Please not again!

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I'm baaaack!  So In August of 2016 after not having my period for 13 months, I got it again.  Welt through all the tests, ultrasound, biopsy, etc and it was determined all was normal and it was probably a hormornal surge.  Well here I am again after not having a period for 17 months and I just started bleeding again.  I am really trying hard to not worry because I know it is very common but I'm worrying anyway.  This website helped me before but I can't find any of the old discussions.  Could use a little reassurance before I lose it all together.

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41 Replies

  • Posted

    Seriously Barb, don't worry.  I've known women who have had a random periods years after stopping.  I bet it's nothing but a normal surge.  While you may be that high end of the bell curve, it's still "normal"   Your ovaries just don't want to give up the ghost.  LOL  Wish mine were still functioning occasionally.  

    But got to ask, did you notice an good feelings this month?  Just a little happier, spring in your step, sleeping better, skin looked better,  ANYTHING?  I'd sure like to know if your hormone surge caused any other changes besides a period. 

    • Posted

      Sorry to say I did not notice anything good...LOL....A few weeks ago I noticed some of my old pms symptoms and thought I was crazy.  About a week ago all symptoms stopped and I never thought of it again....until I was shocked this morning when I started spotting.  Honestly, during the year (+) that I didn't have my period, I never had any menopause symptoms either like hot flashes, etc. I was very happy to not have it.  smile  I just have so much stress in my life right now (like everyone) that I just don't want to have to deal with this again.  The worrying alone will kill me and I have too many other things to worry about!  smile

  • Posted

    Dear Barbara, please do not worry. These bleeds can go on for years. The main thing is you have had tests which show nothing abnormal so you need to keep telling yourself this will stop. The gaps will get longer and longer until they stop completely. If you have a sympathetic dr get him/her to do what mine does, fbc once a month to put your mind at rest! Hope this helps alleviate your fears. Hugs and x's to you. You are nearing the end of this horrid time, keep that in the forefront of your mind!

    • Posted

      Thanks Tina.  I am trying to not worry but it's been 15 months since I had the tests all come back normal.  I haven't had any tests, blood tests, pap or anything else since then.  Actually, just yesterday I said I have to make an appointment to get checked for everything.  Ugh....I just never thought that at almost 59 years old, I would be getting cramps and a period!

  • Posted


    Thats exactly what happened to me right down to the tee!  I even kept dates and first time I stopped for 13 months and then had a heavy  long period then that finally finished and then 17 to 19 months later had another heavy bleed I also had all the test done. I was 57/58 yrs old then I'm 60 n ow and still this hormone imblanace and these horrible symptoms has NOT let up. She even said after blood work I may have another one that it showed I was NOT total meno like I thought. I couldn't believe it. 

    • Posted

      Hi.  When you got the heavy bleed 17-19 months later did you have to go through all of the tests again...ultrasound, biopsy etc.
    • Posted

      Barbara, in my case I didn't go get any test done until the very last time I bleed after the 19 months it was so heavy I thought I was hemorrhaging.  I would skip over 12 months before that several times in fact it's very sad to say but I have panic and anxiety SOSO bad that I hadn't had a Pap smear done in 21 years!  The final straw was I  had to be taken to ER and they did the transvaginal ultra sound and lower stomach ultra sound because she couldn't find the ovaries after about pocking a hole in my gut I said have you found them yet and she says yes lol Well anyway the ER doctor came in and said my uterus lining was 8mm and that I need a biopsy and a pap smear because I was honest about how long it had been since I had one well with my age and all of this they had me worried to death about cancer. My oldest daughter went with me through all the biopsies I had one of the cervix , and uterus and pelvic plus blood work everything was normal Thank God,  The blood work showed that I wasn't even total Meno like I thought all these years ! I have found out just because you skip 12 months or even 2 years YOU may not still be Meno like you think I wasn't. We have so many eggs and until they are all hatched it's not over and some eggs take years in between to finally drop.

    • Posted

      Wow! Thanks for sharing crosado. I hate going to the dr for anything. I get terrible anxiety. I sure am glad I am not alone in that.
    • Posted

      Well I just made my appointment.  I have to go on Monday.  I too get very anxious about doctors....actually illness in general...I always have a fear of the worst possible outcome.My anxiety is so bad that I think that if I don't get nervous and anxious, THAT will make the outcome bad.  Ugh.    I am assuming she will have to do all the tests again.  By the way, you were one of the wonderful women I communicated the first time I went through this.  I think we were going through it together.  Glad I found you again.  This is so scary. 

    • Posted

      Glad we were able to be there for each other,  Barbara lets stay connected , I honestly think you are okay and she may NOT run all the test again I would have them run the non invasive ones first to see if there is a reason to actually do the biospy again.  If you don't have anyone to go to doc with you and if you get panic in office you can text me and I'll help you through by texting you through it :-) My cell number is 270-319-2216.  Keep us posted!  Hugs!

