Persistent Headache.....Jaw and Temple Region?

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Ugh...I'm back. I know that perimenopause can cause (or exacerbate) headaches, but I'm on day five of a pretty bad round...the pain seems primarily located in my jaw/temple area, with a band across my neck and shoulders feel tense and sore as well...of course, I'm convinced that I've got a brain tumour or am about to have a stroke, but I seem to recall reading that someone (maybe anxiousface) wrote in with a similar complaint about persisent and pretty severe headache....I suspect I'm unconciously clenching my jaw which may be the underlying cause, but I'm still worried....I'm also exhaused as I've not been sleeping well for the last week or so....and my period (if I get one this month) is due to begin any day now....I Googled my symptoms (I know...bad idea!) and now I'm terrified..anyone have any words of wisdom?

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Same here i googled mine and came up with a brain tumour that was in April just before i was due to start!

    In May i had a breakdown due to anxiety( thinking about all my illnesses). Then i read all my symptoms i found them to be Perimenopause, and today i have it again but not to worry this time! Having my bloods checked in November to confirm levels.

  • Posted

    Arggggggh......!  It's all a nightmare.  I find a stiff gin n tonic helps :-) xx
    • Posted

      That's hilarious Bubbins (love that alias by the way) lol

      However Miss B I've found that alcohol makes me feel just awful now and after being a regular wine drinker I have knocked it on the head,

      Strange but some things I used to do, eat etc just don't do it for me anymore, and I don't always feel hungry either, not moi as I used to be ravernous periodically throughout the day, this isn't helping me to lose the ilbs though and may not be good for you either.............................

      Hey Ho go with the flow

      and enjoy your G & T's hun

                                  Mrs M xxx wink

  • Posted

    Now weary Kitty stop worrying yourslf to death, your headache, jaw clenching neck stifness is all peri/meno related, I have all this over the past week or so, have had to keep taking Anadin Extra and sudafed to relieve the symptoms. cry

    I don't know why it's like this but it is! I clench my teeth together like crazy while sleeping, thinking of visiting the dentist s he can make me a m shield?

    I think relaxation is the answer myself, hot baths, if yourcky enough to have a loving husand get him to massage your shoulders, and dare I say it (as I'm not getting any) LOL lolSEX, it's a gat stress reliever,

    Take care of yourself poor Kitty wink

    mines currently sat on the window sill washing herself, she's a darling thing

                                                    Mrs M xxxx 

    • Posted

      I like your solution!!!!! I'll let my poor boyfriend know that he's going to have to "help" me!! 😊
    • Posted

      I think when women are peri menopause and post menopause it should be the law that we have a daily massage by a big blonde male massuese 😊

      who visits daily and heals our aching knotty pains and makes us all relaxed.

      but before he leaves he pushes the hoover about and washes the pots 😃

      sorted ..

      jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi Jaynee,

                         how about that guy from Sex in The City, he dated Samantha, what a hunk lol

      The only problem being I'de have to make myself look nice for him and seeing as that is such a major task these days I'de settle for a homely house husband any day eek

                     I do so enjoy our talks,

                        have a great evening and keep laughing, great stress reliever too eh xxx  

    • Posted

      Well thanks for the comment..

      so we need to do some re thinking as well as a massuese he must also be able to make us look beautiful .. And ideally also a hairdresser ..

      and nifty with the iron 😃 i have a pile of ironing .. But i am not looking at it ..


      Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi Weary 

    you need to relax. And stop worrying ..

    your making yourself feel ten times worse ..

    jay x

    • Posted

      Oh, I know Jay.....I'm my own worst enemy. It's just that whenever a new symptom appears I get nervous....this is all so much worse than I expected. Thanks for listening smile
    • Posted


      we all understand hun and we are here to help you 

      talking and sharing is great and we all going through it ..

      i am now post meno and it does get better ..

      positive ... Be positive ... 😃

      jay xx


  • Posted

    Hi wearykitty. i know what your going through cos im the same. Had really bad headachs the whole of sept. Im not too bad now so i no longer worry im going to have a stroke or got a brain tumour cos id be worse by now. I know you feel its never going to go, iv had a new computer screen at work, had the lights changed, bought new pillors,stopped using perfume, cut out caffine cheese and choc and they made no difference and i found no painkillers worked. Im so sorry for anyone going through these headaches and neck and shoulder pain cos its just relentless. Thinking of you and hope it clears soon hun. Sorry i have no magic cure but like jay says try to relax . Xx
    • Posted

      Thanks, anxiousface.....I knew you'd understand....I just want to go to bed and stay there until this all goes away.....none of the painkillers I've tried have helped either....ugh.
    • Posted

      Hi anxious face 😃

      it is awful i know, and like you say, we have to relax as stress makes you tense and it all feels so much worse..

      i totally understand what a anxious time it is all these feelings and aches and pains and migraines and goodness knows what..

      anxiety is the worst and was for me, then we let our minds run away with ourselves and you must not do this .. Its peri menopause thats it..

