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So the dreaded letter has arrived !!! My home visit is on the 22nd March between 9 - 11. I am dreading it ! Anyone else had a recent visit ? How did i go ? Also i have no one to sit with me on that particular day as my carer is away. I know i can postpone it but to be honest i just want it over and done with ! Any advice would be gratefully received wink

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32 Replies

  • Posted

    I've not had a home assessment, mine was in a Chiropodist, although it's probably the same kind of thing.  It's a pity there can't be someone with you, is there no-one at all who could spare an hour.

    You will be watched from the beginning, how far you have to walk to answer the door, can you remain seated or whether like me, have to get up quite often to ease the pain a bit.    

    I'm sure others on here will add some advice Michelle.  Let us know how it goes. x

    • Posted

      I can answer the door but it takes me ages. I have a sticker sign on my door that states disabled person living here please bear with me. I also do have to keep changing position due to extreme pain and discomfort. I just hope that i will have a decent assessor that tells the truth ! I have read so many horror stories about them writing what they want and not taking full notice of what you tell them. I also am not taking my meds at my usual time so that i can be some what coherant as if i take my tabs which most of them are opium based i am spaced out for most of the day. Fingers crossed it will be fine frown

    • Posted

      As you say Michelle, I hope you get a decent assessor, I was very lucky I realise that, mine was a Doctor and knew all about my conditions and she told the truth.  

      I would advise you to ring the DWP a few days after the assessment and ask for a copy of the assessors report, that way you will be able to see what was written about you and how they scored you.  Hopefully it will all turn out well, but if not, then at least you will have the report to hand in readiness for a Mandatory Review.  Hang on in there. x

  • Posted

    Hello Michelle,  I have recently had a home visit & I would strongly advise that you have someone with you.  The assessor who came to do my home visit asked to see my  medication & proof of who I am, so it would be good to have these at hand. She was shown my birth certificate & a copy of the prescription for my medication. Remember they take note of everything thing you do during the assessment. It is wise not to postpone the home visit as like you say, you want it over & done with. I wish you luck. 

    • Posted

      I've just had my home visit today, I had everything ready for him, driving license utlity bill a copy of my prescription all the paperwork I had from 3 hospitals and a report from adult care about emergency care. Answered everything, he spent as much time talking to my wife about caring for me than he did talking to me. Only took 3/4 hr and he answered what I ask him, so fingers crossed that's it done, and I won't have to go through that awful appeals process.

    • Posted

      I bet you're glad that's over Zorro, everything crossed for the award, keep us posted. x

    • Posted

      Every good wish for a successful outcome Zorro.

      Please let us know when you hear and I`m sure that you will have the support and advice from contributors to this discussion should you need it.

    • Posted

      Thanks Mary and thanks everyone support and advice is very muchh appreciated biggrin

  • Posted

    I just had my home assessment this morning, like you I was very anxious having read some of the horror stories, but I feel like it went well! My mother was there with me and she answered the door, I had prepared myself for a severe examination as well as being tripped up or manipulated, and had also photocopied some medical letters just in case and had my prescriptions ready. The lady doing my assessment didn't say whether she was a nurse or what her job was at all, but she did seem to have some medical knowledge of my illnesses, and asked me quite a lot about my chronic fatigue. The whole thing lasted only about 25 minutes, she was asking questions quite quickly but nothing I hadn't been asked by a dozen doctors and various people before, ex. "Do you find it stressful to meet new people?" and "Do you need to be reminded to eat/clean yourself/take your medication?" etc, pretty much the exact same questions that were on the form. She also asked me the last time I'd left the house and if I ever socialised with other people, friends and so on, what my hobbies were, if I had a bank account and if I did online banking, and then asked me at the end if there was anything else I'd like to tell her. She never asked to see my prescriptions or any of the letters I photocopied, just my two IDs - my license and debit card. To be honest the whole thing went by in such a blur that I can't say if it went well in regards to the outcome, but I knew that I managed to get myself across even though she asked questions quite quickly. Definitely wasn't as bad as I imagined. I'm glad I had my mother there as she did add on to what I said a few times, and brought up things I had forgotten as I was so nervous.  Fingers crossed and I hope it all goes well for you!

    • Posted

      I hope you will be able to relax a little now that is over. It is out of your hands now, please let us know when you hear more. x 
    • Posted

      Glad it went ok Devin cheesygrin Also yes fingers crossed will update everyone asap

    • Posted

      Good to hear that your assessment went OK and was not as bad. I hope that this means you`ll get a favourable response and the claim you deserve. Please keep us informed and, if the need arises, please ask as I`m sure the contributors of this discussion board will be able to help.
    • Posted

      Glad it went ok and you don't have to wait too long for a decision. Hopefully the assessor won't lie through their teeth on the report. Please do let us know the outcome.

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