    • Posted

      You are such a sweetheart!  My husband will take me but only because I haven't been to this new office and don't know where it is (same doctor though).  If it wasn't for that, I prefer to do this on my own believe it or not.  I will stay connected without a doubt.  You might want to remove the above post though since it has your phone number in it.  LOL.  I kept your number.  I will text you just so that you have mine.  wink

    • Posted

      Doctor had a cancellation so instead of next Monday, I'm going in 2 hours....ugh


    • Posted we go again...Just got back from Doctor and am scheduled for transvaginal ultrasound on Thursday.  Once again checking for thickness of lining.  If its too thick, I go for biopsy again. Feeling really mad and scared and depressed at the same time.cry
    • Posted

      Oh barbara. I am sorry you have to go through this all over again. I totally understand. I am also waiting for biopsy results right now for a different problem. It is unreal the anxiety it causes...And everytime I go through this wait I always say whenever I get through this, i want to help someone else who is going through this horrible waiting period. I dont know what I would do except just be an ear to listen. This forum is definitely a great place for us to be right now.
    • Posted

      I am very thankful for "your ear"...LOL...I pray that both of us will get good news and be able to pay it forward.  I said I would stay on these forums when I went through it last time so that I could help other people and I dropped the ball.  Life got in the way and I stopped coming on until this happened again.  I hope everyone that maybe needed "my ear" will forgive me. 

    • Posted

      There must be a lot of us who have this anxiety. I am 70 and spotting. I have made an appointment and I am beside myself with fear. Has anyone heard of someone my age dealing with this?
    • Posted

      Went for my transvaginal ultrasound yesterday and haven't heard anything about results yet.  The technician wouldn't tell me a thing.  My anxiety is through the roof! 

    • Posted

      Awe barbara. I get it!! Just stay on here as much as you need to. There is always someone here to talk to. I just went through the waiting. The first 4 days were like a roller coaster of emotions. I tried to put it out of my mind. But, you have to let yourself cry too. That's what I did anyway. I watched tv a lot and tried to really focus on the show (funny stuff).. and came on here. I do believe staying busy is one of the best things to do. I dont work...not sure if you do. Sometimes i think it may be a little easier if you do. I have a new puppy that keeps me busy. After day 4, i started to feel a little better. I'm not sure why...I'm here even if you just need to vent. ((Hugs))

    • Posted

      omg I wish I could just shut my mind off! This morning I was in a good place and thinking it was going to be ok.  I randomly pick up a health magazine and the first article I start reading (without knowing what about) is about ovarian cancer.  I am now sure I have it.  I am sure the reason I randomly read that article is not a coincidence!  I'm a mess all over again.  I am even evaluating my husband's responses to me.  He is always so positive and uplifting.  He always assures me that I have nothing wrong with me.  This time I feel like he's responding differently.  I think I'm going crazy!

    • Posted

      Hi Judy.  Have you gone to your appointment yet?  Praying for all of us.
    • Posted

      Oh goodness barbara. I am so glad I am not the only one! I dont scroll th just in case there is something. It never fails if I do I see something and then I vow never to go on there again bc it just puts me in a tailspin. And you said exactly what I say...I wish I could just turn it off. I try to tell myself to stop you are doing it again. Sometimes it helps...but it takes practice. I hope you are feelling bettter. I'm at the doctor office right now. Ugh.

    • Posted

      I pray everything is going in your favor at the doctor.  I am sure we are not the only ones that do this.  It is terrible.  I look at other people that just take things as they come and don't always anticipate the worst possible outcome and envy them.  I am just a mess again today.  I called the doctor for the results and she hasn't read the report yet so she will call me what did I do....I silenced my phone!  I don't think this outcome is going to be good this time. 

    • Posted

      Hey Barbara. I'm sorry. I know how tough this is. I am headed back to the doctor here in a few minutes because she wanted doctor to run a camera up my nose and down my throat bc she didn't see anything! Wonderful! I started crying of course. So i am right where you are right now. I am praying you get good news soon. You probably do what I do. I can't do anything but sit on the couch and watch tv with my puppy. Thank God I have some distraction during the day. Im going to try to stay calm through this!

    • Posted

      How did the test go?  I just got my results and my endometrial lining is 4.2.  From what I understood, normal would be 4.0.  Well anyway, she's doing another biopsy on me.  She said as we go through menopause our lining should get thinner.  When I had the last biopsy, it was 2.7 (of course, I had a full blown period at that time not just spotting like this time)  I don't know.  Trying not to get stressed because I have to wait another 2 weeks before I can even go.  I am exhausted from the worry. 

    • Posted

      Hi Barbara. Mine went okay. He didn't see anything bad. Wants me to try some reflux meds and see if it helps.

      I have never understood the lining stuff. But it sounds like yours is only slightly higher than normal? I know I've seen other people on here have 8mm.. So the biopsy will be in 2 weeks?

    • Posted

      Yes, from what I understand 4.0 is normal so I am slightly abnormal?  LOL The biopsy is on the 27th.  I have decided  that I can't stress out the way I have been because if cancer doesn't kill me, the stress will.  I am trying really hard not to be crazy but of course I woke up this morning thinking, "what if they just didn't tell me eveything because they didn't want to stress me".  My husband said, "Then we will sue them for malpractice!""  LOL.   You have reflux?


    • Posted

      If I do I didn't know it. Lol. But he suspects that might be whats causing it. LPR

      I sure hope he is right! Well im no good at doing all the stuff they say to do to help with the stress. I try though. I just watch a lot of tv. No commercials!

    • Posted

      Ugh....I was doing pretty good and then continued reading  for endometrial cancer.  Not a good thing.  I am a complete mess .as I have all the symptoms
    • Posted

      Just got my biopsy results and all is negative!  Apparently I'm still producing some estrogen and she just wants to monitor me in case I spot again.  Thank you everyone for your support and comforting words.


    • Posted

      Welcome Barb. Glad things came out ok.  Take a deep breath and carry on. 

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