Please help!!!!
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Hi all
I'm at my wits end. Been in this site for nine years during peri.
Went 12 months with no period but a nodule was found in my thyroid so had the right side of my thyroid removed four weeks ago and got a period the day after surgery!!!!
My doctor wasn't concerned as it stopped after a week and wasn't heavy.
I feel constantly dizzy nausea from hell!!!! I've suffered bad anxiety in oeri but it's back with a vengeance after not being too bad for a while. I feel like it was getting a bit easier and I was officially in menopause but the operation has turned me upside down. Doctors won't test thyroid function for six weeks as it's too early to tell thyroid function. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm crying all the time can't eat feel sick and dizzy just cannot function. I've had two ECGs since my operation due to palpitations and both were fine. I've had some really bad low times in peri but thought I was entering full menopause till this period blip. I don't know if it's hormones or thyroid or anxiety I'm just in a mess I feel so ill. Don't know if anyone has had similar issues but I'm so so down right now I hate feeling sick it brings on anxiety.
Thanks for listening ladies x
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rachel13481 michelle50768
I have become really sensitive to changes in my thyroid medication during peri. When the thyroid hormone is off, it seems to make the peri worse. Anxiety is definitely affected by your thyroid hormones --- low or high.
Not sure why you suddenly got a period after 12 months, maybe your thyroid gland was not balanced for a while and made your system out of balance. I often get palpitations when my thyroid levels are too high and sometimes when too low. I was always perfectly balanced until peri hit...
Hang in there! Hope you feel better soon!
michelle50768 rachel13481
Thank you for your reply
I want to run and gets bloods done now but keep being told it's too soon!!!
I am getting impatient just want answers
So you think it will settle out ?
I keep thinking the left side is not compensating for the right but my mind is thinking all sorts of horrid things
Good to talk with someone that knows about thyroid issues
Consultant did say ten percent with half a thyroid need meds so of course with all the anxiety I think it's me in that ten percent
Thanks again for your advice x
rachel13481 michelle50768
Yes, as frustrating as it is, it is too soon to get bloodwork done. I really do think it will settle just fine on its own. If you need a pill, it is very easy to tolerate. I have been on thyroid hormone pills for 15 years and felt better with them than my real (diseased) thyroid gland. It is much easier to level out your thyroid hormones than menopausal hormones.
I never had all the dizziness, etc until I hit perimenopause. I hope those symptoms will settle back down for you too! You have been through a big stress --- it is not easy to go have surgery and go through all the fear of it all!!!
Be easy on yourself, and let yourself have time to recover physically and emotionally. I hope you are feeling better by the time of your trip,
michelle50768 rachel13481
I really appreciate your advice
Good to know that you are better without your thyroid than with
Its very reassuring to hear your words x
bumblebee85 michelle50768
So sorry to hear you are suffering. I have had thyroid issues for years hypo t. As you had a period most likely you not quite meno , horrid after all that time. I am sure patience is something you have become good at with peri, unfortunately the same applies to thyroid if you do need meds your Dr is right it takes around 6 weeks but also be aware if you have symptoms due to thyroid it takes a while after bloods are levelled for the symptoms to catch up, try not to stress your body has been through a lot all at once life always throws a spanner in the works somewhere good luck and take care
michelle50768 bumblebee85
Do you think my symptoms are more anxiety as opposed to thyroid?
Would I be getting thyroid symptoms so soon or is it just a matter of time before my left side levels it?
Sorry for so much questions but the nausea and dizziness is freakin me out x
bumblebee85 michelle50768
Not a problem it's a lot to deal with all at once. This is of course only my opinion based on my own thyroid/meno experiences. But I would of thought the anxiety and sickness was more meno for sure, the low mood and Palos could be either. Your thyroid levels could be dropping off by now yes but please don't worry too much if they were to low I would expect a few more thyroid type issues. I am happy to try answer anything I can. But anxiety certainty does like to play tricks on our minds x
michelle50768 bumblebee85
Thank you for listening I really appreciate it.
I have suffered nausea and anxiety in Peri for sure over the years to name just a few
Suppose I just freaked out thinking that as my meno symptoms were a little better before operation that it defo must be thyroid
But I take your advice on board and will just have to wait and see at the end of the month when they will do blood tests
I'm going to Greece for my 50th on the 10th September but I'm so scared to go feeling like this x
karen71465 michelle50768
michelle50768 karen71465
Hi Karen
Yes it is daunting but positive thinking will get you through
Yes it has messed with my hormones but I'm assured it's temporary until the thyroid starts to function properly again
I'm four weeks out of operation and back to work
I'm a carer so it's a bit hard but I'm doing it
I think my menopause anxiety made my experience worse than it could have been get a hold in that and you will be fine
I'm here if you have any questions
Feel free to private message me about procedures and what to expect
I think when you know what will take place the anxiety is far less
Again be positive it's better out than in trust me
I'm praying for you and here if you need a chat x
bumblebee85 michelle50768
Happy "50th". Go, enjoy and forget. Will probably help you relax. As stated before don't worry about the thyroid, if it is that adjusting it will soon settle down. Give me thyroid over meno any day! Forgot to say if symptoms kinda come and go would defo be meno, if your thyroid is low its low so symptoms remain and do not get better without thyroxine. If you are in UK and have levo the up side is you will be entitled to free prescriptions via a medical exemption, so can be ill for free LOLx Have a great time in Greece x
michelle50768 bumblebee85
Awww bless you
Yes I'm in the uk kent
Free prescriptions lol suppose theres a bright side to everything 😄
Thank you for sharing your thyroid info with me
I've become an expert on meno over the last ten years lol but the thyroid stuff has hit me sideways x
brendababy michelle50768
Aww Michelle I feel your distress, I have balance problems and dizziness which started 2 years ago when I started Peri
I'm 53 but I know for sure that anxiety makes me extremely dizzy, sick and migraine
Please try not to focus on symptoms all of the time because that's what I tend to do and it keeps them there
I just try and do normal things even when I feel ill and usually the symptoms lessen then go away
Focus on your holiday and think positive, you'll soon feel better
Have a great birthday and holiday, life's too short to keep on worrying
michelle50768 brendababy
Thank you so much
I'm sure that we talked a lot in another thread regarding mirtazapine?
A very long time ago I recognise your name?
Well like I said earlier thought I was full menopause then got told I have to have right side if thyroid out
This all happened in the space of two weeks!!!
Nodule was benign but still struggling with post op symptoms 😡
So grateful for all you ladies here you are truly a Godsend
I've been doing ok up until now
Thought the worst was over but back to counting for that year again!!!!
lynda20916 michelle50768
Sorry you're going through this. Thyroid is really another hormone, but a very powerful one. It's linked to more or less all of your body functions, including your reproductive ones. So perhaps the situation will settle in a few weeks.
Try not to stress too much while you're waiting and enjoy your holiday. xx