Plasma Button Vaporization
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I've been reading posts form all of you men about your recoveries from your various prostate surgeries and it seems that we are all experiencing the same recovery issues in varying degrees. My main issue has been a weak but steady urine stream starting two days after my catheter was removed. I saw my urologist today (5 weeks post surgery) and he told me the weak stream is common due to swelling within the prostate because of the surgery. Regarding the retrograde ejaculations, I am noticing less and less semen as I heal. Once again, it is a swelling issue. As the swelling subsides more of it is able to flow backward into my bladder. Again, normal. So, I'm happy with my recovery. Be patient, takes time.
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Waffalobill dalebf
If it continues after a while, it could be scar tissue. Was told if it was it's a easy fix.
glenn77 Waffalobill
Waffalobill glenn77
gmoney glenn77
It is easy to fix; But its painful in the exteme.
The catheter caused me terrible pain from friction where the urethra exits the body, the meatus. Meatal stinosis is a stricture, in my case narrowed the pee hole by about half and resulted in a urine stream more like a spray. the Urologists was able to stretch the meatus by inserting "sounders" and literally ripping back open the pee hole. They start with smaller ones and gradually work up to larger sizes. It hurts something awful and there was a lot of blood too. Had it done about 4 months after surgery. Worked great. No pain after the stretching and urine stream is awesome.
Strangely, there are some men who do stretching for recreation and it gives them an orgasm. I don't understand this at all. If you research "meatal stinosis" you will find it there online. Mostly, this is done on adolescent boys and you will have difficulty finding much data on adult cases and treatment.
kenneth1955 gmoney
mike588 gmoney
are you saying the friction caused Meatal stinosis ? It sounds like the other people are talking about scarring from the surgery. Some surgeries punch through the urethra to get to the prostate if I'm not mistaken.
I had a catheter for around 7 weeks, it was a bit painful and annoying and I put vaseline at the friction point and that helped a bit - now I have the spray effect once in a while, other times a normal stream - weird,
glenn77 gmoney
How long ago did you have the stricture dilated? I've done a lot of ready on strictures, and have found that dilation rarely gives a lasting fix to strictures. I found a medscape article that talks about meatus stenosis, and its treatment.
PS I've been living with total incontinence and strictures near the external sphincter, caused by GL and then Gyrus TURP about 16 months. So it's be either diapers (Depends) or external condom catheters and a leg bag 24x7 for those 16 months. And no sex either.
glenn77 gmoney
You didn't say how long ago the dilation of the stricture at the meatus was done. It's unlikely that that it will be a permanent fix. I sent you a link by IM.
Emis_Moderator glenn77
There is no problem posting links to medscape, they will go for moderation but will be approved. I have edited the actual url into your post above.
gmoney glenn77
It was about a month ago. Yes, I will likely have to undergo another round of stretching as the callus that grew just inside the penis, will continue to constrict. Next uro visit is 7/7. I'm not looking forward to that one, but the result is breathtaking. I meant that in a good way. And, once the stretching is stopped, there is no residual pain.
gmoney mike588
The meatal stinosis was the result of friction from the catheter
glenn77 gmoney
glenn77 Emis_Moderator
gmoney glenn77
Thank you Glenn. I think I read that when I was researching it. If you read through it, the reference is always to a "child" rather than an adult. Those cases are the result of some natural development of stinosis that sometimes occurs in boys. The article was a reference for this awful condition in young boys; but not specifically as an option for meatal stinosis cased by scarring and callus development resulting from irritation in adult men. I cringe at the thought of clamp crushing my dick and then the 8 weeks of salves, ointments, and tender cleaning procedures to keep the meatus open. Keep in mind that the use of sounders was no walk in the park to stretch me open again to normal size. It hurt like a SOB. But, once he stopped sticking those devices in me, the pain stopped immediately and the bleeding stopped within about 15 minutes. And I could have sex afterward any time I wanted; although I can't recall if I did right away. I think I may have masterbated just to see how it would go. It went fine.
glenn77 gmoney
If you think about it, could you ask your doctor whether the Meatotomy procedure is also performed on adult men and what the success rate is? I don't personally have stenosis at the meatus; rather, I've had a stricture (stenosis) "right at the sphincter" according to my new urologist. I fired the first urologist who did Greenlight laser and then Gyrus TURP: to try to fix things after the first left me with full urological incontinence during the day. Until the stricture is resolved, I can't have an AMS 800 implant to deal with the incontinence, so I have to use an external catheter during the day and Depends pullups at night. My last procedure was a urethrotomy for the stricture, and I'm waiting to see if that works. Because of the location of the stricture at the sphincter, apparently urethroplasty is not an option.
gmoney glenn77
I'd be happy to ask him, but my next f/u visit isn't until 7/7. Based on what you describe though, your stricture is at the sphincter, way up inside your urinary tract. Having your meatus crushed is working on a different area of the tract. The procedure is used to open the urine flow at the meatus, the last point before exiting the body. Sounds as though you will require a different procedure.
glenn77 gmoney
My asking was just a question of curiosity. I'm burdened with being curious about just about everything.