Please someone toss me into the scrap heap!!!!!!
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Hi all, it's day 2 on my period and I feel absolutely flipping rubbish.......I have the 2nd migrane in 2days (which I cannot get rid of not even Sumpertription !!!) a horrid taste I'm my mouth (which again won't go!)..ohhhhh and really bad reflux again my medication not really helping?!!.
just feel really rubbish
got ironing that needs to be done..organise somthing for my daughters 15th birthday on Saturday and all I want to do is Nothing ...and I feel terrible for not doing anything!!.
why do we have to suffer as we get older?
sorry ladies for being such a misery!!.
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reindeer Shelly0069
Shelly0069 reindeer
isomnia god that I haven't gotten yet butbtherevis a lot of the awful peri symptoms that I never had before till this came along......Thankyou anway and hoping your mum pull through this, xx
nancy0925 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 nancy0925
Yellow88 Shelly0069
I found sumatriptan very helpful indeed but are you getting enough calcium and magnesium? I take a supplement (Holland and Barrett) every day and it has helped. Give it a go.
Yellow88 Shelly0069
Thinking of you - it does get better, promise.
Shelly0069 Yellow88
what vitamin B complex do you use? Don't really take any vitamins!!. Just what medication I'm on!!.
How long Dora's it take to work I have read some take 4-6 weeks if not longer?!. Thanks again.
Yellow88 Shelly0069
The Calcium/Magnesium I take is also from H&B and I buy a bottle of 100. I've taken one every morning with breakfast for some years now. Got to look after those bones now.
Not sure if you said your age but I'm going to be 55 (arghhh!) in a few days. Peri came on me gradually before I realised what it was, I've been period free for just over 3 years. Hot flushes have been life changing - yuk - but I finally think I'm getting somewhere. The kind ladies at H&B suggested I try Red Clover for general Meno symptoms and flushes particularly. Again because of my delicate digestion I just bought the tea "Menotee" rather than tabs and I really have felt an improvement. I still get flushes but I don't think they are so bad, The real benefit though is that I have been feeling better 'in myself' - I expect you'll know what I mean by that. I just feel like I'm coping better again, well some days at least. So I want to encourage you and all the ladies that finally you will find something that suits your system and then you WILL get through all this.
My darling Mum who died when I was only in my thirties and too young to even think about this stage of my life, once told me to 'just let it happen' when it comes to menopause. Of course at the time I didn't realise properly what she meant, but now I do. What a love she was.
Anyway, I digress. Hang on in there Shelly and all you ladies - it is a phase, annoyingly a long one, but a phase and it will get better.