Piles banding help!
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Hi there,
I will have the banding procedure on 1st of February 2017 and I am really scared. After I read some opinions and people who experienced this procedure I am terrified, only negative opinions and I am very confused, I don't know if I want to go forward with this procedure now. I have 2 small internal piles and a bigger one which comes out after each bowel movement and it has to be introduced back in, apologies for these expressions but I don't know how to explain in other terms 😧. I've been to the doctor and I was checked and he recommended the banding. He didn't explained very well how the banding will be and I asked him if is painful and he said it's gonna be uncomfortable but you can resume to your normal activities straight away. I managed to have off on the day of the procedure and the next 2 days but I can't afford and my employer won't give me off for weeks. Can you please tell me how is the procedure, what to expect, how long does it take to recover. I am a professional nursery nurse and I work with children and my job involves lots of movement?
I will really appreciate your advice!
Many thanks,
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SFlor suzana86
Hi Suzana, I'm one of the people who has had bad experience BUT please remember that the majority of people who have good experiences will not be on here looking for help/advice etc, as they have gone on with their lives. So, don't panic reading through here you will probably see an unbalanced number of issues. My advice would be that you get the correct pre-op instructions and you have a 'clean-out' day the day before - which is what the instructions will probably ask you to do - with laxatives etc. That way you will not immediately have to use the restroom the day of or after your surgery - giving yourself a little bit of a break and extra time to recover. note - stay close to a bathroom when you are doing the laxatives!
suzana86 SFlor
Thank you for your advice. On the patient book it says not to eat from 7 in the evening until 11:50 am the next day before the procedure. I am scheduled on the 1st of February, next week at 12:30pm. I will try to get laxatives to have empty colon before the procedure as it's a good idea as you mentioned above.
Many thanks and all the best! X
carol62649 suzana86
Hi suzana,
i had four hemmies banded on dec 20 16, i too was very nervous as i was having colonoscopy at same time. Dr wanted to band all the hems i said no just do one so i can see if im in much pain, discomfort. Dr said honestly it will make no difference how many i do discomfort will be the same. He said trust me ok? So i woke up procedure was aok, slight fullness in the anus, like needing to go! No pain, i never had any pain.
Two days later i bled during a motion, i expected it called dr and he said thats fine. Some people have the hems fall off at two days some are later.
Still no pain passing smaller motions, but making sure i have fibre and water lots of water. I still feel pressure, heaviness there, im sure its just taking me a while to heal. My pers doc said the area takes time to heal!
the whole procedure wasnt bad at all, worst of it was cleaning out prep beforehand. I am dealing with high anxiety, menopause, so im just very sensitive. I am sure you will fare much better than me, dont worry its less invasive than a dentist visit! In my opinion, you will be fine,
best wishes🌺
suzana86 carol62649
Thank you for sharing your experience! I really appreciate it. Hopefully I will be fine and pass through this. I hope you feel better 😚
All the best xx
suzana86 carol62649
Hi Carol,
I hope you're well! I had my banding done yesterday, it was so painfull. I written my experience down below. The doctor said he banded 2 out of 3 piles. Today is the 2nd day and I just had a bowel movement and only 1 came off and I experienced a bit of bleeding but the thing is the big one is still coming out and the surgeon said that he banded that one so I am scared that the procedure didn't work for the big one. Is it possible that it will come off later in the week? Or they just come off at the first bowel movement?
Many thanks,
carol62649 suzana86
Hi Suzana,
i read your experience, gees louise, why didnt they sedate you? I thought that was how the procedure was done now. I was sedated for the whole time, felt nothing. Afterwards it was just a pressure feeling and heaviness.
you may not know when the bands come off, blood is usual though. You are left with the process of healing now, i just dont think its the same for everyone. We all feel pain in different ways, some can handle more pain than others. Dont forget to keep up with stool softeners, maybe use squatty potty to lift your legs up as this is a more natural position for motions. Also warm baths, pat yourself, dont rub lol. No soaps or bubble bath. Drink lots of water too, no steak or heavy foods for a little while.
good luck, thanks for your best wishes.
carl43580 suzana86
Hi Suzana, I had banding done to 4 internal hems. I felt no pain as he did the procedure and afterwards, I just felt like I needed to go the toilet. That sensation lasted a few days. I took no time off work as I felt fine.
I then went on to have a hemmorroidectomy- I would advise against this!!! It is an awful operation. The surgeon's tends to say 2wks, but I am 4 months on and still having problems when I go the toilet. If you are ever offered this operation, do your homework first!!
Good luck, Carla x
suzana86 carl43580
All the best,
Suzana xx
Morning all,
I thought to write an update regarding my experience with banding piles. I had the procedure yesterday. First they cleanse my colon after 20 min I cleaned my colon then they moved me to the theatre room where the nightmare started. The staff where really lovely and looked after me in a fantastic way no complaints about that.
So after the colon cleanse they moved me to the theatre room where they fallow the procedure, I had flexible sigmoidoscopy, OMG that was awful, painful, I was crying with pain, then they took a bisopsy from my colon and at the end after I was in crucial pain the last step was banding the piles. I had 2 piles banded and 1 remaining after these ones will fall off, hopefully so all done! But to be honest the pain was horrific, they administrate morfin plus 2 tablets of paracetamol 500g and after 30 min of horrendous pain I felt that the pain is easing away, but after 2 hours again the same pain and the nurse gave me again a dose of Morfin and they waited to do a wee wee, finally I've done my wee wee and they discharged me. I went home and the pain kicked it after 2 hours, I took ibuprofen 400g and 2 paracetamol 500g and finally I felt a bit better and I could sleep. Well this morning I still have a bit of pain and waiting for my bowel movement but I am terrified. Will updated you after!
Many thanks for all the replies 😚
Goldenluck suzana86
I had a banding of one last week. The information that some people just go back to work was inspiring but not true for me. It was my first one - my Dr. only does one at at time - and it was expected to be the worst one. I think they are optimistic and I am too. I have 3 internal ones that popped out and seemed directly related to emotional stuff for me. Now I have 2 left. I really think it's a lot more painful than I thought or than they told me. I'm taking stool softeners AND Miralax and although it hurts to poop, and for sometime after, I just want this over with. I never heard of banding but when I had my colonosopy my Dr. told me about it but I had to see another Dr who does banding. I hope the next 2 goe better. Also, if you go to the Squatty Potty website, they have several products that I think you will find very helpful. I'll let you know how it goes.
Rose_knows suzana86
Goldenluck suzana86
Well, how'd it go? I had one removed and it was more painful than the Dr. let on. She intimated that people go back to work that same afternoon. After the first week of healing (not pleasant) it occured to me that she never had the procedure. It took me a good two weeks to feel better and now I'm ready to do the next one. They the first one is the worst and I hope that's true. I'm tired of having them and pushing them back in when they pop out which is worse if you don't push them back in. I think if you had it done it would be helpful to let everyone know how it went.
suzana86 Goldenluck
Please read above my experience regarding banding. I am not done yet, still have one and I am going for the check up on the 16 of March the probably I have to book the next banding.
Best wishes,