possible new statin??

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hello, if you remember my statin was stopped due to abnormal liver enzyme results in repeated blood tests, also a muscle thingy going on. update is that the liver ultra sound showed slight increase in size, also slightly fatty, but no cancers, my doctor suddenly decided that the onset of abnormal blood tests coincided with me taking Fluoxetine, firstly at 20mg, then up to 40mg daily, have stopped them altogether as of Monday, so am praying next blood test shows improvement of the enzymes. he also said if they did improve he wanted me to start 5mg of Rostuvastatin I think it's called, from 40mg of Simvastatin, to 20mg Atorvastatin, to only 5mg of this thing, how does that work then??

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    I just remembered that in the middle of my taking statins the year following my heart operation in 2012, I went into my bank to do a deposit and for the life of me could not remember my account number, at a bank where I had been a customer for over 25 years and had filled out countless deposit slips.  I finally found a way to look it up, but that was scary.  Didn't even want to talk about it to anybody because it was so embarassing.  I was 64, and yes, that's a good way to put it, not even close to my own sell by date!  But old enough to think that way, unguided by these reports here...

    Add to my loss of my cherished took kit of 10 over years a year ago and recently my beloved hooded windbreaker jacket with other valuables in it, both vaporized, I have no idea where to.  I have a phone consult scheduled with my cardiologist for Monday morning, got him on the phone yesterday and we scheduled it.

  • Posted

    I finally got the results yesterday of the latest lipids panel, so I could compare it to the one taken several months ago.

    Original stats after a year off of them are listed: After a year off of them, then Currently as of April 29 2015 (after 2 months ON them), then Targets/Ideal (this is American of course):         

    Total                                 146                          99                            125-200

    HDL                                    40                          44                                  >40

    LDL                                     77                          38                                <130 ratio=""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  3.7=""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  ="" 2.3=""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""><5.0 triglicerides=""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  143=""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  85=""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""  =""><150   

    hdl went up 4 points to its target minimum, which is a slight improvement, but ldl was cut roughly in half. way too low imho, when your cholesterol is not out of line to begin with.  imho being put on them "just in case" is a formula for disaster over the long term, which is what he wanted me to do.  his words were, "for the rest of your life".

    this is on protocol from my cardiologist after my triple bypass/aortic valve replacement in june 2012, and obviously made my total go way under the target minimum!  starved my brain of essential fats to work with and send signals in.  not sure what it did to my dendrites up there.  

    i did not experience the bad things others here have experienced physically, but if your brain does not have the fats it needs to be sending the proper signals to the rest of your body, those organs get starved of the impulses they need to function properly, like a pinched nerve cured by a chiropractor adjusting your bones and getting rid of it so the nerve can resume sending signals freely, like it was designed to do.  "subluxation"!  (only took me 20 seconds to come up with that word, which was escaping me - my brain is definitely getting better!)

    correct me if i am wrong but i think this is what happens when a person becomes diabetic - critical parts of his body do not function freely like they are supposed to because of too much unused sugar floating around in one's blood, that has not been delivered to blood cells because they are already "sufficiently satisfied", as my dad woulda called it, and the cells reject that sugar so it stays in the blood, where it's not supposed to be.  this is from all the straight sugar being eaten and not enough exercise to burn it off and make the cells hungry again, and relieve the blood of those sugars.  that sugar stays in the blood, where it should not be, and eventually causes problems elsewhere in the body.  domino effects happen.  (this is roughly how my gp described diabetes to me at last visit, as i am 1 tick over the line on being pre-diabetes, so i needed that counseling.)

    i figure that fully explains my memory losses, with critical fats my brain needs to function being cut in half.  who knows what long term effects coulda happened to my body and my mind had i stayed on them?  from what i have been reading here, i am totally glad to be off them!  eating whatever it takes to maintain good, non-starvation levels of cholesterol will be where it's at for this boy in this body, if changing from today's norm ever becomes necessary.  (no pills - anybody want the eight 40mg ator's that i still have left?  i'll send them to you free!)  

    as of now i am what my cardiologist calls "perfect".  when i read my stats off to him (from having been off of them for a year, which is way more than enough time for them to leave your body) over the phone he said, "you're perfect."  i told him that i would be going off of the statins now.  he didn't say a word.

