Please read this and know that I am not trying to be hateful.
Posted , 19 users are following.
I have been using this website for a little over 2 years. and I've learned a lot from this specific group. I would not be where I am today had I not had this group to help me out. there are a couple of things that really tick me off and I know I'm going to make some enemies by saying this but by the same token I feel like some people are doing this without realizing it's wrong to do.
it is not right for you to "kidnap" someone else's thread. what I mean by that is that there are people, some of the same people that will ask a question about themselves on another person's thread. this is not the place to do that. if you have questions you should start your own thread. it's not only impolite to interrupt somebody else's thread with your own problems and questions, and you will get so many more responses if you start your own thread. This thread should be all about the person asking the first original question/concern. it should not be interrupted with someone else's problems/questions. I recently had to unfollow my own thread because it had gotten so out of hand and it had gone off in an entirely different direction so it was no longer about me and my questions. I tried to wait it out but it was still getting responses a month out from the original question I had.
my second complaint really is not quite the same as the first thing I mentioned. I see so many people that will respond to the question posted by telling their own story . I do understand that sometimes our own story is similar to the person who started the thread and in that case I can understand wanting to touch on some details of your own story so that the author of the thread can relate it to their own problems . but that's just it, a few little details should be all . The person posting the thread is looking for help. to show true compassion and understanding I think a responder should keep their comments to 90% about the person that started the thread and only 10% about you. I am just as guilty of doing this myself. and yes, the person who started the thread probably will feel better knowing someone else is there experiencing the same thing they are but... I think we can do that without giving every vivid detail of your own story.
so having posted this I'm guessing I'll probably make some enemies or at least make a few people mad at me. And that was never my intent . I mean this in the best possible sense . I just think that we could all use some reminders of the way to talk online in these groups .
Thank you for reading this rather long post.
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priscilla23271 amkoffee
Dear AmKoffee,
I don't know if you will be back to read this but I just think it's such a shame that people have made a joke out of what was a perfectly reasonable observation put in a polite way and with a caveat that you didn't want to offend anyone. I agreed with what you said because I recently started a thread with a question about whether I should reduce my dose of Calcium and vitamin D proportionally as I tapered the Pred. Only one person replied directly to me, and then everyone else started talking amongst themselves. As a result I got some fairly diverse ideas about what other people were doing but no real advice. Maybe no-one really had the answer. But I was a bit disappointed that hardly anyone addressed their remarks to me. So I'm standing up for you Amkoffee, and I see no harm in what you said.