persistent UTI causing bad health anxiety
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My health anxiety has spiralled again after being ok for a few months... I have been diagnosed with my first UTI after getting back pains, so I was put on medication for 5 days, didn't work.. put on another 4 day course of medication.. hasn't worked
Now the pain is in my lower stomach. I bought some test strips online and i have a lower level of white blood cells (70+) and I am getting the results for my urine culture tomorrow
I'm terrified as I thought I was feeling better and now the symptoms have come back so much worse
I am due on my period if that makes any difference?
Im very worried about antibiotic resistance and it spreading to my kidneys.. I have no one to talk to about my health anxiety as no one understands
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So I'm totally baffled right now, just got back from the doctor and had my culture results.. nothing grew! What else could cause leukocytes and a bit of blood in my urine?
My urinalysis now is negative which is good but I'm completely confused.
Honestly I would rather still have the UTI than know I never had one in the first place but I'm still getting symptoms
Takingtime katie31815
Well it sounds like it could have been contamination. If you have a yeast infection or bacterial infection in the lady parts it can bring on WBC this happened to me. The only other thing is there could be a VERY small amount of bacteria causing it, this too has happened to me also, often times they will just chalk it up to intersitinal cystitis, which is symptoms without and infection. I know mine is all hormonal, but I never know half the time if what I am feeling is an infection or just typical cycle stuff. I have had flank pain and back pain and all that and again nothing. It is very frustrating it's been almost a year for me, and I have seen so many doctors and have had so many tests and nothing is apparent.
katie31815 Takingtime
The urine that got sent off for testing was very cloudy and yellow so I was so surprised nothing came up! Although I could have just been dehydrated and holding the pee in for too long!
I think this must be hormonal for me as I am due on my period (actually 4 days late) and this happened last month so maybe this is something I'm just going to have to deal with now
I'm not sure whether to go back to the doctors for the pain in my back I'm having.. but if my urinalysis is negative it's pretty unlikely it's anything to do with my kidneys and doctor said today she has no concerns about my kidneys but I feel like the GPs at my doctors just don't care!
Anyway I'm going to carry on taking d mannose twice a day and have bought some probiotics just incase, need this under control before I go to lots of festivals in summer as this would be a nightmare when camping![sad](
Takingtime katie31815
I thought I would put this on this post as it has the most replies out of all the threads I've posted...
So yesterday I was diagnosed with a bicornuate uterus (heart shaped uterus). I have done research and read that this can cause problems with the urinary tract.. makes sense huh.
I will be making a doctors appointment next week to find out more information about this.
Needless to say at 19 I'm gutted about having a difficult pregnancy if I do want children when I'm older![sad](
sonal92983 katie31815
jessicalaflare katie31815
Hey Katie,
i can overstand what you are going through with your UTIs - When I first got out of college I got them all the time but I am sure it was because of how change in lifestyle. I started to train myself in the best preventative method because quiet honestly it was becoming way too expensive to keep making doctors visits. After searching the web i discovered a brand named Cystex and after reading a few reviews and Youtube Vloggers online - I decided to give it a try.