    i am staying that way.  normal.   ="" hdl="" went="" up="" 4="" points="" to="" its="" target="" minimum,="" which="" is="" a="" slight="" improvement,="" but="" ldl="" was="" cut="" roughly="" in="" half.="" way="" too="" low="" imho,="" when="" your="" cholesterol="" is="" not="" out="" of="" line="" to="" begin="" with.=""  imho="" being="" put="" on="" them="" "just="" in="" case"="" is="" a="" formula="" for="" disaster="" over="" the="" long="" term,="" which="" is="" what="" he="" wanted="" me="" to="" do.=""  his="" words="" were,="" "for="" the="" rest="" of="" your="" life".="" this="" is="" on="" protocol="" from="" my="" cardiologist="" after="" my="" triple="" bypass/aortic="" valve="" replacement="" in="" june="" 2012,="" and="" obviously="" made="" my="" total="" go="" way="" under="" the="" target="" minimum!=""  starved="" my="" brain="" of="" essential="" fats="" to="" work="" with="" and="" send="" signals="" in.=""  not="" sure="" what="" it="" did="" to="" my="" dendrites="" up="" there.=""  ="" i="" did="" not="" experience="" the="" bad="" things="" others="" here="" have="" experienced="" physically,="" but="" if="" your="" brain="" does="" not="" have="" the="" fats="" it="" needs="" to="" be="" sending="" the="" proper="" signals="" to="" the="" rest="" of="" your="" body,="" those="" organs="" get="" starved="" of="" the="" impulses="" they="" need="" to="" function="" properly,="" like="" a="" pinched="" nerve="" cured="" by="" a="" chiropractor="" adjusting="" your="" bones="" and="" getting="" rid="" of="" it="" so="" the="" nerve="" can="" resume="" sending="" signals="" freely,="" like="" it="" was="" designed="" to="" do.=""  "subluxation"!=""  (only="" took="" me="" 20="" seconds="" to="" come="" up="" with="" that="" word,="" which="" was="" escaping="" me="" -="" my="" brain="" is="" definitely="" getting="" better!)="" correct="" me="" if="" i="" am="" wrong="" but="" i="" think="" this="" is="" what="" happens="" when="" a="" person="" becomes="" diabetic="" -="" critical="" parts="" of="" his="" body="" do="" not="" function="" freely="" like="" they="" are="" supposed="" to="" because="" of="" too="" much="" unused="" sugar="" floating="" around="" in="" one's="" blood,="" that="" has="" not="" been="" delivered="" to="" blood="" cells="" because="" they="" are="" already="" "sufficiently="" satisfied",="" as="" my="" dad="" woulda="" called="" it,="" and="" the="" cells="" reject="" that="" sugar="" so="" it="" stays="" in="" the="" blood,="" where="" it's="" not="" supposed="" to="" be.=""  this="" is="" from="" all="" the="" straight="" sugar="" being="" eaten="" and="" not="" enough="" exercise="" to="" burn="" it="" off="" and="" make="" the="" cells="" hungry="" again,="" and="" relieve="" the="" blood="" of="" those="" sugars.=""  that="" sugar="" stays="" in="" the="" blood,="" where="" it="" should="" not="" be,="" and="" eventually="" causes="" problems="" elsewhere="" in="" the="" body.=""  domino="" effects="" happen. ="" (this="" is="" roughly="" how="" my="" gp="" described="" diabetes="" to="" me="" at="" last="" visit,="" as="" i="" am="" 1="" tick="" over="" the="" line="" on="" being="" pre-diabetes,="" so="" i="" needed="" that="" counseling.)="" i="" figure="" that="" fully="" explains="" my="" memory="" losses,="" with="" critical="" fats="" my="" brain="" needs="" to="" function="" being="" cut="" in="" half.=""  who="" knows="" what="" long="" term="" effects="" coulda="" happened="" to="" my="" body="" and="" my="" mind="" had="" i="" stayed="" on="" them?=""  from="" what="" i="" have="" been="" reading="" here,="" i="" am="" totally="" glad="" to="" be="" off="" them!=""  eating="" whatever="" it="" takes="" to="" maintain="" good,="" non-starvation="" levels="" of="" cholesterol="" will="" be="" where="" it's="" at="" for="" this="" boy="" in="" this="" body,="" if="" changing="" from="" today's="" norm="" ever="" becomes="" necessary.=""  (no="" pills="" -="" anybody="" want="" the="" eight="" 40mg="" ator's="" that="" i="" still="" have="" left?=""  i'll="" send="" them="" to="" you="" free!)=""  ="" as="" of="" now="" i="" am="" what="" my="" cardiologist="" calls="" "perfect".=""  when="" i="" read="" my="" stats="" off="" to="" him (from="" having="" been="" off="" of="" them="" for="" a="" year,="" which="" is="" way="" more="" than="" enough="" time="" for="" them="" to="" leave="" your="" body) over="" the="" phone="" he="" said,="" "you're="" perfect."=""  i="" told="" him="" that="" i="" would="" be="" going="" off="" of="" the="" statins="" now.=""  he="" didn't="" say="" a="" word.="" i="" am="" staying="" that="" way.="">

