was sick for several months before I was well enough to realize that this may be hormone related. Right before I collapsed I was severely fatigued but, like many just thought it was stress related. I thought. I need more sleep. Then I remembered I had started having anxiety at night and heart palpitations long before this occurred but, I just continued with life at that time and thought again, I was stressed. I went to my Gyn who took blood work but, told me I couldn't be in peri. He asked if I was having hot flashes. Now not everyone gets hot flashes and many like me get the most severe symptoms. Never let anyone tell you something can not be happening to you because indeed I'm in peri. I probably would not have suffered as severely at that time had I not listened to my Gyn at that time. Always trust yourself. When first hit with the depression and anxiety. I also, had extreme trouble concentrating and focusing. I literally couldn't think. Brain fog to the max. I'm a details gal so, this drove me bonkers! My primary prescribed me Sertraline. It was not good for me. Wound up in the ER with bruising all over my legs. Tried Zoloft. Lost 20lbs felt awful and always numb. I know they work for some but, not at all for me. Right now I'm trying GNC's Women's Ultra Mega Menopause Vitapak Program for 30 days. Read good reviews on it. I also, take B6, D3, Magnesium, Theanine, Vitamin C and drink ton's of green tea. I'm hoping in the next coming weeks I feel better. These Vitapak's take one to two weeks to kick in. I do feel somewhat calmer having started taking them for the past 3 days. I feel anyone's pain going through this with severe symptoms. This has been pure hell and very scary. It exhausts you and I have felt like it's been ground hog day for the past several months. You get up. You don't get much accomplished. You go to bed and pray one day you wake up feeling normal. I pray for that day. I might look into a Naturopathic doctor next. I do keep reminding myself this shall pass. I did force myself to put up Halloween decorations tonight and for a brief moment I did feel better. Feeling dizzy and all I got them up!
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2chr2015 NothinforNothin
hi nothin. welcome to the forum. it has been a blessing for me. i am 47 and been going through this about 4 years now. the hot flashes have recently became worse. i am laying here awake at 3 am.because of them. sometimes i just cant go back to sleep, so the insomnia is just kicking my butt right now. i know exactly what you mean about not getting much accomplished. let is know how the meno vitamins work.
NothinforNothin 2chr2015
Hi 2chr2015:
I will give you an update at the end of my 2 weeks on them. I've been taking them 5 days now and I do have hope for the first time that they will eventually kick in and this will end. I feel for ya with the hot flashes although I haven't had them yet. Hope that is not in store for me when actual Menopause hits....aaaahhh I don't even want to think about that. Do cold showers work for them? I'm just now trying to figure out what I will do when they hit. Stand in front of the frig with the freezer open haha. I think I had the insomnia at the beginning of all this some time ago. I remember feeling tired but , wired and couldn't fall a sleep. I didn't do anything special with that just got through it. I know a hot shower before bed makes me sleep better and lowers my stress. I've had to do that many nights. Maybe a colder one for you. 😮) Keep pushing forward. I will be in touch about the meno vitamins. Take care.....
2chr2015 NothinforNothin
a cold shower might help lol. I usually don't want to get up and start moving around too much bc i just want to go back to sleep. and i try not to wake my husband. sometimes i will wet a paper towel with cold water and put it on my face and neck
NothinforNothin 2chr2015
I just read another reviewer said to place a scarf in the freezer and then wrap it around your neck. When my time comes. I will be trying that one! ha
ha ha then I just thought I'd probably throw a whole jacket in the freezer and wear that! 😮)
2chr2015 NothinforNothin
i saw that too! i was wondering if it is a special scarf i need to buy or if just any scarf would work. sounds like a great idea. i don't think i own a scarf lol but i can figure out something
Guest NothinforNothin
You described my life to a T as well! I know how you feel. My dr and my therapist keep saying my symptoms cant be hormone related and that its just anxiety or depression even though my blood tests show severe low progesterone and estrogen. I have never had a mental breakdown like this in my lifetime and let me tell you i have dealt with alot of stress in my life. But this just swooped in out if nowhere and ruined my life for years now. Ive tried zoloft it made me sicker! I dont know what to do anymore i cant function like a normal person
NothinforNothin Guest
Hi Brandy2278:
I can't take any kind of HRT. My mom passed away from cancer and I'm unsure whether it was due to the HRT but, she's the only one in my family that died from Cancer and on HRT. So, I don't want to chance it. I'll let you know how the Menopause vitamins from GNC work. I'm on day 5 and really for the first time have started to calm down and there is a slight glimmer of hope here that this shall pass soon. Small thoughts are coming back now for the first time. My thinking has been stuck for 8 month. I love life and this has been debilitating. Yes, Zoloft may work for some but, I eventually felt complete emotional numbness. No high moods nor low just flat. I just could not stay on them and they don't cure the problems. They just mask them and I feel eventually your going to have to deal with it head on. I was really scared they would change my personality and I would not be able to think or react to things the same. But, really whatever works for anyone. I hope you find peace Brandy. I will let you know how these menopause vitamins work. Saying a prayer for you.
