PMR & immune system

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Do most of you with PMR, GCA stay away from sick grandchildren, especially those with a fever?...or woyld that be over-reacting?

Thank you...and Happy New Year!

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kathy, Definitely stayi awayi from sick grandchildren.  Your immune system is greatly compromised.  You could pick up something and take "forever" to get better.  We must take care of ourselves.  Happy New Year to you and all PMR ers.  Elinor
    • Posted

      Don't know w I f I ne Rey will rely to everyone...but thank you. My instincts told me to forego seeing my 1 yr. Old granddaughter because she had a fever and they have been sick for weeks. Hard to do I guess...but I have learned a lessen. 
  • Posted

    The answer would depend on a number of things.  Your own health - are you healthy other than the PMR?  Are you on quite a high dose, where your immune system might be more suppressed than if you are now quite low?  What might that child have - just a cold, or something potentially more serious for you, like the flu or chicken pox?  I know that when my father was very ill and being treated for cancer we voluntarily kept our one year old away from him whenever she had a cold.  When I started pred (at 15 mg) I promptly caught my first and worst cold in many years and took a while to get over it, although it was early summer, but since then I have been (touch wood) okay.  But I don't spend time in intimate contact with small children.  If the child is too sick to spend time with you in the open air, he or she is probably too sick for you to spend time indoors with.  No, I don't think you are over-reacting.
  • Posted

    Hi Kathy,

    i have always tried to stay away from anyone who had something contagious but I'm even more careful now  since I'm on prednizone which as Elinor said compromises our immune system.

    i know it difficult sometimes but it's best for us.

    Have a great 2016!

  • Posted

    I try and stay away from doctors' surgeries, parties, super markets, in fact I am quite paranoid in the winter, I will not even go for a blood test until March comes along. Hospitals I feel are bad news too. My next door neighbour has got flu which is a bit worrying!! 
  • Posted

    Kathy is it really hasn't bothered me to be around the grandchildren at all not sure about everybody else but it really hasn't bothered me at all just my nerves I guess
  • Posted

    This sounds prudent to me especially when on prednisone. Why take a chance. My rheumatologist was very pleased I had all my immunizations.

    Some misinformed parents are NOT immunizing. In the US we had a measles outbreak and my physician cousin has treated students with pertussis(whooping caugh). This can be fatal to babies not yet immunized.

  • Posted

    I too try to stay away from the masses of public or sick people.  I got a chest cold beginning of December, coughed for over 2 weeks!  Then got better then my husband who travels in airplane every week got sick before Christmas, then I got sick again, darn it.  I used to never get sick. So, yes, I think since our immune is down due to Pred. I'd be careful.


  • Posted

    ABSOLUTELY.  Thanksgiving I visited my daughter and her small children, one with a virus, and got sick, leaving me very weak congested.  My grandaughter, who I babysit here in Spokane where I live, has had a nagging cough which is is virus and I have gotten it.  Very congested, low fever and no energy or stamina.  My doctor says stay away from sick people because being on pred you have a very low tollerance for viral infections and are highly suseptable.  I've learned my lesson (s) and as much as I enjoy my grandchildren I stay away when they are sick.  

    Happy and healthy new year to you also

    • Posted

      Tony, you live in Spokane?? So do I--seems to me we should try to meet each other!
  • Posted

    Hi kathy, even if you already know what to do -it doesn't hurt to ask beforehand though giving you the chance to compare your opinion with others .

    As for me I would not take chances- we already carry a heavy load...

    Happy New Year 🎉 to you and to all!

    Take care.


  • Posted

    I have THE most cautious rheumy. Last spring I was not allowed out in public and could not drive a car for several months! (Vision concerns) Now done to 6 mgs, a flu shot, and a pneumonia vaccine, I am allowed to almost live again. I have this far had not even a cold and I am thankful and retired. Happy 2016 to everyone and may we all improve our health!! 🎉 Ann 11195
    • Posted

      The same to you, Ann!!

      Be healthy, be happy, be grateful for having such a special doctor!


  • Posted

    Hi Kathy,I suppose it depends on what dose of prednisone you are on but basically err on very cautious especially this time of year.A compromised immune system should not be taken lightly. Best to avoid people with infections even family and friendsTough but your health must come first just now and most will understand.Keep well.
  • Posted

    To some extent it depends on you and also to the dose you are on. I don't worry about it and so far haven't had anything nasty that I know of. In fact, I've probably had fewer colds etc since being on pred but I don't frequent busy places very often - I hate shopping and crowds anyway - and my grandchildren are all teenagers and a long way away so we only see them once a year.

    Small children are bug incubators! But teaching them (and yourself) good hygiene - using a tissue when coughing or sneezing and disposing of it immediately, washing hands frequently and not kissing on the face are all recommended habits! But with littles - that is difficult.

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