Pins and needles

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Hi everyone I can't write a long Text because i don't feel too good.Basicly I've been drinking on and off since Xmas ( mostly on) Now the Pins and Needles and cramps are so bad I'm starting to Panic.I'm taking all the relevant vitamins and not drinking too much.Had a sip of wine yesterday (it tasted like vinegar) so nothing today.I did some googling yesterday but did'nt really understand it probably have a wet Brain by now.What I would like to know is will these sensations ever go away or is the nervous damage permanent? Hope someone out there can help.Thanks

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23 Replies

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    Hi Susan. How's the pins and needles and cramps? I usually get them for up to 2 weeks after a binge. You are taking vit B and Thiamin, the most important vits for alcohol. I take a multi vit as well. Drinking as much water as you can get down you as Misssy says is essential too. The pins and needles and dead arms or legs always happens plus the twitching/jerks that wake you up are very annoying. Have you spoken to your dr yet? I'm sorry to hear about your other medical problems too.

    Hope you are staying safe and strong. Take care xx

    • Posted

      Hi Paper fairy.Thank you for your concern.just an update since whenever i text before.The days are a complete blur.I am so sad and angry about the response I had from you know who.I cannot believe anyone could be so Pedandic.Just because i don't carry a note pad & pen around with me recording how many cans and bottles I've had before I go to my G P. Dose that make me stupid ? My G.P is intellligent enough to know how much I drink.In 9 years he has plenty of  experience to know the difference between me being Drunk ar Sober.He dose not need a written can by can daily report. Anyway most othe time when I'm drinking I can't remember how many cans I've drunk- actually I don't  do cans(unless i'm desperate)I prefer fine white wine sometimes Vodka to hit the spot quicker.When I'm broke I will go and see my mum and drink her Gin-when that's gone I will go and see my Dad and drink his Scotch.So it goes on plenty of suppliers.must admit been in trouble with Police several times-puts me off drinking for a few weeks then the same old craving comes back and beats me down again.Ihave a quotation for you- Tough Times Never Last.Tough People Do.Love Sue 
    • Posted

      Susan...I feel for you.  Its awful...when our lives become chasing the alcohol.  I really hope that one day you will open your eyes in the morning and say no. But the only way I could DO THAT...was to admit myself to a hospital.

      ​I could no longer say NO to alcohol.  I had to be physically restrained from my surroundings (by going to hospital).  When I got body was so depleted of fluids and nutrition.  Me making the decision to go there saved my life.

      ​Then and only then was I able to say NO to alcohol.  Some people here..including paperfairy..have used a taper system (drinking less each day until stopping does not become so painful).

      ​So if you do start counting what you drink...and cut it down by a couple a if you drink say 3 bottles of a substance...drink 2.5 bottles for a week.  Then move to 2 bottles for a week....Then 1.5....this is really hard to do.  I was succesful one time at tapering.

      ​I did drink bottles of beer at the time....I cut down....and kept cutting down...the day I was down to 3 beers...the next day...I did not drink at all.  I got thru that detox alot easier than previous detoxes. But, this last time I was on a binge..I could not stop or taper.

      I was dying inside (I felt it) and it was visibily apparant I was dying on the outside.

      ​3 weeks after stopping and leaving the hospital. My boyfriend wanted a bottle of booze...he doesn't drink alot...I asked him if I could go in the store.  Because it was a local store which I went to every morning.  I wanted the people on the cash register to see me looking well.  I told the girl...I had gone to the hospital...and I wasn't drinking and this BOTTLE was for my Boyfriend.  She responded...She said I AM SO GLAD.....YOU LOOK SO MUCH BETTER...KEEP IT UP.

      ​Some of us think we function...but others do notice.  I was beyond looking horrible or functioning....I literally was shuffling into the stores on my last days in the mornings in pajamas I had worn for 25 days.....I was a mess.

      ​Please either try to taper....or get yourself to a hospital.  You can do it.

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