Perimenopause: What no one discusses. Hot Flash....ha that's funny.

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So, I'm new to this forum and thankful to have found it. I recently collapsed 7 months ago from what I thought was stress. I flew into severe anxiety and panic. Then flew to my primary doctor who diagnosed me with depression and anxiety. I had never heard of perimenopause before. Menopause yes, and my mom had it really bad but, never thought about the time leading up to Menopause. My mom also, passed away from cancer when I was in my early 20's. I'm 48 now so, we didn't discuss it much. I just knew when she hit Menopause it was rough. I've never been stricken by anxiety and panic before so, I was sick for several months before I was well enough to realize that this may be hormone related. Right before I collapsed I was severely fatigued but, like many just thought it was stress related. I thought. I need more sleep. Then I remembered I had started having anxiety at night and heart palpitations long before this occurred but, I just continued with life at that time and thought again, I was stressed. I went to my Gyn who took blood work but, told me I couldn't be in peri. He asked if I was having hot flashes. Now not everyone gets hot flashes and many like me get the most severe symptoms. Never let anyone tell you something can not be happening to you because indeed I'm in peri. I probably would not have suffered as severely at that time had I not listened to my Gyn at that time. Always trust yourself. When first hit with the depression and anxiety. I also, had extreme trouble concentrating and focusing. I literally couldn't think. Brain fog to the max. I'm a details gal so, this drove me bonkers! My primary prescribed me Sertraline. It was not good for me. Wound up in the ER with bruising all over my legs. Tried Zoloft. Lost 20lbs felt awful and always numb. I know they work for some but, not at all for me. Right now I'm trying GNC's Women's Ultra Mega Menopause Vitapak Program for 30 days. Read good reviews on it. I also, take B6, D3, Magnesium, Theanine, Vitamin C and drink ton's of green tea. I'm hoping in the next coming weeks I feel better. These Vitapak's take one to two weeks to kick in. I do feel somewhat calmer having started taking them for the past 3 days. I feel anyone's pain going through this with severe symptoms. This has been pure hell and very scary. It exhausts you and I have felt like it's been ground hog day for the past several months. You get up. You don't get much accomplished. You go to bed and pray one day you wake up feeling normal. I pray for that day. I might look into a Naturopathic doctor next. I do keep reminding myself this shall pass. I did force myself to put up Halloween decorations tonight and for a brief moment I did feel better. Feeling dizzy and all I got them up!

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    I would be careful drinking tons of green tea it can be hard on the liver so a doctor told me.

    • Posted

      Hi crosado8:

      Thanks for that tip! I did not know that. I heard it was good for your joints so, that is where that started. I will scale back now due to your response and I just read about it online. Thanks for caring - Much appreciated. ❤️

  • Posted

    Boy, this is a tough road we are on!!! I am so grateful for this safe place to talk and compare notes. PLEASE let us know if the GNC Vitapak works for you. And hang in there!!

    • Posted

      Yes, more like a never ending highway!!! I'm on the Vitapak just 5 days and feeling results although I've been dealing with this for 8 months. I think I'm on the tail end of it but, to be honest I didn't start feeling better until I started these vitamins. In 2 weeks I will update you for sure. Stay strong too! 😮)

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