Possible Peri - Bleeding for 23 days
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I just turned 50 this year, in 1998 I had a fibroid removed the size of a basketball. Since then my periods have been terrific. On time every month, lasting 4-5 days
In April I started to get some clots, nothing major. Then in May I was good, on time. Then in June I was 12 days late, and July also 12 days late. August there was a small indicator of ovulation, usually it is for a few days, but this time there was hardly anything. Now in September I was 15 days late and this came around 25 days after ovulation, which is usually bang on 13.
At first this last period was light, then the clots started, then it stopped and then came back again. I am now with bleeding for 23 days. A light day pad is enough per day, but when the clots come, it bleeds a lot for an hour ( 1" diameter clots and red red blood ) These clots are amateur hour compared to the monsters I was getting in 1998, then it gets lighter and less blood, only to feel it is over and then it repeats again without fail. Feeling like there is no end in sight
My concern is, that this period is lasting so long. Sometimes it feels like it is ending and then BANG another clot and more bleeding. I am in the USA and have no insurance. So tests and all that are out at the moment. I am wondering if this could be perimenopause, considering my age. This month I have experienced some burning on my skin and breasts. Migraines, Dizziness and all the perimenopause stuff. So I am wondering if this bleeding is normal during perimenopause.
I am also thinking a fibroid has come back. Or that I did not really ovulate last month if this is hormonal.
If anyone else experienced this please chime in. How long will this last ? I just want full blown menopause to come. I never had a kid and wish I would have had the whole thing removed in 1998, I am so regretful now. I have zero pain, zero fatigue , nothing. If not for this bleeding I would be 100% myself. I started taking the iron supplements, as I remember in 1998 the Dr told me to take them, so just in case, I have started them.
So if anyone can share you experience , that would be great because no matter what you search for on the internet, it is immediately cancer. Hang Nail = Cancer, it is ridiculous
G in NYC
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sara97862 GBNYC1
Hi G,
It sounds like the other symptoms are peri-related... I am sure some others will come along and say the same...the burning skin, migraines and dizziness.
Not sure about the bleeding... since you mention Fibroids, you might check out the Fibroids forum on this site and ask the question there also.
Good Luck! Will be sending you positive vibes!
GBNYC1 sara97862
Thanks so much Sara, I just posted it on the fibroid board
I appreciate your help ♥
kelly55079 GBNYC1
I think it's normal peri stuff--- Would defiantly call your Dr about the bleeding for 23 days.. All the other months are a bit wonky too. I would say anything goes at this point but a phone call would put your mind at ease. This could be the last one for you. I'm 50 and my periods are every 28 days with heavy bleeding/clots.. Have had this for months maybe even a year. I always took iron during my period and on the heavy days I took 2 so blood tests were always ok. The Dr just took an ultrasound and my lining is super thick which means another test and then possible D&C.
GBNYC1 kelly55079
Hi Kelly
Thank you. I did call the Dr and he said that I am most likely lacking progesterone .
He said the lining may get thick so it would be best to get a sonogram to see if fibroids came back.
I do not want to take progesterone pills as he suggested. I am thinking about trying the bioidentical cream. I am taking iron since this started.
Something similar happened to my mom when she was around 53 and she just let it happen naturally. I cant remember if she bled for so many days, I do remember she had clots and it was heavy. I try and ask her to remember but she has a little memory loss from a high sugar episode and can not remember, she is no help lol
Marinab GBNYC1
Hi -
I have been spotting with bleeding for over a month. Had an ultrasound that showed endometrial thickening. Next step is a biopsy. My doctor also ran a test for FSH and it showed a high number that says I'm post menopausal (I'm 54).I have been getting periods though but they are less predictable and have been light.
Just to set your mind at ease, maybe you can go to Planned Parenthood or a teaching hospital just to be checked? Also, a PA or nurse practitioner might charge a lot less for an exam.
My friend is 51 and was just diagnosed with a fibroid and is having the same exact issue you are. She was anemic and didn't even realize it. Her doctor recommends a mini-pill or an IUD to thin out the lining and prevent heavy bleeding.
GBNYC1 Marinab
Thank you Marina.
Have you tried any natural progesterone creams ?
My Dr suggested pills when I called him about this last week, but I don't want to take them.
I am sure I have another fibroid. I am hoping this bleeding stops and the fibroid shrinks. This is similar to my moms transition 20 years ago
Marinab GBNYC1
My doctor suggested that too but the bleeding is light and who wants hormones....yet..., if you don't need them. I may try the progesterone cream and if my biopsy comes back okay, I will.
Chickadeesgrl GBNYC1
Hello, i know what you are going through. It is not uncommon & my mom went through the same thing. Starting 4 years ago, i started skipping periods; then i went 6 months without a period; then 9 months and then whamm months of heavy bleeding. Beginning August 2017, I halining was 20 mm so the concern was endometrial hypeplasia.d 2 months of heavy bleeding, passing 20 clots a day & then a blood transfusion. I was anemic...tired, dizzy & short of breath. My anxiety was through the roof. During transfusion, emergency doctors put me on Tranexamic acid pills to get bleeding to stop while i waited for gynecologist appointment.The pills only stopped the bleeding for a week. lining was 20 mm so the concern was endometrial hypeplasia. Biopsy was normal. Tried progesterone cream...didn't work. You have to use it in large doses to stop the bleeding. My gynecologist put me on three months of high dosage progesterone to stop the bleeding. It worked & lining returned to normal. then I started on a progesterone only pill for 7 months. Then last September, heavy bleeding started again! Back to the gynecologist, who gave me the option of an ablation or Mirena. Again another biopsy....normal. I choses the MIRENA & have had two very light periods since las November. It worked for me but is not for everyone.
