Period lasting 6 weeks
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Hi all I'm 41 for the last year my periods have been every 2-weeks normal and regular then 6 weeks ago I came on as normal but the bleeding became lighter towards the and as normal but I'm still lightly bleeding now with cramps I have hot flushes occasionally during the day no sex drive vaginal dryness emotional depressed and now panicking that i have cervical cancer Went to put of hours gp who want me to have a scan smear and blood tests son but I'm to scared to
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becky53379 yasmin49092
yasmin49092 becky53379
Worried about the big C I guess hun. Yeah the cramps are like labour. The bleeding is literally when I wipe nothing heavy. The doctor put me on mefenamic acid at the weekend but isn't really helping
2chr2015 yasmin49092
I think the light spotting before and after my period was one of the first symptoms I noticed. It's usually darker in color too. That started happening before I even realized what was going I got scared too. I went to doctor and had a vaginal ultrasound. It was normal. I have since had my yearly Pap smear and it was also normal. So, I feel comfortable that it is all part of Perimenopause. I am 44. I hope that gives you some comfort. We all feel so unsure about these symptoms that we never knew were part of menopause.
yasmin49092 2chr2015
My mum has said it's what it is as she started hers at 35. My best friend lost her mum to cervical cancer so I guess it scares the life out me. So cramping and light bleeding a couple days then abit heavier and so forth are normal? Any other symptoms xx
2chr2015 yasmin49092
I can't say for sure if it's normal, but it is what has happened with me. The bothersome symptoms I've had are breast pain and swelling, night sweats, and I had 1 period that was very heavy a few months ago and then last month I had severe menstrual cramping on the third day of my period but bleeding was normal. Oh and I definitely don't want to forget the awesome anxiety!!
2chr2015 yasmin49092
I can't believe I forgot to mention stiff neck and upper back pain, gall bladder pain, fatigue, and muscle twitches and jerks.
yasmin49092 2chr2015
My left breast ouch ouch. My whole body feels drained of energy I can't begin to explain. I cry I stress over everything. My legs ache aswell
2chr2015 yasmin49092
ancillas0501 yasmin49092
It all sounds so familiar. I'm 45 next month. Started irregular period 2 years ago and mood swings and slight flushes. This past 7 months everything changed. No period for 3 months, hot flushes thick and fast. Sex drive gone. Teary sad miserable and rude at the drop of a hat. Just started HRT. You are not alone. This group is fantastic for guidance and support.
yasmin49092 ancillas0501
I just want it to be menopause as daft as it's sounds. I'm laying hear now period pains from hell tired emotional irritated from the amount of pain I'm in id expect to be gushing with blood but I'm not even covering a pad in 24 hours. It's all messing my head up lol xx
Lorene51 yasmin49092
yasmin49092 Lorene51
It's horrible isn't it. I'm just glad I'm not alone and it's kind of sounding normal xx
looloo43 yasmin49092
Hi Yasmin, so sorry you are feeling so awful (i read the rest of your posts). it probably is perimenopause especially as your mum had hers early, but the tests the ooh doctor wants to do are standard procedure when there is irreg bleeding going on - i had them all too. you really should have them done - perhaps you could take someone with you to the scan & smear to wait in the waiting room with you for support? the worst one is the smear as you probably already know, but the scan would probably be a transvaginal ultrasound which takes about 5-7mins & just gives a bit of period type cramping during/after. if you take some ibuprofen just before you go, you may not even experience that. please try not to worry, but please try to pluck up the courage to have the tests done. xx
yasmin49092 looloo43
looloo43 yasmin49092
That's great Yasmin. let us know how you get on on here, I echo what Cynthia says - it sounds very much like you're starting perimenopause, but always best to rule out anything else such as fibroids, cysts etc. xx