Kazjo Guest
Hi Brandy,
Can I suggest you get a new doctor and look into bio identicals. A month ago, as a last resort because I could not stand living the way I was, continuing hot flashes, extremely dry vag/no libido, irritable, depressed, anxious, etc) I started on oral Estradiol and Progesterone. I already feel better. Do some research and find what you think you'd like to try. I'm happy I did. My estrogen and progesterone were very low as yes, it is hormonal. Our whole lives are hormonal and I'm sorry your doctors don't qualify the symptoms of peri and post meno as hormonal, many doctors (female as well) just don't seem to understand it or care about it. Best of luck and warm hugs to you!
Kazjo NothinforNothin
Hi ladies! Just had to say that I do NOT trust doctors any more. Of course this is hormone related. I had to figure it all out by myself as well. There are so many symptoms of peri, meno, and post that no one ever discussed so we are all just winging the entire process. I would never go to a male gyno. IDC how much education or experience he has, he will NEVER understand the woman's body processes. I've even lost confidence/respect for my long-time gyno, an older woman who's been through all this. You are right, trust yourself. This is a scary and very confusing time in our lives and no one in the medical field seems to really care.
I just started on bio identicals (my last resort) and while there are some side effects (slight weight gain/always hungry and I'm overly emotional) other thing are much better. Of course, they may kill me eventually and they are expensive (well, there's one way to lose weight if I can't afford groceries) but I think I'll stay on them. I'm on my second month of them and will just have to change old habits to accommodate the side effects. Honestly, and I know this is hard, but try exercising more...that helps me tremendously. You just have to get up and do it. Find a type of exercise you love and move your body, it'll change your life and your attitude. I notice a huge difference between when I'm on an exercise kick and when I'm not, both physically and mentally. Hugs to you all.
mel65197 Kazjo
Totally agree about the exercise part! So important, even when it sounds like the last thing in the world you want to do, lol!
NothinforNothin Kazjo
Hi Kazjo:
I'm very curious to hear how you do on the bio identicals. Please, let me know how they work out for you. At least you haven't lost your sense of humor. I can hear it through out your post 😮). Staying positive is very important and trying to find some humor in this always helps. My partner always says it's mind over matter. If you don't mind - it don't matter. He's right. I try to push that thinking hard each day. Walking each day helps me a lot. You have to continue to move. Your right it really does help you both physically and mentally. All the best to you.
Kazjo NothinforNothin
Hey! Thank you! Yes, I keep a sense of humor most of the time. If you don't laugh, you'll cry... 😃 Part of it is mind over matter, for sure. But hormones are totally in control here so don't fight it too hard. We need some help in the hormone department. I get so mad reading letters like Brandy's...of course it is hormone related and she has 2 "professionals" telling her it isn't. Makes me wonder if they have an agenda (pharmaceutically). I will let you know how I feel in another month (2 months total on the hormones) but so far, so good. Keep walking! I live in FL so I never go outside for recreation until about this time of year when it's starting to get comfortable. I love a good walk outdoors! Hugs!
mel65197 NothinforNothin
Hello and welcome! This forum has helped me keep my sanity. I just turned 47 and have been dealing with awful symptoms for about 5 years, although definitely worse in the last 2. Most doctors don't know what to do other than bloodwork (normal) and a slew of other tests (normal). I do understand that things have to be ruled out, but it is frustrating to be continually told that everything looks "normal". I have heart palpitations, skipped beats, extremely low blood pressure at times, weird panic-like episodes that are horrible, lightheadedness, chest pressure/tightness, stomach issued, headaches, heavy/erratic periods, and on and on. What I don't have are the "classic" menopausal symptoms: no hot flashes, no insomnia, no weight gain. I feel like every time I see a new doctor I get asked if I am having those three symptoms as if that is all there is to peri/meno. This is SUCH a black box for most health care practitioners. You really have to search for someone who will listen to you and not just tell you it's stress and anxiety and put you on an antidepressant.
I wanted to mention a few things that have helped me. One, seeing a compounding pharmacist (preferably a woman). She will know so much more about peri/meno and and can suggest some bio-identical HRT if you are up for trying that, as well as helpful supplements. I am on bio-identical progesterone cream, but not estrogen yet because I am still having my period so therefore producing estrogen. Two, there are some great podcasts out there to listen to dealing with a lot of the stuff we are suffering with. One good one is Sweaty and P****d. Three, think about adding Maca to your supplement routine. There is lots of data out there that it is helpful for hormonal imbalance.
Know that you are not alone, you are NOT crazy, your symptoms are real, and support is here. xo
NothinforNothin mel65197
Hi Mel65197:
Curious to know if the bio-identical progesterone cream is helping you and with what symptoms. I will look into those podcasts. I heard a lot of good about Maca but, I read too that they could cause yeast infections. So, ha I don't want to risk getting one of those to add to all the rest of my symptoms right now. My luck right now I'd get one. 😮) I'm sure that's not the case for all though and that it has helped many. I tried Gaba too. They say that helps with calmness. My partner tried it and he says it helps him sleep better. For me I get a really heavy flush feeling when I take them. Everyone's different though. I've just gotten to the point where I can sit without jumping out of my skin. I'm parked on my couch right now watching t.v and replying to posts. I really really appreciate the support and responses I've received from my first post on this website. It really does help to make you feel that you are not alone going through this. Again, let me know how that bio-identical progesterone cream works! ❤️ Hoping you feel better too!