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I've had physical Symtoms for 7 straight months 24/7 every day ever since my first panic attacks will they every day and I'm sick of them just want them to leave my body my Symtoms are.
Tightness in chest 24/7
Feeling I can't breath of get enough air 24/7
Shaky legs
Heart flutters all day long feel like I can feel I my heart beat at the back of my throat 24/7
Derealization 24/7 feels like in seeing the world with a piece of glass in front of me like everything isn't real anymore
Feeling faint everyday
Waking up in the middle of the night with a choking feeling as if I stopped breathing for 2 3 seconds and find it hard to swallow
Hyperventilating every day soon as I go out or at doctors waiting for appointment or at mental health clinic waiting for appointment
Can't catch my breath
Fell like I'm going to stop breathing any minute
Feel I notice my breathing more each breath going in and each breath going out don't know what normal breathing is anymore!
Anyone else feel like this I'm losing all my will to live I feel like I'm doomed and I'm going to feel like this for ever only posted a few times on here since finding this site, I'm only 26 year old male who been through a lot. I've been checked over by the doctors physically but no tests done and said anxiety panic disorder currently receiving CBT therapy and my therapist thinks it's panic disorder but I'm not convinced without further testing on heart lungs etc just to rule anything else out etc I'm also on mitrazapine. I'm losing my will to live, I'm not living anymore just existing with all these Symtoms going on my I feel my GP won't listen to me won't give me testing etc on heart lungs how can he be convinced it's anxiety? I never used to be like this before my panic attacks is this normal to feel this way everyday? I just feel there is something else lingerin in the background that needs checking to put my mind at rest then I can get my head around it's anxiety panic disorder. At my wits end can't go on like this anymore driving me mad I used to be really sociable but ever since all this happend I have shut my self away from the world for 7 months only go to appointments and walks on my own etc. Thanks for reading all replies and advice appreciated🙂
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mj1986 luke08690
Hi, Luke. I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I had a health scare relating to my throat and it's triggered panic attacks too. I took antibiotics for a week and suddenly my health was at an all time low. Nausea, panic disorder, tight throat, feeling like I'm going to gag (do you get that?), don't want to go out much because any stimulation is too exhausting in case it sets off panic. I'm scared I'll always feel like this and feel like a shadow of my former self.
What was your first panic attack brought on by, do you know? I had panic attacks last year after a falling out with a few friends that I felt a bit out of control, and I wasn't enjoying my job. Then, the symptoms were dizzy, feeling faint, and I would eat and be ok so I think it was related to blood sugar then. This time round it's awful. Since a night at the end of my antibiotic treatment where I threw up loads, I think I have recurring nightmares from that incident. Places where I've panicked now cause me to panic again. I live in a city and it feels like it's folding down around me. Since I was sick and had oral thrush which caused me to feel like I was choking a bit (and I have acid reflux) I feel like I can't keep food down. It makes me worry that I'll have a panic attack, lose control and be sick again (I've managed not to be but sometimes I get really nauseous). So I feel sick, my heart pounds, my chest clamps up and I feel like my throat is closing down. It makes my chest feel really odd and fluttery but this can't be good for my heart so I'm very scared.
I calmed down for a bit, so there is hope. I've started panicking again after an episode of nausea at the weekend and now I can't stop thinking about feeling out of control again, but the issues I've had physically have affected my eating so that doesn't help. I'm going back to my GP on Monday to tell him everything because I can't go on like this.
Let's be constructive: do you feel like your meds are helping? Is there anytihng you can do to get to the bottom of why you're having the attacks? Are any methods of talking therapy helping you? If you can start solving these issues we might get there! I'm trying to think it won't always be this way! Have hope x
icecool mj1986
Sorry to heaar this These things happened to me but my GP and a specialist in endocrinology blamed antibiotic toxicity syndrome.
luke08690 mj1986
Thanks for your reply yeah I do get that gag thing mainly in the middle of the night were I feel I stop breathing for around 2 3 seconds then I jolt up really quick and start gagging I can't swallow for about 5 second but all way through the day I feel my throat is tight and dry all the time and tickly, I have calmed down abit to what I was 3 month ago but all my physical Symtoms are still there 24/7 and won't budge it's awful to live with every day I feel your pain with everything you have just said above I feel nausea aswell 24/7 forgot to mention that,I was goin to bearevement counselling my 3 year old son passed away in Ferbruary 2015, so I had a big massive panic attack before I went to go this was April 2016 but I felt really weird a few days leading up to my counselling but ever since that day I have had every physical Symtoms under the sun about therapy I'm getting CBT it helps but it also dosnt if you get my drift I feel I need to change my meds around I've been on mitrazpine for around a year now but had no other meds so I am goin to mention that to my GP they mentioned setraline to me I my mental health clinic last week but will have to be off the mitrazpine.I hope we always won't feel like this I hope there is light at the end of a long tunnel X
mj1986 icecool
Hi ice,
I would be interested in hearing more about what happened to you and what (if anything) you've managed to do to help yourself out of it. I had tremors and loose bowel movements and dehydration the first 10 days after I stopped taking flucloxacillin. All of that got better but I'm still really funny with food. I usually have a big appetite and it's very distressing. I can have days where I don't feel that unwell but between the initial troubling swallowing and the acid reflux now food is a bit of a chore. I want to get back in my working body!
