Please help! Going out of my mind what this could be...
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I was having stomach pain about two weeks ago and got admitted to hospital because of it. They found no reason for the pain after an ultrasound and endoscopy of my stomach.
I also had dirrahea for a couple of days and then nothing for about 5 days (went to the bathroom and pooped fine) went another few days and had a small amount of blood when I wiped now a week later I done another poo and I haven't stopped bleeding for about 4 hours! The toilet paper was soaked and I had a shower and cleaned myself up but was quickly recovered in blood.
I know I should go to the hospital but could it be something as simple as piles or a anal fissure? I don't understand why I have had the stomach pain, on off dirrahea then constipation and no explanation from the doctors except "maybe" gastritis.
It's such an awkward thing to talk about so I would just like some reassurance from someone online!
Please and thanks in advance.
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royalty jlh1040
Just had results nothing showed up on the side where pressure is but they found a
hemangioma in the liver which liver specialist is not concerned about it was a fibroscan I went for so I told the dr I'm in so much pain from my arms both arms since this pressure and pressures still there so I'm seeing the same dr today that I spoke to yesterday worst luck as he was the one that wasn't very helpful but he will be examining me at 4 o'clock today it's 11.40 now. At least I will be exaimined
jlh1040 royalty
Well that's good they didn't find anything serious but what is a hemangioma? Could that cause your pain?
Not long to go and hopefully you can get some peace of mind from actually seeing your doctor.
royalty jlh1040
It's a non cancerous tumour. No I don't think that's causes probs as liver is on right n my pressure pain is on left under and around left rib, yes it's good they didn't find anything serious but I do need answers to whats going on the left side n why whatever it is affecting arms too . Only another 2 half hours and I will be seen so I will let you know when I get back unless it's too late for you. As I don't know what time it will be in Australia I will be back approx 5pm
jlh1040 royalty
royalty jlh1040
Hi yes went to drs and he examined me and saying I have GASTRITIS the pain is awful I'm due blood tests checking for h pylori on the 13 oct fri 13 lol along with my usual liver blood tests as I have autoimmune hepititis having this done 3 days after my 60 birthday the pain in my ribs is awful n both arms n shoulders find it so hard to lever myself out of bed he exaimed also just in middle of chest i and back n gave me the diagnosis
jlh1040 royalty
Wow! That was what they said I had that caused my stomach pain! That's why I got an endoscopy. I know how bad it is, seriously I could barely stand up and when it took over I was hunched over in pain. You poor thing! I'm so glad they told you what was wrong. I got checked for h pylori as well have they given you anything for it?
When is your birthday?
gwen45436 royalty
Hi royalty. I can understand this. I have HH/LPR/Esophagitis and now Gastritis. Last time I had gastritis was 6 years ago and I lost loads of weight as I felt sick all the time.
The same pain has returned in my left ribs and it feels like a fist is gripping me. Bone in bras are out which at my age is not a good look lol.)
It ruins your day doesn't it. You just want everything it to go away. I love to keep fit and use light hand weights but I have had to stop as it aggravtes my left side. It seems like any normality is going out the window. I retired early and it is a good job I did. I help out my hubs with his business but that is going by the wayside as well. Too scared to lift anything. Whatever next.
The only thing that keeps me going is chatting on here with others.
So hope you can get something sorted and very soon.
royalty gwen45436
Oh my goodness yessssss exactly how I am, it's the worst think I've had in a very long time.i can't believe what you are saying I wear no wire bras now have done for six weeks how old are you Gwen are you in the uk yes I retired last year through ill health I had post viral fatigue last year after losing my dad
royalty jlh1040
They have given me lansoposole or something I haven't picked it up yet it's at chemist oh did they say you have it did you have pylori as well
gwen45436 royalty
Hi there - sorry for delay - I don't use my mobile - use my lappy and have been out today (ha what a laff - out helpin hubs - he has no idea I could have cried many times - I hurt - but because he just has heartburn now and then - he seems to think that is all it is) - oh well.
I am still searching for no wired bras - I have sports bras now but the elastic even seems tight (I am not overweight) - gosh I hate wearing no bra - used to years ago - but hey now, they are seeming to like Cornwall (like down South lol lol).
I actually retired through ill health at 59, Insomnia of 30 years was taking its toll with a stressful job which I loved but could not take the constant time structures. I have high blood pressure so it was obvious to let it go. My tum took a massive beating - and here we are today on this forum. Stinks.
I am in Manchester UK and am 67 and just hating this rubbish. Arms today have started hurting and gums are hurting due to acid - hey mate the list goes on and on - just like you.
But like I say good job we can share.
Chat anytime - keep smiling (coz that what we ladies do) x
royalty gwen45436
Yes I use laptop much easier than my mobile I also retired at 59 due to post viral fatigue oh I'm not far from northants uk I'm 60 on tues mind you I won't be celebrating yes both my arms are in agony n shoulders it's crazy yes I don't want to seem mean but I'm so glad I've found you n we can talk not that I want anyone else to go through it but you know what I mean the pressure is still round my left rib I'm trying to drink a lot of water what meds do you take for gastritis
gwen45436 royalty
I drink 3 pints of water a day. I know what you mean about identifying with someone else of the pain the sheer misery that is with you just all the time. I can't remember when I felt normal.
I had the camera last year when I was diagnosed with HH/GERD/ESOPH. My consultant prescribed PPIs like they always do. I told my doc I did not want them and she gave me Ranitidine 150mg am and pm. I also take Mastic Gum before bed and Pepsin caps twice a day. I have started on Kefir also for its strong probiotic effect - after researching for anything to help the gut flora, this came out well to kill any bacteria and ease inflammation.
All was going not bad until the left side fist holding onto my tum!!!!
You can't win can you?
I had gastritis 6 years ago and this is the same feeling I went to the docs with, had camera, and it came back mild chronic gastritis. I managed to see that off without PPI just natural methods and alkaline foods. Was ok for several years and then all this other rubbish started and now it looks like gastritis had decided to poke its nosey head in as well
I tell you if it was my hubs that had this the world would come to an end. He loves to eat and can't understand why I have to be careful and certain foods are now off limit for me. (I used to love onion on a salad sandwhich) even typing it gives me the gripes lol.
You need to get a handle on your pain, life is rotten in pain.
Keep smiling tho.
royalty gwen45436
Yes I quite understand it feels like a life changer I've been through a lot since age of 42 I got transverse myelitis which has taken away the power to be able yo rush run jump etc that took my left side. Then few years later I get autoimmune hepititis n now this I feel so nauseous all time no energy and pain n pressure I just want this blood test to hurry up maybe it will be able to give me an idea what else is going on, but I would imagine the main test would be the upper endoscopy. I feel in limbo as obviously haven't gone through the tests x
gwen45436 royalty
Yes your bloods need to hurry up - the tiredness and no energy is so life sapping, you are doing well to be posting feeling so bad.
Let the limbo be over quickly hun.
royalty gwen45436
I was tested for ms for quite few months but after lumber puncture and several ct scans n mri scans I was told it was transverse myelitis I must say I had never heard of it that was 17 years ago I'm 60 tomorow n since then I have been diagnosed with autoimmune hepititis I was so shocked as I thought only drinkers get liver disease n I hate alcohol so don't drink I have nausea every day with the liver disease but haven't been sick , but this gastritis that the dr suspects I have is awful I haven't lost any weight tho but I'm on steriods