    hdl went up 4 points to its target minimum, which is a slight improvement, but ldl was cut roughly in half. way too low imho, when your cholesterol is not out of line to begin with.  imho being put on them "just in case" is a formula for disaster over the long term, which is what he wanted me to do.  his words were, "for the rest of your life".

    this is on protocol from my cardiologist after my triple bypass/aortic valve replacement in june 2012, and obviously made my total go way under the target minimum!  starved my brain of essential fats to work with and send signals in.  not sure what it did to my dendrites up there.  

    i did not experience the bad things others here have experienced physically, but if your brain does not have the fats it needs to be sending the proper signals to the rest of your body, those organs get starved of the impulses they need to function properly, like a pinched nerve cured by a chiropractor adjusting your bones and getting rid of it so the nerve can resume sending signals freely, like it was designed to do.  "subluxation"!  (only took me 20 seconds to come up with that word, which was escaping me - my brain is definitely getting better!)

    correct me if i am wrong but i think this is what happens when a person becomes diabetic - critical parts of his body do not function freely like they are supposed to because of too much unused sugar floating around in one's blood, that has not been delivered to blood cells because they are already "sufficiently satisfied", as my dad woulda called it, and the cells reject that sugar so it stays in the blood, where it's not supposed to be.  this is from all the straight sugar being eaten and not enough exercise to burn it off and make the cells hungry again, and relieve the blood of those sugars.  that sugar stays in the blood, where it should not be, and eventually causes problems elsewhere in the body.  domino effects happen.  (this is roughly how my gp described diabetes to me at last visit, as i am 1 tick over the line on being pre-diabetes, so i needed that counseling.)

    i figure that fully explains my memory losses, with critical fats my brain needs to function being cut in half.  who knows what long term effects coulda happened to my body and my mind had i stayed on them?  from what i have been reading here, i am totally glad to be off them!  eating whatever it takes to maintain good, non-starvation levels of cholesterol will be where it's at for this boy in this body, if changing from today's norm ever becomes necessary.  (no pills - anybody want the eight 40mg ator's that i still have left?  i'll send them to you free!)  

    as of now i am what my cardiologist calls "perfect".  when i read my stats off to him (from having been off of them for a year, which is way more than enough time for them to leave your body) over the phone he said, "you're perfect."  i told him that i would be going off of the statins now.  he didn't say a word.

    i am staying that way.  normal.>

    • Posted


      About the diabetes, your explanation may be right, but isn't another factor the pancreas not functioning properly because of too much fat around it?    Which would be why overweight people (like me) are more at risk of diabetes?

      My latest blood sugar test was 6.1 and the practice nurse said it should be 6 so she's not worried and neither am I.  I will continue with my healthy diet and exercise regime 

  • Posted

    I am sure it is.  I am definitely not an authority on diabetes.  Never gave it a thought until this latest chat with my GP.  My older bro has it, but I have watched him literally finish a full meal and then have a full dessert!  And he's massive because of it.  Has been that way most of his life.

    I, OTOH, usually have leftovers when I eat out, which feed me at least another meal plus another one as well sometimes, and same for the dessert.  I typically eat 1/3 of that dessert and take the rest home.  I do like treats during the day, however, like an aperatif after a meal.  Usually just a cookie or a couple bites of pie or cake tho.  Don't usually have a full dessert.  But I do need to exercise more.  Lately I've been really lazy!  After the report I am parking way farther away from my destination so I can walk it, and right after the late morning appt. with my GP I was at a mall for lunch and rather than park close to where I would be eating, I parked at the other end and walked the whole mall to get there.  Briskly! 

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