anxietysite123 luke08690
The fact you said "I never felt this way before panic attacks" tells me it's anxiety.. It should tell you the same. I have the following symptoms daily or atleast 3-4 times a week: heartburn, gas pains, chest pains, chest tightness, headaches sometimes, sometimes heightened heartrate (was much worse before anxiety meds), fear of death. I've also become a bit suicidal. I wouldn't say suicidal exactly, but I do think of causing my own death Alot when I'm having bad days. I dont think I would ever act on it though.
Now I can be the first to tell yoy, testing will not help. I had ekg, echo, bloodwork, catscan, chest xray, 24 holter. All came clear multiple times. My mind still does not believe it. Testing will not really so anything until you actually can tell yourself you are fine.. Now that being said, I dont really agree with your doctor in not doing proper tests. My doctor gave me all of these tests because I complained of daily chest pain. It is better safe than sorry. I would personally change doctors just to get the true testing done..
I hope this helps. Just think, you weren't like this before your panic attacks. Every single symptom you have listed, is common in panic disorder. Feel free to message me if you need to talk more, like I said I'm extremely familiar with almost every single one of these symptoms.
luke08690 anxietysite123
That's for your reply I will take all your advice on board like you said there I have chest pain to and I am at my GPs Monday so am going push him for further testing etc just to make sure. Again thanks for your reply🙂
george01055 anxietysite123
Happyguy luke08690
Thats exactly what I have and also for about 7-8 months. It feels like I wroted this post. I on other hand had many tests but didn't show anything. The only thing I had was acid reflux which was probably because of anxiety my therapist says. All these symptoms mentally drained me so much that I even got suicidal. I know how you feel and I really hope you get better. It is probably just an anxiety and with help we can get through this. I wish you all the best.
luke08690 Happyguy
Thanks for your reply happy guy u know we're your comming for with all the Symtoms I have described above it awful man isn't it I would love for there to be a switch just to turn them off if only ehh🙁
icecool luke08690
you may like to try sleeping with several pillows to prop you up as it is possible that you may have reflux .
luke08690 icecool
Thanks icecool I'll try it and yeah I do have acid reflux havnt consulted my GP about it yet but I feel it all the time really bad heartburn etc and feel like I can't burp if you know what I meen I when I do burp it burns near my chest again thanks for your advice.
Happyguy luke08690
luke08690 Happyguy
icecool luke08690
You are welcome.
Drinking water to dilute the acid in your stomach will help . As may avoiding fatty, acidic, spicy foodstuffs and drinks. ESpecially alcohol.
I take a very small quantity of bicarbonate of soda , about a quarter of a teaspoon in a half glass of water to neutralise the acid.
luke08690 icecool
icecool luke08690
s reflux can cause sob according to my dr because if you have a hiatus hernia this can impinge on the thorx and lung. The acidm the reflux can be inhaled as a fine mist and cause pain and breathlessness. Best to see GP to e this all checked out though.
icecool luke08690
Luke just replied but it h gone to be moderated. Don't know why.
Yes reflux can cause shortneess of reath acording tto my dr because there ais a fine mist of acid which can be inhaled.
luke08690 icecool
icecool luke08690
Yes I agree that you should consultt with your dr on this. It needs treating .
luke08690 icecool
I'm there Monday I'll mention it to him what do you reckon he will give me a anti acid?
icecool luke08690
I have a hiatus hernia but it is treatable. Drs usually rule out the physical causes of sign and symptoms such as these before resorting to psychological treatments.. Let us know how you do at your GP surgery.
Try not to worry.
luke08690 icecool
I thought it would be anti acids I think I need them like I had a meal earlier and can feel it comming back up soon as I lay down yes icecool I will let you know what he says in Monday🙂
icecool luke08690
Not to eat for three to four hours prior to gioing to bed or lying down.This is to prevent the contents of thee stomach coming upwards as it does in reflux disese .
If acid or undigested food does come up it can enteer the lung causing sharp pains and breathlessness. I do not mean to alrm you but just to prevent further pain.