Positive outcome on sertraline

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Hi all!!!! I have been on this site since I started taking sertraline 11 months ago. I just want to give u all who r just starting starting on it some hope. I started taking 50mg for severe anxiety ( I couldn't go out, sleep, eat, hot/cold etc etc) I took mine and still do take mine just as I am getting in bed. I thought if I took them just before bed then I would sleep through the side effects. I had no trouble with sleep and if I felt anxious or had a bad day I would take resue remedy (great stuff and can be taken with sertraline). Anyway I upped from 50mg tp 100mg after 8 weeks as was still very bad with anxiety, I was told to wait 6-12 weeks before upping from any dose as sertraline does take a while to work. I would say after upping to 100mg I started to have more good days than bd after around week 11. I know it sounds long and u feel like there is no end but just try and stick with it. U will feel like they r not working and will prob get heightened anxiety ( that's when I took rescue remedy) but the good days will come and there is light at the end of that long dark tunnel. I was so scared to take them ( I hate taking any form of tablet/ medication ) it took me 3 weeks to pluck the courage as I thought to myself I'm sick of feeling like this, I have my son to think of. I feel so much better now and am back to the old me. I do still have bad days but that's life. All I can say is...... Stick with it, they take a while to work, wait 6-12 weeks for them to start working before upping. I wish u all well on your journey and if u need and advice or reassurance then I'm here xxxx

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20 Replies

  • Edited

    Thanks for the post Vikki, I think it's partly what I needed to hear, just a bit worried that it can take so long.  I am on day 6 and having a really bad day today, even more anxious, sweaty and jittery than before I went on Sertraline, I'm on 50mg.  Have been to work this morning but kept feeling very very jittery.  At home now and going to put my feet up.  What is Rescue remedy and how does it work, does i help you sleep?  Glad that you are feeling so much better. xx
    • Posted

      Rescue remedy is either drops on tongue, spray or pastilles to chew, they do a night time version which in my opinion helps you sleep.
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      Rescue remedy is a herbal calming liquid. It's very safe as all the family can use it. I give it to my dogs on firework night haha. It's safe for children to use also and u can take it as often as needed. U can get it from any chemist or supermarket and costs a few pound. U can put it straight on the tounge or put it in a drink to drink all day. I done both as I was very bad with anxiety. X
    • Posted

      Thanks Vikki I will try to get some soon, be good to feel calmer and I would love more sleep!
  • Posted

    Hello Vikki....thanks for all the information. I was also given this for severe anxiety and have been taking 50mg sertraline for 11 days now. I had severe dizziness everyday, balance issues when standing, walking and sitting. I had my ears checked as well as an MRI done on my brain and also blood work and all was OK so went to hospital a month ago cause the dizziness was too much for me and was diagnosed with anxiety and was given xanax to take when having an attack so went to primary Dr who put me on sertraline. I have been having leg cramps in my calves an numbness in my toes and feet that comes and goes so not sure if that's a side effect from sertraline or a new blood pressure pill I was given which I took for 3 days and stopped. I am glad your doing better a d hope sertraline does work for me too.
  • Posted

    I had leg cramps to, lasted around 8 weeks. Was very annoying but I would rather put up with that than the anxiety. Your still early on but try to keep your mind occupied. I'm 35 and I learnt how to knit and that really really helped when I was very anxious in the day and especially the evenings. I couldn't do anything, even washing up made me anxious and having a bath was a nightmare so I had to quickly get in shower and out again. I didn't go out for months. Rescue remedy got me through, and even though I'm ok now, I still carry it in my bag ( just incase ) I also took a fan with me as I kept getting really hot. All this will pass in time, just don't give up. Always remember that the only way is up now, and try to think positive thoughts. Everything was all negative with me and the what ifs. U will have very up and down days so then u will think they have stopped working but it's sertraline levelling out. I was told by my doctor that 50 mg is like a starting dose and most people settle well on 100mg or 150 mg. x
    • Posted

      Thanks so much for the encouragement . I plan to continue taking it cause I wanna get better. What is rescue remedy ? Is it a pill ? Where can u buy it and how much to take ?
    • Posted

      Hey Michele. No it's not a pill. It's a herbal solution for calming u. U can get it at any supermarket or chemist and it's only a few pounds. U can use it as often as u need. I still carry it around with me just incase.
  • Posted

    Hi there it's nice to hear positive feedback from people I ave had depression and anxiety for a year now and ave been suffering really bad with not been able to sleep I've been on sertraline 100mg for 12 week now and 50mg for 2 week b4 that and am still unable to sleep I feel exhausted and no energy but still can't sleep also dizzy and hot and sweaty all the time is this normal also my eyes sting all the time xx
    • Posted

      I'm sorry to hear your still not sleeping properly. What time do u take sertraline as it might be a case of changing the time u take it. Sertraline peaks 6-8 hours after taking it. Also u can get rescue remedy night time. That might help also. X
    • Posted

      Hi vikki thx for getting bk to me I take my sertraline around 10am, what time do u think is best to take it I didn't know it peaks around 6-8 hours later is that why I feel better round about 7 o'clock at nite? Is it a stimulant or is it supposed to calm u? I've tried rescue remedy it didn't really work for me xx
    • Posted

      I take mine just before I get into bed. I did used to get abit anxious in the morning and didn't want to get out of bed, but I made myself get up and do stuff and that helped. X
    • Posted

      I can't say I've tried taking it just b4 bed I thought it mite make my sleep worse I ave tried taking it at 2pm in the afternoon and that seemed to be even worse xx
  • Posted

    It's nice to hear positive comments Vikki and glad you are all ok. I think I will get some rescue remedy too if it helps for night time and is safe with sertraline. I believe grapefruit juice is not safe with sertraline I wonder if anyone else had heard that.
    • Posted

      I don't like grapefruit juice but have read that its not safe to drink while taking sertraline.
    • Posted

      Hi, yes rescue remedy is totally safe to use alongse sertaline, and yes grapefruit juice is not to be had while on sertraline. It's counteracts with each other x

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