Periods of remission, feel hopeful, then hopes dashed
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I am approaching the six-month mark since this all started, and am adjusting to the probability that I am going to be stuck with this for quite some time. Mercifully, the pain has not been constant. Hours can go by when I don't notice any pain at all. I haven't had a pain-free day since October, but there have been days in a row where it stays at a level 1-2. Then I will have an attack out of nowhere and have intensified pain for days, with random stabs and prickles and electric shocks followed by soreness and sensitivity. Even during these episodes, though, the pain will retreat to 0-1, and I think the episode is over, and then I get stabbed again.
I went for over a month without having any episodes of intensified pain, and was very hopeful that things were improving. Now I think I'm just having periods of remission. If this is going to be a lifelong condition I will learn to be grateful for the periods of remission and try to figure out what triggers the attacks. But the ambush/retreat quality has really played with my mental state, as there have been so many times over the past 6 months when I thought I was getting better and then the beast ambushed me again without warning. Each time it comes back I fight anxiety and tears and a general hopeless feeling.
My heart goes out to all on this board who never get any relief. I'm not complaining about what I'm experiencing, just wondering if anyone can relate to having their hopes dashed.
8 likes, 44 replies
Geezee jana02303
jana02303 Geezee
Thanks for answering. Best wishes to you!
Geezee jana02303
My GP then put me on Gabapentin, which again was quite effective. After a few months though the pain came back and I had to keep increasing the dose. The higher doses really started messing with me. My short-term memory was affected and I would get confused a lot. I remember standing in front of a shelf of gin at the supermarket with my girlfriend and I was unable to choose one. I just became too confused. Pain wise, the gabapentin was still working but I couldn't continue my daily life being confused all the time.
I'm have now been on pregabalin for about 6 months. The pain relief isn't quite as good, hence the remission. A side effect of pregabalin is depression and it sometimes hits me really hard. Almost once a week I find it nearly impossible to even get out of bed some days. My GP has put me on an anti-depressant, duloxiatine, that also treats nerve pain. It helps quite a bit, but I still have good days and bad days.
It's tough sometimes to feel okay with having a bad day, the guilt of not working or feeling too incapable of doing the slightest task can weigh me down. Today though, so far at least, feels like a good day.
I have appointment to see a specialist in a few months, hopefully I can get better help then.
Lojza jana02303
jana02303 Lojza
anna38464 jana02303
It does effect my mental health because I am learning that noone understands it unless they go through it. I am in support of what you are writng in case that can help,
Anna in any way,
elizabeth_03822 anna38464
jana02303 elizabeth_03822
jana02303 anna38464
I'm so sorry you are going through this, sorry that ANYONE is going through this, and hope relief will come to you!
elizabeth_03822 jana02303
i would like to know if others suffer the same. But still the hardest is the lack of understanding around you. And the tears alone.
catherine67370 elizabeth_03822
I'm 65 and have this now for 16 months.
IIt's the continued itch and irritation that really effects me and in the areas you mention, left eyebrow, forehead and scalp, it's unbearable and is really causing me great psychological issues as I've never, ever been sick in my life.
elizabeth_03822 jana02303
jana02303 elizabeth_03822
Misstickle jana02303
elizabeth_03822 Misstickle
Geezee Misstickle