Polyps on gallbladder can they cause you pain ????
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Hi everybody thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully answer my question.
I'm 32 I've been a heavy drinker most my life only in the pub after work and at weekend but I've defo drank my share of alchole. just before Christmas I was having pains in my right side with lots of gas that would feel As though it was moving around with a bloating feeling that would come and go.
I made an appointment to see the doctors. I had blood tests they came back fine.I'd also given up alchole at this point and was feeling pritty good. So the doctor took no further action. Then a few weeks later it stared again had bloods tests done again they came back fine again. I was asked to go for a ultra sound. At this point I was fearing liver damage from my heavy drinking.
I went to the ultra sound was told I had a small scar on my liver and a polyk on my gallbladder but was it was nothing to worry about.
This was a month ago ad this pain comes and goes it's like a dull ache under my right ribs moving towards my centre chest bone. I also get another pain in my abdomen on the right side lower down I often feel gassy like a feeling of trapped wind but I know it's not that. I was told I have no gallstones on my ultra sound.
so can a polyp give you pain ?
I've had this pain dull ache on my right side for 5 days now the other pains come and go but always have the dull ache is that normal ?
Sorry I wrote this in my breach at work so kinda rushed please ignore spelling punctuation mistakes thanks
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ket0207 Kevinplus
Hi this is how I feel every day - I am going to my gp for results of my ultrasound so will know more then. I will be asking to see a specialist regardless of the result I can't live like this every day! I would recommend you do the same I'm 32 also, life should not be this rubbish at this age! I would add that I am not a huge drinker so not necessarily due to that
Kevinplus ket0207
Hi thanks for the reply. Can I ask we're do you get your pain ? As mine seems to move around sometimes. What symptoms do you have.No it's not fun at the age of 32. I think I will take a leaf out of your book and be asking to see a specialist to. I hope your ultra sound results are ok please let me know how you get on.
ket0207 Kevinplus
My pain is in my gallbladder area but also along the bottom and underneath my ribs and along my right side of my torso. It aches all day then if I eat it ramps up another level for 30 mins before dying down again! I've seen a specialist today who has sent me for an MRI to 100% check there are no stones and whether it could be something else. I paid privately but feel happier having moved forward a bit
Kevinplus ket0207
I seem to have it all the time but it dosnt m
get worse after eating it's just there all the time a pain in my right side that moves to the centre of chest and even to the left and Lower abdomen it never gets worse when I eat
carol02471 Kevinplus
Hi Kevin
Lots of tests show up as ok even when the GB is playing up, The HIDA scan shows if it's actually working do you have problems when actually eating does that trigger the pain, forty if I've missed that my daughter is 20 GB removed & they think it's Sphincter of Oddi Disfunction now as well. So sleep deprivation as back in A&E...
Just food can trigger it and also it can just come as you explained.
Do push the GP I had to go private with my daughter as no one believed her so it's taken 3 years to get to where we are now & no one should have to suffer
Kevinplus carol02471
Thanks for the reply
I find it's not triggerd by fatty foods. The pain came after a drinking session on an evening out. I had it for a week it went so I went out drinking a few times a few weeks later and the last time I went out it came back. I still have it now and I've had it ever since I've had bloods and ultra sound and they came back fine.. no problem with liver the did pick up a polyp on my GB but said it was harmless. Ive not gone private yet but my have to as the doctor says if fine and I'm not
carol02471 Kevinplus
Ask your dr for the HIDA scan that will show if it's functioning or not.
Kevinplus carol02471
Hi carol thanks for the reply ... I'm going to push my GP and see if I can get a HIDA scan thanks .... it doesn't seem to be triggered by food I just seem to wake up with it some days and some times it just comes on for no reason. The pain not being triggered by food is what makes me think it's the liver but I'm also told my liver is fine. I don't even get these attacks that you read about it's normally a constant dull pain that some times has lasted a week. Sometimes a few hours. I've been told I have no gall stones. Did your gallbladder get remover because of ploys
carol02471 Kevinplus
Hi Kevin
You have nothing to lose from the HIDA scan & at least it will give you peace of mind either way x
katie246 Kevinplus
Hi Kevin, sorry to hear you are suffering. I'm a 38yr old female. I was diagnosed with a 6mm gallbladder polyp 3 years ago. After suffering from upper right quadrant pain radiating through to my right kidney area that came and went I was referred for an ultrasound by my GP. The polyp showed up on the scan and I was referred to a gastroenterologist without hesitation. When meeting the consultant he was adamant that the polyp wasn't the cause of my pain so other tests were carried out. I had an endoscopy, CT scan, chest x ray, and repeat ultrasound all came back normal apart from the polyp. He told me I could eat and drink normally as nothing would make this polyp worse. My gastroenterologist sends me for an ultrasound every year to monitor the polyp. The scan is done by the same experienced radiologist each time. The polyp has not increased in size nor does my gallbladder show any other signs that something else could be wrong. My pain has escalated over the past three years and I am now in daily pain under my right rib radiating up to my right shoulder. It's never agonising but the same deep sore ache. It has had a huge impact on my life but my gastroenterologist is positive polyps of this size don't cause pain. I have now been referred to the pain clinic to try and help me to cope better and to and help me find ways to manage the pain. I will see my gastroenterologist again in November for my annual ultrasound.
Polyps should be monitored because if they grow to a certain size they are at risk of becoming malignant. You should definitely push for a referral to see a gastroenterologist. Hopefully they will eventually get to the bottom of your pain because chronic daily pain completely takes over your life and the anxiety it causes is just awful.
Sorry for the long reply but this is the first message on here which I felt really mirrored my situation and symptoms. Hope you get sorted soon.
puru1505 Kevinplus
Hi Kevin,
I have all the exact same symptoms as you, except I don't drink.
So any luck on finding out what was it?
s08771 Kevinplus
Hi Kevin
I'm a nurse with the IDENTICAL symptoms you have except one. I have the right sided ache, pain moving to left sided of belly, gas, pain in lower rt abdomen. Rt sided pain can be severe, belly pain too. Had a hida scan and ultrasound today, normal but 5mm polyp. I am suspecting a cracked rib in the right side or liver fluke now. Did you get any answers yet?