Please help me I'm killing myself

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Hi all,

I desperately need help. I have been drinking too much for 8 years now but the last year that has escalated.

Probably 50-70 units a week.

I have admitted my problem to the GP, they did blood tests which showed my liver wasn't very happy with me but not serious...yet.

They have referred me for a scan as a double check.

The problem is I have this sharp pain under my left ribs which comes and goes from googling I'm thinking maybe pancreas? It's worse after drinking and eating junk food. It's makes me worry there's a serious issue but the scan might help pick something up altho I have to wait until January for that.

My GP has refered me to the alcohol clinic near me and I have been assessed etc.

The problem is I'm not sure what help they can be, I have spoken with them about things to do to try and stop the drinking etc but not much else.

They have refered me to a health and fitness woman who I see in January too.

I binged last night, 1/2 bottle of wine and half a bottle of vodka and am laying here in bed still at midday feeling sorry for myself and pretty damn ill.

I have been put on blood pressure medication because the drinking has made it high (im only 37) but the side effects have made me feel so ill also.

Yesterday the nurse said I have a kidney infection so I'm also on antibiotics.

Over the last year I've had upward of 10 viral infections mainly upper respiratory/ears/throat etc.

It's been a crap crap year:-(

I need help and it can't come quick enough but I have no idea how anyone can help me stop or how I can help myself.

I have looked into the sinclair method and did purchase some tablets but they were horrendously expensive and gave me bad side effects also. I am thinking of trying the American version? But am unsure where to get them as the GP has never heard of it being used to treat alcoholics!

Please can anyone help me I can almost feel myself dying a slow death over this last year and I'm so sick of feeling sick. It's ruining me and I can only hope no permanent damage has been done although the sharp pains I get worry me a lotsad

Thank you

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23 Replies

  • Posted


    Please PM me the town and county where you live and I will look up which medications your area prescribes for alcohol issues.

    Basically, each local NHS area has their own individual guidelines as to who they feel is best suited to prescribe these type of medications.  In some cases, it is the GP but in most cases, you will need to speak to the prescribing physician at the local alcohol centre - but as I say, I can look this up for you and PM you back the information you need to take with you to your next appointment.

    If you area feels that the local alcohol centre is the best place, then this is why the GP may not know about it.

    I assume you had Selincro, which although can cause some initial side effects, these usually do pass within a week or so, getting easier each time you take the tablet.  Did you take enough tablets to work through that, or did you only take a couple?  And if the tablets made you feel like not drinking, then what you may have had is some side effects coupled with some symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. 

    Naltrexone is available both in America and here in the UK, but it is usually only prescribed to those who have already managed to get sober and to help them with their cravings.

    As I say, PM me your location (do not post it publically on here) and I can look up the specific guidelines for you.

    • Posted

      Hi yes it was Selincro and I tried probably three tablets?

      I still have some left so I understand I need to push past the side effects.

      It's so stupid being scared of side effects when I waste most of my week being hungover rolleyes a side effect of drinking.

      I feel so helpless and depressed about it all, I hate feeling controlled by the alcohol and when I start to drink nothing stops me until I black out.

    • Posted

      I have PM'd you the link that you need.

      You are very fortunate, Natalie.  In your area, the local NHS has designated that the less troublesome medication (in terms of side effects) which is called naltrexone as a 'green' medication.

      Not only can your GP issue it if you meet the criteria suitability, but it also states that it can be prescribed to those still drinking, which is very rare in my experience.

      Your doctor may have just assumed that because it is an addiction/anti-craving medication it has to be prescribed by a specialist in alcohol care.  This is not the case, and I have sent you the local NHS guidelines confirming this to show to him.  It's such a shame that your doctor didn't bother to look up the medication on his database as he would have seen this for himself without you having to go to all this trouble.

      Anyway, good luck and let us know how you get on at your next appointment.

  • Posted

    Please do not panic ...

    The good news is you have your wake up call and now you are only to move up rather than down.

    You need to go to rehab .. Contact alcohol anonymous and ask them for rehab places for alcoholics and tell them everything and they can give you cognitive behavioural therapy and relevant medication

    • Posted

      Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think that the AA approved or helped with medication for alcohol addiction.

    • Posted

      Very true the AA doesn't but they are linked to rehab walk in centres and they know the nearest rehab walk in for you that assesses you and gives you medication and check if you need psychiatric help etc etc ..

      Because they have doctors at hand.

      There is one in ealing called RISE that's excellent .. Then there's another in Hounslow called ihear and job centres have leaflets of these drop ins too ..

      If you are aware you have a problem sort it out it's all free if you aren't working or maybe it's free too if you go through your GP

    • Posted

      I admire the fact you want to get help that's excellent because you know you will get over all this ...

      Well done

    • Posted

      If you want to turn your life around get professional help ..

      It's ok to get help it can only be a good thing


    • Posted

      I think you are confusing me with the OP.

      I have plenty of experience of alcohol recovery centres, none of which I care or want to repeat. They are necessary to get the medication on prescription, but that is about it.

    • Posted

      All I know on community detox program they give you medication.
    • Posted

      Okay, but I am not the one asking for advice, it is Natalie that is asking for it.
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      I didn't think so either as they consider it weak and the higher power is what you need!

    • Posted

      I am wary if this clinic can help at all.

      They haven't even offered counselling and I would like that I think it would help.

      They also had to do a home visit on me as I have a child under 16 to assess the safety of my.home environment.

      The woman was 5 seconds and said everything was fine, I'm probably one of the least messed up people she has to deal with lol.

      I don't have anything against people on drugs I'm sure they have their reasons as I do for drinking and then becoming addicted but I'm a functioning alcoholic. Always worked, kept the house, bought my.kid up etc.

      That's not to say I haven't done bad things drugs boy have I, but I'm not in the gutter yet! I'm trying to avoid the slippery slope that I seem to be heading down.

    • Posted

      Not drugs that was a typo lol :-)
    • Posted

      Follow Joanna's advice, she is knowledgeable and caring. She will help you, if you keep in contact with her and update her.

      As for the clinics, I have first hand experience of them and I don't rate them either, but and this is a big but, generally they are the only way that you will get the medication on prescription. Joanna has indicated that you are lucky and live in an area where your GP might prescribe it for you.

      As for counselling, you will probably get the best counselling here, most of us are people that had/have a drink problem, mine was bad enough to get me a long stint in hospital.

      No one will judge you here, but there is a wealth of experience that you can tap into. Just keep doing as you are and reply directly to the people that you think are helping people. There are fine people here, who if they see you are starting to help yourself, will give you all the encouragement and counselling you need.

    • Posted

      Brilliant post RHGB, so glad you are still posting, your experience and advice is so perfect for this site.  Thank you for staying around.

      Pat x

    • Posted

      Thank you so much

      Your right that I am among people here who understand !

      It's only a shame we cannot have our own real life meetings

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