period continues
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Hi Ladies, i have just been reading on menopause matters and now feel anxious. I have had a period now for 26 days none stop. I am not bleeding heavy all the time but, have flooded several times then spot for a few days then bleed more, then spot again. When i say spotting it remains red and i have to wear a pad but, it is like it is going to end but, it doesn,t. I have seen my Gynae last week and she has taken a sample and given me a prescription for 2 medications. Reading on menopause matters bleeding like this can be a sign of cancer so freaking out a little, This change has suddenly occured. My periods are normally 5 days, they have been irratic over the last 18 months being every 3 weeks then 6 weeks then back to 3. Anyone else like this? I have been given leaflets on ablation and the coil and have to think about what i want when i go back in a couple of months.
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Woo3353 amanda59745
Alllie amanda59745
amanda59745 Alllie
Alllie amanda59745
Guest amanda59745
amanda59745 Guest
Guest amanda59745
So happy to hear it stopped. I keep hoping mine will, it will get a bit lighter, then bam, full blown again. It's getting beyond annoying and very exhausting. Saw my friend today who said I should just go have a hysterectomy and be done with it. Do you know, if you go on hrt, does that prolong menopause?
amanda59745 Guest
Hi Suzanne, we don't want hysterectomy's as this leaves a void and can lead to incontinence as the bladder slips into the empty space. Have you not been offered an ablation or the coil? HRT regulates our fluctuating hormones making the change more bearable. I do not know if it prolongs menopause. x
Guest amanda59745
I called today and the nurse said progesterone helps with the constant bleeding but she said I should also use estrogel so I don’t go even more out of balance. I guess I could put my old bio identical creams out of the closet, but they are about a year old now, not sure if they would still work.
I’m glad you told me about the bladder thing. That does not sound like something I want to happen! My friend is a gyn midwife who sees non ob patients sometimes, and she was telling me stories of women whose organs start dropping out their va j j, good lord we’ve got so much to look forward to as we get older.
amanda59745 Guest
I was thinking of going to see a hypnotist or someone like that what do you think?
Guest amanda59745
I have friends and family who don’t think twice about taking anything they are thrown.
I just now started taking Advil again after staying off for a year due to gastritis. I had a tooth pulled and needed it. I have to say it really helped my body aches, just wish I could’ve taken it the whole time I had frozen shoulder!
I try not to google anymore. Last time I did I had myself convinced I had giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia. Ugh
amanda59745 Guest
Guest amanda59745
The pain is in my left calf too. There’s that left sided connection again. So strange that most things are on the left. Makes me wonder if it might be pancreatic in nature somehow.
amanda59745 Guest
Adenomyosis is when your womb lining goes into the wall of the womb and can cause pain and more bleeding, it is higher in ladies who have has c sections. x