Plz update us on Sclerotherapy results
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Hello all,
I have had a failed hydrocelectomy. I am very interested in the nonsurgical alternative available through Dr Levine in Chicago and several others in Utah. Could those who have had the procedure please post updates on your condition and if the fix lasted. I am sure there are many besides myself who are interested and the postings and follow up reports from people who have had are are sporadic on this forum.
Lets hear how you are doing and what the procedure and immediate aftermath were like as well as longer term results.
Thanks so much
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abhijit29770 charles44255
I had my Hydrocelectomy suregry done last year. I have stidied this subject in great depth and range. First and foremost:
js22228 abhijit29770
I wholeheartedly agree with the above points. I had surgery in hospital , day surgery unit in December and was fully healed by Mid January. I had a great surgeon here in Washington who specialized in the field and really no bad outcome, noticeable scar and now looks like there is no difference in scrotum. I guess the size of a guys hydrocele is an important consideration to healing time. Happy to recommend hospital and doc if you pm me.
bry07102 charles44255
I went to Dr Levine last July - waited the 4 months they recommended and had a failed result (it became larger than before) . They said I could have another procedure done or go the hydrocelectomy route as they could only do it twice. In the meantime I called the Utah PA that was mentioned on this board - he told me he did not practice sclerotherapy any longer and also that he never had a 100% successful sclerotherapy that did not require surgery. So that kind of helped make my mind up - had surgery in December and am doing great now.
jim54491 bry07102
Just wondering how your surgery went. I'm schedule to have it done in a week and a half. I was considering doing the sclerotherapy and just read your post. thanks...
bry07102 jim54491
Surgery went well - after reading several posts on here post op was definitely more difficult than I had planned. Supposedly a fever/sweats is the norm for a few days after surgery - especially if you are resting more than up walking - and the anesthesia really seemed to effect me in terms of doing the breathing exercises afterwords (with that ball breathing thing). The first week is tough, but worth it after a year with a hydrocele. Back to doing crossfit now and doing great. I'd do surgery sooner than waiting a year from hydrocele diagnosis if I had to do it again.
gg78506 charles44255
Any Drs on the east coast you recommend?
tyler42767 charles44255
I just had my hydrocyle drained today. 400cc. my uroligist is researching sclerotherapy and is open to trying anything. I'm in Oklahoma and will update.
Hi Tyler,
Welcome to this ballsy group. 😃 I am Charlie, the person who started this thread of inquiry about Sclerotherapy. If you read the several replies from people who actually tried it, the results are not promising. One of the two Drs who used the procedure has reportedly dropped it for lack of success. I am very interested if you find evidence to the contrary.
Meanwhile, I am interested in your results with draining the hydrocele. Has the effect lasted? Some here say it refills in a day or two but its not clear if they speak from experience. I am hoping for some reports from people who have actually had the draining done to see if you can get longer results. Like for instance, if your hydrocele took two years to fill to an alarming size, will draining it buy you another two years before it refills to previous size? Keep us posted, please. I may bother you for an update in a few months and encourage others who had theirs drained to pipe in with feedback. Thanks to everyone. This group does not discuss often but its valuable when they do.
js22228 charles44255
i had my hydrocele aspirated more than once. it always came back. it was much smaller than 400cc though. finally had surgery to remove in December. Best decision, great results.
tyler42767 charles44255
I will go back for my follow up in a week and a half. Ill update what he says about Sclerotherapy. Been 4 days no change yet, however I assume it will come back. I've been researching hydroceles for 2 years hopeing a viable alternative to surgery is found.
charles44255 js22228
Thanks for your reply JS. May Ia sk how long it took for the hydrocele to refill after you had it drained?
js22228 charles44255
sometimes a few months. sometimes a year.probably had aspiration 3-4 times over 10 years
Thanks for your contribution. May I ask how long it took for the aspirated hydrocele to return to its previous size after treatment?
js22228 charles44255
i have pretty big balls anyway, so it only got noticable after about a year. the hydrocele wasn't as big as some guys
abhijit29770 charles44255
Hello All:
I study all medical issues in great details as I am a scientist having published papers on electronics. Please keep one thing in mind: There is only one permanent and sure cure for Hydrocele and that is by surgery. Any other method is either temporary or a hoax. No need to worry about Hydrocele surgery. It is a straight forward procedure. Recovery in 1 month.