      ( unless the doc tells you different ) 

      but i can tell you i have had the lot over the ten years of my peri and in the end you have to boost up on the supplements, and take each day at a time, remind yourself its a transistion, its normal and every woman has it and not be hard on yourself, try and go with the flow, and on a good day just enjoy it .. on a bad day just do what you can..

      dwelling is a devil and i know this all too well.

      be kind to yourself, and switch off from it as much as you can 

      it gets better hun.. 

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      But it really does help just knowing that your not going mad and there are other women feeling the same too, that helps me so much....................

                                 Mrs M xxxwink

    • Posted

      Hi Mrs M 

      yes its a tonic to know your not alone for sure ..

      we all support each other and its so precious ..

      infact i just had a treat .. A small bag of Revels Nom Nom 

      havent had them for ages ..

      and spanish chocolate is all Milka or Nestle .. Yak 

      thats why Jay went to Iceland 😃

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Don't mention chocolate, having previously stated that I don;t feel hungry much I could eat chocolate till it comes out of my ears lol

      I can't keep it in the house before Christmas or Easter or I eat it frown before I can wrap it up for prezzies and have been known to actually unwrap them again to devour the contents razz

                            Chocolate MY VICE, it hugs my tummy

      Revels, I'll be dreaming about them later LOL

                              A bientot wink 

    • Posted

      hi Mrs Merm 

      your making me smile as i also love Choc ..

      also craving choc can be a sign you need magnesium you know ..

      I take the Solgar Chelated magnesium now as before the other oxide and citrate was making me leg it to the loo in the mornings .. But now i am fiine ..

      Chelated Magnesium doesnt upset your tum and doesnt have laxative side effects ..

      and .. The choc cravings have died off alot .. Thank goodness ..

      i am laughing as my other half always brings quality street tins back for xmas and i go mad as i know i will eat them .. but now the choc cravings have subsided so i am pleased ..

      jay xx


    • Posted

      I wondered about this too because I was taking HRT and I'm sure it was you who gave previous advice that HRT can actually deplete the magnesium levels in the body. My body was full of extreme cramps and my R lower leg was agony. I started taking magnesium about 2 weeks ago and have stopped HRT about the same time, gradually my body is feeling better, the aches and cramps are not as bad and whether this is a coincidence or not I don't really know? However I feel so much better, I am currently taking about 600 of magnesium, maybe I'll try the chelated stuff myself,

                 great info on here, it's such a help xxx 

    • Posted

      Hi Mrs Merm

      i will just put about Chelated magnesium again for the new ladies ..

      chaleted magnesium = ( Bisglycinate ) magnesium 

      useful magnesium  info .... 

      i take Solgar Chaleted ( Bisglycinate) Magnesium

      Magnesium bisglycinate is an essential mineral needed for more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.

      This mineral is required for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, protein and fatty acid formation, activating B vitamins, supporting muscle activity, nerve transmission, relaxing blood vessels, clotting blood, temperature regulation and ensuring intestinal mobility also called bowel movements. 

      Magnesium bisglycinate is magnesium bound to the amino acid glycine. This binding makes the magnesium highly absorbable.

      For example you would have to take 4 times the amount of magnesium citrate to get the equivalent amount of magnesium bisglycinate.

      The bisglycinate form of magnesium does not require stomach acid for absorption as it passes into the cell via its amino acid transport which means even those with poor digestion or absorption get the benefits.

      Magnesium bisglycinate is the only magnesium shown to cross the blood brain barrier which makes it an excellent choice for aiding those with depression and/or anxiety, or migraine headaches. 

      Stress of all types including chemical, emotional, hormonal or physical stress depletes magnesium from the body.

      Since magnesium relaxes muscles and nerves, more magnesium is needed when you are under stress.

      When we are under stress our adrenal glands produce cortisol which further increases acidity in the body thereby increasing the need for even more magnesium. 

      Because magnesium is required in the metabolism of estrogen in the body, low levels of magnesium increases estrogen leading to estrogen dominance. Symptoms of too much estrogen include premenstrual breast and uterine pain, headaches, backaches, premenstrual depression and mood swings. Women on the birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy also become deficient in magnesium as the drugs deplete magnesium.

      Anyone with an estrogen dominant condition like endometriosis, PMS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, period problems or breast cysts need magnesium bisglycinate.

      Interestingly, many women crave chocolate during their premenstrual and menstrual period. Chocolate is high in magnesium! 

      Magnesium deficiency is common due to our consumption of processed foods and the depletion of magnesium from agricultural soils and water.

      Magnesium supplementation can help with many conditions from high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat or heart palpitations, to insomnia, anxiety and depression to fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and leg cramps at night or following exercise.

       Always make sure when you are purchasing minerals that the label states whether or not the dosage is in its elemental value. This tells you if you are getting exactly what you are paying for. 

      Which Magnesium Is Best?

      Magnesium oxide and citrates are laxatives causing diarrhea and they are poorly absorbed.

      Magnesium bisglycinate is much better absorbed and it does not cause diarrhea.

      Magnesium bisglycinate is four times more effective than citrate forms of magnesium 

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