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I've had physical Symtoms for 7 straight months 24/7 every day ever since my first panic attacks will they every day and I'm sick of them just want them to leave my body my Symtoms are.
Tightness in chest 24/7
Feeling I can't breath of get enough air 24/7
Shaky legs
Heart flutters all day long feel like I can feel I my heart beat at the back of my throat 24/7
Derealization 24/7 feels like in seeing the world with a piece of glass in front of me like everything isn't real anymore
Feeling faint everyday
Waking up in the middle of the night with a choking feeling as if I stopped breathing for 2 3 seconds and find it hard to swallow
Hyperventilating every day soon as I go out or at doctors waiting for appointment or at mental health clinic waiting for appointment
Can't catch my breath
Fell like I'm going to stop breathing any minute
Feel I notice my breathing more each breath going in and each breath going out don't know what normal breathing is anymore!
Anyone else feel like this I'm losing all my will to live I feel like I'm doomed and I'm going to feel like this for ever only posted a few times on here since finding this site, I'm only 26 year old male who been through a lot. I've been checked over by the doctors physically but no tests done and said anxiety panic disorder currently receiving CBT therapy and my therapist thinks it's panic disorder but I'm not convinced without further testing on heart lungs etc just to rule anything else out etc I'm also on mitrazapine. I'm losing my will to live, I'm not living anymore just existing with all these Symtoms going on my I feel my GP won't listen to me won't give me testing etc on heart lungs how can he be convinced it's anxiety? I never used to be like this before my panic attacks is this normal to feel this way everyday? I just feel there is something else lingerin in the background that needs checking to put my mind at rest then I can get my head around it's anxiety panic disorder. At my wits end can't go on like this anymore driving me mad I used to be really sociable but ever since all this happend I have shut my self away from the world for 7 months only go to appointments and walks on my own etc. Thanks for reading all replies and advice appreciated🙂
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borderriever luke08690
Your GP has done the best for you here, He has arranged some CBT, with a CPN Nurse. Who will give you coping skills and a listening ear.
You could ask the CPN for Breathing Exersizes and possibly Mindfulness Relaxation Techniques may also help calm your Anxiety. They have you on medications hopefully you will understand how you are making Yourself Ill
michelle1215 luke08690
I have all those symptoms as well they are terrible
I've had anxiety for 10 months but the weird symptoms only started about 6 months ago when I had 4 panic attacks in one day and ever since then they won't go away! I'm only teenager and find it hard to cope with while going to school, but I've learned to except it and it's starting to help a lot I usually take at least 15 minutes out of my day to practice breathing exercises and try to find ways to stop being so tense, except I always have arm and neck pain , because my muscles are so tensed and won't untighten
I hope you feel better, your symptoms ease off!!
But my doctor won't put me on medicine, he said I didn't it. He wants me to try to work on it myself, because he said if I depend on medicine to take care of my anxiety and if I quit taking the medicine my anxiety will be worse then it was without it
luke08690 michelle1215
Don't know why that had been moderated anyway you are saying there ever since your first panic attacks you have had physical Symtoms ever since my really 2 bad ones in April his year I've had every physical symptom under the sun it's awful to live with everyday I know what you meen about been tensed up to, I practice mindfullness mediation 3 times a day 15 mins morning afternoon and night before bed never thought I would be doing meditation this time last year but heyyyyy
anxietygirl90 luke08690
My symptoms match yours and I've just been diagnosed with chronic hyperventilation syndrome. I had to have an arterial blood gas test for this. The syndrome is Brought on by severe anxiety.
I feel your pain
luke08690 anxietygirl90
Thanks for your reply it's awful isn't it nice put up with this everyday for 8 month now awful?Have you notice your symtoms go down or fade or time?
anxietygirl90 luke08690
Mine come in waves. My last bout was for 3 weeks then I go to mild breathlessness for a few weeks then it starts back up again. I have to see a breathing physiotherapist to re-learn how to breathe normally. It's truly horrible!
Terri55 luke08690
Luke I had all this for about 4 months non stop, then I'm doctor put me on Atarax after mirtazapine which stopped panic attacks but it kick in only after 3 months of using them. Also I take Paraflex for chest pain, this really helps, believe me. The first time I took it I was so happy I'm painless that started crying. This it for muscle pain. I also get serax or oxazepam, Its Benzo. And I Only Take It When Im Absolutely sure I can't fight it myself. Hold on dear it does get better. I promise.
luke08690 Terri55
It's sucks dosnt it terri I hate it everyday that day in April has changed my life I get a bit of relied now and then when I think ohh I havnt thought about my Symtoms then they will come on it's just this breathing thing that worries me the list and my heart flutters all day long I can feel my body shake with every heartbeat.
mike50088 luke08690
luke08690 mike50088
Hi mike it's no good is it that's very young 15 I was 25 and though I was going to die when I had mine I did t know what was happening to me, Yeah that's I good example that's what my therapist day later to me it's just your body trying to defend it self but is it normal to feel this way 24/7 I'm just waiting to wake up one morning and it be gone but no luck suppose it dosnt work like that, Thanks for your advice🙂
mike50088 luke08690
luke08690 mike50088
Yeah it's awful to live with everyday isn't it I feel drained and mentally and physically exhausted that's how I feel angry at myself all the time why me? I keep asking myself, Yeah I will do I'll talk to someone family etc, ill drop you a message when it gets on top if yah don't mind buddy👍
mike50088 luke08690
Im free to talk about it anytime and dont feel angry towards yourself a decent ammount of people have anxiety problems aim your anger more towards something like "why is this controlling my life? Its p*ssing me off and im going to take controll back"
neomi luke08690
luke08690 neomi
Hi neomi I wish there was a cure aswell I've been seen by any amouts of different docs at my GPS and said I'm fine physically and had 2 ecgs aswell both fine,I do mindfullness meditation 3 times a day 20 mins it helps but dosnt get rid of all my Symtoms I've got just bewilders me how anxiety can cause all this physical stuff without something else lingerin in the background, I also do walking twice a day aswell 45 min walks but I've got to force myself and when I do go out I feel faint dizzy etc but I'm going to start jogging for 5 mins then 10 then 15 build myself up it just worries doing it with all these physical Symtoms shortness of breath and the heart flutters etc. Thanks for your reply.