Physical anxiety symptoms

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Can you guys please list all of your physical symptoms. I feel like it would help us all out to learn about others symptoms and make us feel better to see that we can relate to eachother. Mine include


Lots of head pressure

Heart Palps

Brain fog

Loss of concentration



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  • Posted

     Those are the main symptoms of anxiety.

    I’ve been dealing with anxiety and it’s symptoms for many years.  anxiety can show it self through hundreds of symptoms.

    And what I have learned is that the symptoms are not the problem. Unmanaged anxiety and stress is the main problem .

      Symptoms of anxiety is your body and mind’s way of telling you that there’s too much stress and anxiety. It’s a sign to change something in your life. The symptoms of anxiety alone do not harm anyone.. . However, stress and anxiety over time takes a toll on the body and mind.

    Long term Stress can lead to high blood pressure which in turn can affect the entire body

     Listing symptoms is OK when people don’t want to feel alone with their anxiety, But I’m concerned that listing symptoms is not enough. the stress and anxiety really need to be addressed such as by counseling ,  lifestyle changes such as healthy diet and exercise, meditation, etc. 

    There needs to be a plan,  And when that is in progress, the symptoms should at least subside. 

  • Posted

    Stabbing chest pains


    Head aches

    Jaw pain

    Tingling hands

    Panic attacks sometimes hyperventilation, sometimes not

    Rage, frustration

    Stomach cramps

    It's all good fun

  • Posted

    reading all these comments makes me feel better about my symptoms, which still make me super anxious despite a clear brain scan & blood tests:

    - tingling/crawling sensation, mainly in left hand and foot, but also frequently happens elsewhere (anywhere) on the body

    - skin feeling hot/cold in places, or like it's been "zapped"

    - limbs falling asleep more easily than usual

    - random pains that come and go quickly

    - can feel muscles tightening up involuntarily at times

    - muscles cramp easily (charleyhorses)

    - wrist/outer hand pain

    - pain and tension at the base of my head

    - chronic dry mouth

    - occasional headaches, migraines and nausea

    - occasional lightheadedness

    - heart palpitations

    - have also experienced extreme brain fog when my health anxiety was at its worst (as i waited on test results), as well as chest heaviness and throat tightening up

    • Posted

      oh, also twitches!! bloody twitches. so annoying.
  • Posted

    Hi I'm on here because I have svt and also these new anxiety symptoms I think. Trying to figure out which is feom heart or anxiety.

    Lately this week it's all changed for me

    24/7short of breath (which I have anyway due to beta blockers)

    When I stand everything tightens, my neck my head and head feels weird, numb and heavy.

    Constant gas and belching

    It's been causing tremors because the head thing is new and so scary.

    Left side of neck vein hurts. Gets so tight it's hard to swallow.

    Chest pains

    Cold extremities

    Tingling hands feet

    Fear of death

    Now I've had lots of anxiety attacks before but the standing up head thing and struggling to breath is really throwing me off as it is not a normal anxiety symptoms for me. So now im unsure if it's related to my heart or not. Any help would be appreciated. My svt is where I Am unable to stand without increase heart rate.

  • Posted

    Most of what everybody else said, I will just add a few.

    Unable to think, understand, follow conversations.

    All my senses become hyperactive.

       A. Sence of smell increases and becomes intolerable.  Makes the out of breath and choking sensation worse because I don't want to breathe in the horrible odors.

      B. Light sensitivity, everything will become bright.  Things like traffic lights will remain as blobs in my vision for about 10 minutes.  Sometimes I get snowy vision like a bad channel on an old tv.

      C. Hearing also becomes louder and sometimes distorted.

    Become weak unable to remain standing.

    Bloated and burping.  Needing to pee frequently.  Diet change has helped this and improved but did not eliminate my shortness of breath.

    Sudden urge to drink water.  I think this is because I used drinking water so much in the past to reset the choking and out of breath feeling.  In the past, if I was out of breath a sip of water would relax my chest and I would feel better.

    Yes I am weird.  

  • Posted

    So I struggle mostly with social anxiety, and my symptoms are very physical. Anytime I feel embarrassed, judged, nervous, or insecure my body goes into crazy fight or flight mode and I get sweaty and flushed like I just ran a mile. The fact that this happens to me and it's very noticeable when talking to people makes me want to avoid social situations. My mind starts to panic and race, and I lose my train of thought and can't focus on the conversation at hand. It is very uncomfortable but ativan has helped me lots!!

    I also think I've had some generalized anxiety lately. Just pressures from life making me stressed and worried about the future. It has caused ibs-c symptoms and fatigue.

  • Posted

    My worst anxiety symptoms are

    Tingling / prickling 

    Sweaty hand

    Muscle twitches (especially fingers/feet)

    Muscles weakness


    The more my body prickles and tingles the more I think about it and panic 

    Never ending cycle 

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