Possible TKR

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I have been suffering with knee pain for the past two years. I have had injections and arthrosp

ic surgery which help for a short while. When I get out of bed or sitting position, my knee joint is very stiff. However once I am moving am able to walk without any pain. I have also had physio. I know the next time I visit the specialist he will recommend knee surgery. After reading negative comments about TKR I am very concerned. I was thinking about having the op in October but have a celebration in America in APRIL 2020. Now worried I will not be able to travel. Your comments please. Thanks

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    It is hard to tell if your knee will remain the same or get worse without the surgery. Do the xrays show bone on bone? Here there is usually a wait time for the surgery once it is recommended....but I would think you could easily travel after the first 3-4 months.

    • Posted

      Thanks. Yes it is bone on bone and no cartilage. Walking is no problem just getting out of bed or chair till the blood starts flowing and muscles relax. so many negative comments which make me nervous.

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    I put tkr off too long with my first knee and my recovery was rough. My second knee, i went ahead and "bit the bullet" after a year of sh*ts, etc. It went much better. it's inevitable, the younger you are, the stringer you are. JUST DO IT! I haven't regretted it

  • Posted

    HI Trina my husbands partial knee replacement was in itself a success ,his problem is now some sciatica but he is following excercise advise from the group ,also taking note of his posture and has arranged more physio so we are feeling confident that his is a temporary blip and he now feels more positive .He had his operation in May and has arranged a trip to China in November as he feels that he will cope ok. I would add that we went for a three week family holiday in Australia in March prior to his surgery and he coped well except for being a bit slower but he certainly enjoyed the holiday . Best wishes to you Flic

    • Posted

      Thanks for the advise I have a chiropractor for OA of the hip and hoping to book my husband in with him as his traction stretches really help me with posture issuesFlic

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    Thanks for your advice. I would also add that I am a widow and would like advice on what help I will need when I first return home after the operation and for how long?

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      if your alone, they can send you to in house rehab, for 14 days, then when you get home you should be able to get around better, if your senior you might be able to get a longer stay. Hope you the best!

    • Posted

      HI againTrina I do suggest that you buy a seat raiser for the toilet as this is useful for the first few weeks. I bought one from Amazon quite cheap

      You will need crutches for a short while and perhaps arrange for someone to accompany you on short walks for the first couple of weeks .You could buy a fold up walking stick to graduate to after a week or so

      You wont be able to do a lot of housework for a while so if a family member or friend could pop round to do a tidy up a few times a week that should be helpful.

      I would fill the freezer with ready meals to have for a couple of weeks until you are confident to stand at the cooker without crutches.

      Of course people differ in their progress following surgery but planning ahead helps a lot and helps you with the adjustments.

      Your consultant will advise you re driving ,my husband was confident to drive after about a month and has never had any problems.

      You can shower with your stitches covered with a waterproof plaster but maybe have a friend round in the early days just to give you confidence

      You should arrange for someone to drive you to outpatient appointments and also it will be good for you to have a ride out to the supermarket and use the trolley as a walking aid so excercising at the same time

      I hope this helps ,you will feel a bit tired at first but pace yourself and you should make steady progress

      Best Wishes Flic

    • Posted

      Excellent advice from Flic! Planning ahead is crucial. My husband was home the first week of my recovery and it was very helpful. A walker and someone to drive you to any appointments the first 3 weeks is crucial. i agree it is best to have someone around the first few times that you shower , go up stairs or outside . Better to be safe than sorry! My best to you!

  • Posted

    First, the negative comments... These mostly come from people who are in the early stages of their recoveries and are dealing with lots of pain and sleeplessness, especially in the first 90 days. Gradually, their tune starts to change and by a year post-op the vast majority of patients are glad they had the surgery. Most of the negativity comes from unrealistic expectations about how painful this is and how long it takes to recover. If you are prepared for the REALITY of it, they you are forewarned and forearmed. Click on my name, then Discussions and then View All. I have documented all the things you need to know.

    Second...final option. There is one more FDA-approved procedure you can try before a TKR. It is called COOLIEF and is a cooled radiofrequency ablation of the nerves conducting the pain in your knee. According to a doc I saw about this for my hip, he has lots of knee patients wanting to put off the TKR as long as possible. He does the 15-minute procedure, the full effect of which may take a few weeks to set in and then they are just fine for up to 2 years...then they do it again. For more information and to locate a certified doc near you, check the COOLIEF website. The procedure is specifically designed for joint pain. When it's time for my second knee, I will absolutely do this first.

    • Posted

      CHICO_MARX.....Are you located in the United States? I have never heard of this COOLIEF proceedure ? It sounds like a wonderful option for many people,

    • Posted

      Yes...US. Check the COOLIEF website. It's specifically designed to block pain signals from the knee (or hip...or shoulder) to the brain due to osteoarthritis which is typically (although not always) a key driver in knee pain. Looks like a lot of people have had good results. In my mind, it's the penultimate stop on the train to TKRVille. When my second knee starts giving me problems, I will absolutely try this.

  • Posted

    Hi Trina I had an arthroscopy in my mid 30s and was told then that i needed a TKR. I took up cycling which kept it at bay for 12 years relatively pain free. The final year was the worst when my knee was really deformed and painful. i tried all the steroid injections but they didnt work for me. There are plenty of horror stories about TkR surgery and youll find a lot of people who have had a bad experience will join these forums for answers. Now ive not had an easy journey myself. I had a Left TRK back in September 2017 and because recovery wasnt going too easily i joined this forum. Chico is a fountain of knowledge and helped me immensley. Now I know there are a small percentage of TKR operations that dont quite go to plan and mine was one of them. I found out my implant had become loose after just one year and ive already had to have a first stage revision done. During the operation a cavity was found indicating that i had an infection at some point which caused the implant to become loose. The original surgeon is saying that it was caused by asceptic loosening because all the inflammatory markers have come back normal and an aspiration taken was negative. At the end of the day my implant has still come loose. There is only a 1% chance of this happening so ive took one for the team. My recovery this time has been a walk in the park compared to my first experience and i am pain free for the first time in years and its wonderful. Good luck with what ever it is that you decide to do only you can make that decision x

  • Posted

    Thank you all for your comments. However if there anyone who has had a positive outcome after op for TKR? I am seeing specialist next week and will have an MRI. Due to pressure on right knee, my left hip is now painful.

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