Please help is this perimenopause ?

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Hi there

I am 48 and having really horrible frightening symptoms cold feet and hands cold flushes extreme butterfly feeling in top part of abdomen that makes me feel suddenly weak and faint I also have weak arms and legs sometimes this comes on suddenly. I have dry mouth severe exhaustion I get sudden shaky feeling inside horrible upset stomach's anxiety and full blown panic attacks. I'm so sick of feeling like this especially the sudden weak feeling and horrendous feeling's of butterflies that are so severe that I just can't handle it.

I have had all my bloods checked a few weeks ago which were all OK fsh levels 3.2. My symptoms are worse before my period and when it's finishing.

Please tell me this is all normal and I'm not going mad or dying.


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40 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi, Marcia: Sounds like peri to me. It hit me at 48. That's a good number for it too for when it hits. Hit my mom at 48 also. I didn't know what peri was. It first started with me with shoulder pain. Which I ignored for several months and powered through. Then one day I was home and in the middle of the day. I had to lay down and sleep. I was extremely tired like never before and I've never had to lie down during the day due to that happening. Couple days later I collapsed at home. Started with extreme anxiety and panic attacks. I had burred vision, extreme vertigo and when I walked it was like I was drunk. I had a lot of neck, arm and leg pain. All I can say is that I was told it couldn't be meno because I hadn't stopped my cycle. That's not true. Peri is real and seems not many doctors acknowledge it and diagnose you with anxiety and depression instead like mine had at first. You will know if you need help. I didn't want to take meds but, I had to. I was a crying mess. I tried 2 meds and they didn't work. Tried without meds for 6 months and my symptoms got worse. I'm on my 3rd now and I just have to wait for a few months to see if this works. You have the option for HRT too but, for me that wasn't an option. Walking has improved my physical symptoms 100 percent. It was so freakin hard some days to get out of bed but, you have to. This site is great for info and the ladies are so caring. They have all really helped me since this transition hit. I wish you all the best. Hang in there. You are not alone. xo

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply I really appreciate it.

      it's horrible and I just wish it would end as it's very hard to live with .

      I really hope this lot of meds work for you this time.

      I will definitely try to start walking more if I can find the strength.


    • Posted

      HI I am trying g medication but haveing bad dreams rotton also other symptoms, week 8 ,which one are you on please

  • Edited

    I have these very same sort of symptoms. What I find scary is that I do get cold icy hands and feet, I sometimes look pale with it as well, like my circulation is poor. It is worse around my periods and ovulation. I used to get really badly shaky and weak with it too. That is easing off most of the time but I still get the heart jumping around like a fish in my chest, heat is central to the body when I have the icy hands and feet and I do get short of breath sometimes. I sometimes feel I may pass out as well. I haven't though. I also get chills after as well. I am 46 years old, these particular symptoms have been with me for about 2.5 years now. So over this 😦 Kind of think I would prefer hot flashes

    • Posted

      Hi Jamie

      Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate it and I'm sorry you are suffering too.

      it's debilitating isn't it . I honestly don't no how much more I can cope with it .

      I do yoga every day but even that's a struggle now.

      The hardest symptoms are the feeling weak and the butterfly sensation in top part of stomach. I can't cope with them sends me into a panic.

      I'm going to try and do more walking maybe fresh air will help too . Anything's worth a try .


    • Edited

      Walking does help, I have put on weight with peri as well which is hard to deal with. I also have had a lot of physical pain with this so that slowed me down. But...I found the more I did the better I feel. I now do videos of locations I go to to keep me active. 😃

  • Edited

    Hi Marcia... your symptoms sound prefectly normal to me, well as normal as can be. Definitely sounds like peri to me.

    Mine started around 3 years ago at the age of 41. Lovely... not!! I too had absolutely no idea what was going on and had never even heard of Perimenopause.

    It hit me really hard and made me feel scared and alone at times. It's awful.

    The worse thing is the lack of support out there, because it seems there is definitely a lack of knowledge and information.

    If it wasn't for this forum it would be unbearable and even more frightening.

    • Edited

      Hi Dora

      Thank you so much for your reply I really appreciate it.

      Your right there is no support out there my Doc says your fsh levels are normal so your not in menopause. He doesn't seem to understand its the time leading up to it is hell for us too .


  • Edited

    Hi Marcia, sounds similiar, I am going to be 46 this year and I have had these same things for a few years and more as well. my main complaint is muscular and nerve pain throughout my body, nausea, headaches, the nerve pain can at times I feel in my teeth and even my belly button...everything comes and goes, sometimes it goes for a month or so and returns, over the last few years I have been to the doctors having many tests and everything seems normal aside from slightly high inflammation in blood test. I actually decided to take a break from my business as I just have lost motivation when dealing with this on a regular basis.

    • Posted

      Hi takingtime

      Thank you for taking the time to reply to me it's much appreciated.

      The whole thing is awful.

      Sorry you have to take time from your work but sometimes your body just needs to rest . I wish I could take a break I'm a NHS employee in primary care and just don't have the option but if I could I would as I feel burnt out .


    • Edited

      Hi Takingtime

      Your symptoms sounds so very much like mine.. I was told I have Fybromyalgia... May I ask if your symptoms cover the following list (burning skin, achiness all over, maybe painful leg/s or arm/s or maybe both, excessive tiredness, low energy, inability to sleep, skin sensitive to touch, numb patches, creepy cawly feeling under skin) .. these all come and go... And I may add thst many of these are related to hormonal issues... My FSH was 100!!



    • Posted

      Can you describe the cold flashes in more detail ?

    • Posted

      I will feel heat in the top of my arms and sometimes top of my legs and neck (not the sweaty kind of heat, like a rush) and I sometimes will start to get shaky in the arms and a weak feeling, then my hands and feet will go ice cold, even my nose and lips feel cold and my heart will start to jump around like a fish in my chest. It will happen in succession like I will have three in half hour then my body will have full chills and it eases off. Sometimes I get a pressure feeling in my head during it as well.

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