Periods for 3 weeks and still going - has anyone else suffered this - is it a sign of perimenopause
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Hi I am 5O years old turning 51 in February. My periods have always been regular (28 day cycle with period lasting 5-7 days). For the last several months they have been 2-5 days late or early.I had a period on the 20/9 lasting 6 days with some cramping and clotting. Then on the 31/10 I had spotting for 1 day. It wasn't until the 18/11/2018 that I ended up getting my period (basically missed a month) although it has been light. This went for 4 days then I had 2 days of nothing then light bleeding started again on the 25/11/2018. On the 28 and 29/11 had heavier bleeding (only 1 pad a day) and passed 2 larger clots. It has gone back to light bleeding which is still continuing (14 days +) . Has anyone experienced this. I am very concerned, and I am unable to get into my doctor until after Christmas -the middle of January. I don't really feel comfortable about seeing anyone else. Is this part of perimenopause or could it be more worrisome. I am hoping it is part of perimenopause as I have had other symptoms like sore breast and nipples, getting hot but not exactly hot flushes. facial hair, hair thinning, nails brittle, anxiety, mood swings. Please let me know if you have had prolonged periods.
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bev66 Flossymc
Hi this has happened to me. Normal periods up until August had a period then in sept had one day of brownish blood then nothing untill beginning of Nov,had a period for 5 days and nothing since although I have been having the pains as if a period is coming. I was having pelvic pain so was sent for an ultrasound which showed a small cyst on my right ovary but fine otherwise I asked the doctor why I was getting this pain and he said it's perimenapause. I too have all the other things you mention
Guest Flossymc
Hi Flossy,
Yes, for sure. That usually seems to be the start of things. I always had regular 28 day cycles. When I hit 50/51 things started changing. First, heavier with clots. Then lighter with brown stringy like. Shorter or longer cycles. Sometimes would skip a few months, then back again. Sometimes constant spotting for weeks. It was all over the place. And yes, I really believe this is normal from everything I've read.
It's really from the lack of progesterone. The GYN will give you progesterone for a heavy, prolonged period and for constant spotting. For me, I found that a natural progesterone cream at the lowest dose helped with these things. Progesterone can also help with trouble sleeping.
But rest assured, you are probably just entering the lovely phase leading up to menopause.
Bassilli Guest
was your bleeding heavy
Flossymc Bassilli
Hi Bassilli mine haven't been real heavy at all. Probs looking at 1 pad every 2 days. I did have a couple of days with heavier bleeding though (probs 1 pad for each day). Tomorrow I will have had them for 28 days. I am really starting to worry. It would be great to know if anyone else has had them for this long and that their was no real medical problem and that it was all part of the change, If their is anyone else out there that has experienced such long periods of bleeding it would be great to hear from you, Bassilli how long have you been bleeding for. My heart goes out to you as I know just how scary this can all be. Wishing it was all over.
Bassilli Flossymc
mine has been going on for months. very few days with none. sometimes extremely heavy with huge clots. ultra sound showed thickening of lining. Gotta have biopsy.
Flossymc Bassilli
Hi Bassilli, sorry to hear that you have had months of this. I couldn't think of anything worse. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Do let us know how you get on, I go for my ultrasound Monday and it is scaring the crap out of me. Did they give you any idea of what could be going on?
mauiblue Flossymc
Hi Floss
Prior to me going into menopause, I had close to 1 month of constant bleeding.
I was concerned too. I believe that you are simply transitioning into menopause, it all adds up. If
you have a history of ob problems then it merits further testing but from what youve shared, its part of the process.
Bassilli mauiblue
Was your bleeding heavy
mauiblue Bassilli
big clots, off n on x 1 month.
Became anemic.
basically wanted to wear a diaper so i didnt have to change constantly
it went away though with a shot of progesterone to stop it.
and it was part of the process.
my hunch is your is too..
it will stop wont go on forever
Flossymc mauiblue
Hi Mauiblue,
My periods are now going onto 4 weeks and it is now really starting to worry me. They are not heavy only light in nature with a few clots every now and then. I am scheduled for an ultrasound Monday and a little worried on what it is going to show. I went to my bowen therapist Thursday and she does some sought of test where I held certain vials in my hand whilst she pushed on my arm. There was about 40 of them in total. Out of the 40 I probably had 15 of them where I could not hold my arm up against her pushing on it. She went on to tell me that my hormones are all out of whack and that she thinks that is why I am having so much trouble. She believes I am also going through the change, I hope she is right, Did you periods just stop or did they slow before stopping.
mauiblue Flossymc
My periods basically stopped. Didnt see anuthing aftrr that.
I think your just going through it, and the ultrasound will show that
They will probably test your iron.
Dnot worry, you'll be ok
Flossymc mauiblue
Thanks Mauiblue, Had blood tests taken 3 days ago and haven't heard anything back from the doctors (don't know if this is a good or bad sign). Fingers crossed that Ultrasound shows nothing horrible. Did you see a doctor when you had your month long periods?
mauiblue Flossymc
Hi Flossy
Sorry for late response
I bled for a couple of weeks heavily and it was super unlike me, so i went in.
(i couldnt hardly leave the house it was that heavy)
they did blood test on me and i was anemic, later scheduled for the vag ultrasound which typically showed thickened endometrial lining.
(im not sure why so many ladies get so shook up with the thickening of the uterine lining) extraordinarily common and not to worry.
So that was about it. a few uterine fibroidy things that probably burst and had a lot to do with the bleeding, or cysts, not sure which one.
I think that if you havent heard back you need not worry, even if they do call you it might be to say you have low iron and maybe supplement for a month to build it back up.
Flossymc mauiblue
Thanks Mauiblue, it makes me feel so much better being able to talk with someone who as actually gone through a similar experience. Were you not worried that your uterine lining was thicker than it should be. Did they advise to have further tests? We re you called back urgently to obtain results?
Bassilli mauiblue
what was your thickness measurement
mauiblue Flossymc
Hi Flossy.
Hi Bassili
I dont remember how thick it was, number wise. I didnt return and they didnt call me back, only advised to reschedule an appt. if the bleeding didnt stop, or i had other symptoms.
Its weird because in my 40's - especially late 40's my health anxiety was up there like it is now, yet now that ive been through several things im not even miffed by it
Its like one knows when one needs to really be worrying about something.
Its not to say that we don't need to keep up on paps/well woman exam etc. but this time in our life, this is realllly common, and rarely cancerous or any other morbid scary possibility.
Just rule everything out.
Things have a way of working out though. or morphing into another 'situation'.. 😉