Purpleflower78 GBNYC1
Hi there, I'm nearly 53 and have been bleeding now for over 7 weeks. My periods have been regular every 22/23 days until early July, I then didn't have a period for around 6 weeks. Since 13th August I have had a permanent period. I have had times when it felt like it was coming to an end, then it would start up again. In the last week or so it has become very heavy at times with large clots.
I saw a Dr after 2 weeks and he said to come back in 2 weeks if it continued. It did so I saw another Dr who referred me for blood tests and an ultrasound but she thought it was peri related.
My bloods came back normal and luckily I managed to get an ultrasound yesterday (was on a waiting list but rang to check how long the list was, 5/6 weeks apparently, but they gave me a cancellation for the next day!). The sonographer didn't tell me anything and just said she would report to my Dr within 2 days (I don't know if this is normal or not? I am in the UK and other people have told me that if they find anything they tell you at the scan).
I'm really anxious, consulting Dr Google and just waiting for the Dr to call.
Chickadeesgrl Purpleflower78
DON'T GOOGLE! I did during my heavy bleeding and it will make you more anxious (my story above). During perimenopause, we always talk about hot flashes/night sweats but never a out the heavy, flooding periods. I am 51 and I seem to have a new symptom every day. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia but doesn't really solve my problems. I try and meditate every day so not as anxious. I am sure everything will turn out ok. There are options for heavy bleeding. You may need progesterone to stop the bleeding. My bleeding stopped within 36 hours and I had been bleeding for 9 weeks. I was so relieved and happy. Over the long term, my gynecologist said I could have an ablation (didn't want surgery), progesterone only pill (took for 9 months and then heavy bleeding started again) and MIRENA coil. Had coil inserted 11 months ago, and have two light periods. My friend (same age) had one inserted and wishes she had done it years ago. You have to do what is best for you.
Marinab Chickadeesgrl
Wish I got the Mirena years ago.Would have avoided a lot of aggravation. I hear it helps you coast to menopause.
Chickadeesgrl Marinab
It is always easy to say don't worry. I have high anxiety. i didn't want the MIRENA but I had tried pills & was still getting the bleeding. when my gyn first saw me 2 years ago after 8 wks of bleeding & a 20 mm endometrial lining, she said for sure she thought the biopsy would come back as endometrial hyperplasy. She was planning for a hysterectomy but everything came back normal. Now I don't regret having the MIRENA as the gyn said it will take me into menopause. No cramps, spotting. Still not comfortable wearing white pants yet!
For most women, heavy flooding periods are due to low progesterone. While waiting for my gynecologist appt., my family doctor said the bleeding was abnormal too. Then he spoke to another gyn. & he said it is more likely just low progesterone. I tend to "spread the word" about low progesterone when i hear friends (my age) talk about heavy periods. Their doctors raise the alarm too. However getting all the tests done is good and can put your mind at ease.
GBNYC1 Chickadeesgrl
right now I need my mind at ease. I think once I get that , the bleeding will not even bother me. It is the nerves getting me most here.
Purpleflower78 Chickadeesgrl
Yes I should not have Googled big mistake! I must admit I knew little about the menopause but suddenly all the little things I have been experiencing over the last couple of years make sense.
I certainly never knew about the possibility of this prolonged bleeding but it does help to know that others have experienced the same. After talking to friends/family no one else I know has heard of it either and those I know who have already gone through the menopause seemed to have sailed through with no problems - so much so that I'm sure sometimes they probably think I'm making a fuss about nothing.
GBNYC1 Purpleflower78
I would not worry that they did not tell you anything at the scan
They leave that for the Dr as they are not qualified to discuss results with you, most of them are just technicians
I had to take my mom to the hospital for tests for her veins and heart and the techs did not say anything, had to wait for the Dr to give them and thank god they were ok
I am sure your scan will be fine.
Here in the US, my Dr has the scan in the office, he told me Friday If I wanted the scan to come on down so he can do it, he talks about what he is seeing when you are laying there. I am scared to go, but have a feeling it is fibroids again
Purpleflower78 GBNYC1
Thanks yes that makes a lot of sense - I think maybe the people who have told me they got results of the scan at the time might have been talking about several years ago and things change.
I hope you get some answers soon. I have heard that maybe fibroids are hereditary - my Mum had fibroids 37 years and had a hysterectomy at the age of 47, but things change and certainly in the UK a hysterectomy is less common now.
kelly55079 Purpleflower78
I had my second ultrasound with saline today fibroid is not in ideal spot and is causing the the heavy bleeding. Dr says I have some options so will try D&C to see if that helps with anything. I think other option was to just wait it out and see-- I'm 50 and NOT skipping periods but continue taking iron pills. Third option was that robotic hysterectomy-- Just wish it would shrink on it's on.
Purpleflower78 kelly55079
Hope you are okay - my mother-in-law had fibroids which shrank following the menopause so that can happen.
My ultrasound results are back, no call from Dr, I just viewed my online patient record and found them.
It is possibly endometrial hyperplasia but says other pathology can not be excluded, no mention of fibroids. I have posted separately on here for advice about the results - one result says "normal" and the other "borderline", action I need to take "no further action". Just wait and see what the Dr says at my appointment on Friday I guess - 8 weeks of bleeding and I'm fed up.
kelly55079 Purpleflower78
Good luck on Friday!!!! 8 weeks of bleeding is tough-- I have trouble with a few days.
Yes, would be nice if meno started NOW for me-- then no procedures!!!